Morning, all! Last evening after work I loaded some Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic into the Mastercraft straight billiard; a pleasant if unexciting smoke. This morning as I rose, I was originally thinking Luxury Bullseye Flake. But once I whiffed the tin of Peterson Early Morning Pipe and the remaining Three Nuns, all thoughts of LBF fled. I packed a mix of those two into the Peterson Arklow 606 sandblast pot-bowl with military mount, and am enjoying that.
Amazing, isn't it, how one's tastes change even over four years, let alone decades. In the '80s I was much more an aromatic man -- I don't think I ever tried a straight Virginia -- and about the same when I came back to the pipe in '21. Nor was I ever one to mix blends. Now, a Virginia and/or Latakia blend is often what I think of first.
Stopped off at a local tobacco shop earlier today after taking some photographs for a grad school project. While there, I picked up some tins of Virginia Jazz and was gifted a small sample of some Esoterica Penzance by the morning shopkeeper. I’m back at home now enjoying a bowl in my modified MM Country Gentleman. Overall, not bad but not a go to for me. Just glad I could say I tried some.
Decided to end the Penzance smoke and go for something a little more familiar. Just wasn’t for me. Smoking some MC Christmas Cheer in a St Claude briar.
Yesterday afternoon I loaded some Luxury Twist Flake w/ a tiny pinch of Early Morning Pipe into the small Linkman's Dr. Grabow bent apple. I even did a first light, before realizing I didn't really want a smoke. This morning I picked it back up, and am enjoying it post-workout and post-breakfast.
The last of the Grousemoor mixture from the little jar, got packed in my Peterson Barrel. I have refilled the jar with some two year old Glengarry Flake.
Up this pleasant evening in the Rio Grande Valley: KG Sutliff VaPer 2.0 in a Northern Briars Rox Cut Regal Jade; Arango Balkan Supreme in an Altinay, the PSD 2023 POY. Smoky Black on the side.
Up early again, still a bit tired after yesterday's workout and waxing of the car. So I've loaded fresh C & D Kringle's Delight with a pinch of MB H & H Old Dark Fired in the Wolf pipe, the big sandblast Trade Winds foursquare billiard. A good combo and a solid smoke with but a few relights.