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GIVEAWAY! Participation PIF - Rembrandt's Shaving Masterpiece

I fully intended to stop by the store today and get a bottle of wine with a cork...and completely forgot about it. I want to try to smooth out the Rembrandt, but went ahead and switched to another blade for today. There was some rust on the blade but not on the edges. Looks like this Rembrandt might get a palm strop for one more try.
Pre: Shower, Warm water rinse
Blade: Kai
Razor: Blackland Era SB, Level 3
Brush: RV Mistura
Soap: Stirling Scots Pine Sheep
Post: Lukewarm water rinse, Thayer's Toner WH, Nivea Men Sensitive PSB

Today's shave was an effortless BBS- with little drama. The only issue was low on my neck where my left clavicle merges with my sternum. I didn't even feel it, just noticed one of @Grundi 's drama dots. I now have one less skin tag to worry about. Other than that the shave felt fantastic. No post-shave irritation at all.
Rembrandt blade 3 head shave 2

The first head shave off this blade was great, the best one off a Rembrandt. I gave it a quick palm strop and expected more of the same from shave two. And how was it? Tuggy, rough, almost painful, and generally unpleasant. It went straight into the garbage after the shave.



Check Out Chick
Staff member


Participation PIF: Rembrandt’s Shaving Masterpiece.​

Week three, blade three my third Vintage Rembrandt Stainless blade. I had a pretty good shave this morning, no blood or visible irritation and I did have a little sting when I used my Alum Block. This blade is shaping up to be as good as last week’s blade. So far so good this week.
Shifted to Post-war Tech today. Used the ball-end handle for first pass then changed to a Razorock thin bar handle. Better grip and balance for my arthritic old hands!

Arko! (puck) with RR 400
Rembrandt (6) in Tech
Dead Sea splash

Blade was good, not pulling or rough. Not the closest shave but I will put that down to not having used my Tech in a year...maybe longer. Will keep going with this Rembrandt for at least another couple shaves.
Pre: Shower, Warm water rinse
Blade: Kai
Razor: Blackland Era SB, Level 3
Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T2
Soap: MdC Rose
Post: Lukewarm water rinse, Thayer's Toner WH, Nivea Men Sensitive PSB

Today's shave was an autopilot BBS with zero drama. I do like this Kai.
Even yesterday's pruning of a skin tag didn't produce any issues.

No nicks, weepers, or post-shave irritation at all.


Dances with Wolfs
Yesterday's shave! Tue 3/4 -- Kai Blade 2 Shave 2

I broke out this beautiful Muhle R89 Grande. Its a mild, yet efficient razor. I figured it would be a good fit with the Kai. And I was correct. This shave was perfect. No issues at all. Nice close shave. I suspect it was a bit closer than this same razor with a normal blade. I finally got a few shaves out of a Kai that didnt cause weepers and irriation. Lets see if we can get a couple more!

Muhle STF 23 mm
Muhle R89 Grande
Kai (2)
B&M 42 splash

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