Week four, blade four my fourth Vintage Rembrandt Stainless blade and this blade is on its fourth shave. Pretty good this morning, no blood, no redness just a little sting when I used my Alum Block. I shaved a little later today as I have a few days off work and decided to mow my lawns this morning. I thought with a little extra length to my stubble the blade may struggle but it didn’t. The blade is still going well and I hope to get another three shaves out it.
Rembrandt Blade 2. Still not counting. This was a SR+DE double.
Karve CB OC-D / Rosseforp company time handle
Rembrandt Super
Arko, Ever-Ready boar re-knot, BAFL (bowl-adjusted face lathering)
Between elbow tendinitis and skiing, lately it has been exclusively quick Rembrandt shaves using tube cream and finger lathering.
Today was a luxury shave day. The Rembrandt did a fine job on final cleanup of my recalcitrant neck whorls. I can picture the tea-headed CCS-happy Dutch shavers marveling at stainless blade longevity and pushing the Rembrandt to its absolute limits.
Week four, blade four my fourth Vintage Rembrandt Stainless blade on its fifth shave. This morning’s shave went very well. Nothing outstanding to report but a little sting when I used my Alum Block. This blade is holding up okay this week. I am aiming for another two shaves on this blade and I should get there.
I took a short break from the Rembrandt. I intended to cork the Rembrandt #3 but never procured a cork. So I palm stropped it and tried it again. It didn't get any better for me and I trashed it after a couple swipes. This blade has been hit or miss. All of the Rembrandts first shave was very good, but only one could make subsequent quality shaves.
Muhle R-89, Cyril R Salter hard soap, VIGshaving 24mm silvertip
Unlike all previous edges, this one remained comfortable for the third shave. I'm not sure if that's down to finding a 'good' blade (I note others have detected variability with these blades) or if it's the R-89 working its magic. In any case the shave doesn't seem particularly long-lived, though it felt close enough this morning, so I'm not going to push it to a fourth shave.
I've got a couple of weeks of travel for work lined up, so I'm not going to have a chance to keep using these blades for a while. Just in case everyone's moved on by the time I get back I'd like to make sure to thank @Grundi and @Space_Cadet for organising/enabling this PIF, it's always a lot of fun to try these rare and unusual blades. The Rembrandts I've found super-smooth if short-lived. If the price was right I could imagine myself picking them up from time to time if they were still in production. The Kais I enjoy in a mild razor, but they're too much blade in anything with even a hint of agression.
Week four, blade four my fourth Vintage Rembrandt Stainless blade on it’s sixth shave. This blade is going okay for a vintage blade on its sixth shave. If anything I could say that it may be finding ATG a little difficult but it got me through okay. Tomorrow I see no issue for shave number seven. Did I just jinx myself? Time will tell.