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GIVEAWAY! Participation PIF - Rembrandt's Shaving Masterpiece


Check Out Chick
Staff member


Participation PIF: Rembrandt’s Shaving Masterpiece.​

Week four, blade four my fourth Vintage Rembrandt Stainless blade and this blade is on its fourth shave. Pretty good this morning, no blood, no redness just a little sting when I used my Alum Block. I shaved a little later today as I have a few days off work and decided to mow my lawns this morning. I thought with a little extra length to my stubble the blade may struggle but it didn’t. The blade is still going well and I hope to get another three shaves out it.
Rembrandt Blade 2. Still not counting. This was a SR+DE double.

Karve CB OC-D / Rosseforp company time handle
Rembrandt Super
Arko, Ever-Ready boar re-knot, BAFL (bowl-adjusted face lathering)

Between elbow tendinitis and skiing, lately it has been exclusively quick Rembrandt shaves using tube cream and finger lathering.

Today was a luxury shave day. The Rembrandt did a fine job on final cleanup of my recalcitrant neck whorls. I can picture the tea-headed CCS-happy Dutch shavers marveling at stainless blade longevity and pushing the Rembrandt to its absolute limits.



Check Out Chick
Staff member


Participation PIF: Rembrandt’s Shaving Masterpiece.​

Week four, blade four my fourth Vintage Rembrandt Stainless blade on its fifth shave. This morning’s shave went very well. Nothing outstanding to report but a little sting when I used my Alum Block. This blade is holding up okay this week. I am aiming for another two shaves on this blade and I should get there.
I took a short break from the Rembrandt. I intended to cork the Rembrandt #3 but never procured a cork. So I palm stropped it and tried it again. It didn't get any better for me and I trashed it after a couple swipes. This blade has been hit or miss. All of the Rembrandts first shave was very good, but only one could make subsequent quality shaves.
Rembrandt edge 5 shave 3

Muhle R-89, Cyril R Salter hard soap, VIGshaving 24mm silvertip

Unlike all previous edges, this one remained comfortable for the third shave. I'm not sure if that's down to finding a 'good' blade (I note others have detected variability with these blades) or if it's the R-89 working its magic. In any case the shave doesn't seem particularly long-lived, though it felt close enough this morning, so I'm not going to push it to a fourth shave.

I've got a couple of weeks of travel for work lined up, so I'm not going to have a chance to keep using these blades for a while. Just in case everyone's moved on by the time I get back I'd like to make sure to thank @Grundi and @Space_Cadet for organising/enabling this PIF, it's always a lot of fun to try these rare and unusual blades. The Rembrandts I've found super-smooth if short-lived. If the price was right I could imagine myself picking them up from time to time if they were still in production. The Kais I enjoy in a mild razor, but they're too much blade in anything with even a hint of agression.


Check Out Chick
Staff member


Participation PIF: Rembrandt’s Shaving Masterpiece.​

Week four, blade four my fourth Vintage Rembrandt Stainless blade on it’s sixth shave. This blade is going okay for a vintage blade on its sixth shave. If anything I could say that it may be finding ATG a little difficult but it got me through okay. Tomorrow I see no issue for shave number seven. Did I just jinx myself? Time will tell.
Pre: Shower, Warm water rinse
Blade: Kai
Razor: Winning V1
Brush: Reknotted Rubberset Synth
Soap: Supply Ultra Lather Shaving cream
Post: Lukewarm water rinse, Thayer's Toner WH, Nivea Men Sensitive PSB

Yet another Winning/Kai shave. Today's shave was DFS+
No nicks, weepers, or post-shave irritation.
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