Remember to forget me!
It can be sometimes tricky to express your heartfelt opinions, confusions, irritations, or experiences, without painfully slamming into someone else's opposing mindset. It can almost be as tricky as when someone else's expressed heartfelt opinions, confusions, irritations, or experiences painfully slam into your own, and knowing how best to reply, without competing or being overly defensive.
I know I don't always get it right myself.
I do try to leave space for others to feel very differently, and sometimes polar opposite. I try to be mindful about fully expressing my opinion, without stomping on those of others. I also try to do the right thing if my intentions don't land me how or where I had hoped.
However, I don't always get those right either.
We're people. We're fallible. Most of us are tolerant enough to forgive the odd misstep. Most of us will grow weary if the misstep seems to recur too frequently, especially if the time and place don't seem to correlate with or be appropriate for the alternate view. It's probably more by luck than judgment that I haven't peed off more people. Although the fact that this place is so cordial and well mannered, does help immensely.
Let the past remain where it belongs, focus on today, but spare a thought for tomorrow.
I know I don't always get it right myself.
I do try to leave space for others to feel very differently, and sometimes polar opposite. I try to be mindful about fully expressing my opinion, without stomping on those of others. I also try to do the right thing if my intentions don't land me how or where I had hoped.
However, I don't always get those right either.
We're people. We're fallible. Most of us are tolerant enough to forgive the odd misstep. Most of us will grow weary if the misstep seems to recur too frequently, especially if the time and place don't seem to correlate with or be appropriate for the alternate view. It's probably more by luck than judgment that I haven't peed off more people. Although the fact that this place is so cordial and well mannered, does help immensely.
Let the past remain where it belongs, focus on today, but spare a thought for tomorrow.