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GIVEAWAY! Participation PIF - Rembrandt's Shaving Masterpiece

The Rembrandt on shave 3 was smooth and effective loaded in my Aluminum Overlander.

Another nice shave.


Check Out Chick
Staff member


Participation PIF: Rembrandt’s Shaving Masterpiece.​

Week two, blade two Vintage Rembrandt Stainless blade on shave seven. I had a pretty good shave in the end. I was gentle over the red bump/lump and I was able to not make it bleed but I nicked myself under my nose again on my last pass ATG. Same spot as the other day on my right hand side. It wasn’t as bad as the other day but I was still a little disappointed with myself. I am not going to toss this blade yet. I will use another Vintage Rembrandt Stainless next week and just in case I get another poor blade like the first one I can push this one a little bit further.
Kai Blade #2, Shaves 1-6.
The Tools
Razor: Rockwell 6C, #4 plate.
Soap: Haslinger Aloe (Tallow)
Brush: B&B 2024 Group Buy RV Boar
AS: Vintage Avon Deep Woods
Balm: Duke Cannon
The Kai seems sharper than your average blade. All six of my shaves with the blade were comfortable, close, and were mostly drama free; A momentary loss of focus during the first shave resulted in a small weeper. I could have used the blade for another shave or two but it was a wee bit tuggy during shave 6 so I decided to move on.
Final Thoughts:
The Kai is a nice blade that behaved very well for me. That said, I don't think I'll be making a purchase anytime soon. I have a plethora of blades that give similar results and last longer.

Rembrandt Blade #2, Shaves 1-6.
I used the same kit as I used with the Kai.
As a fan of vintage shaving tools, I enjoyed this blade. Both of the Rembrandts that I used gave me smooth, comfortable, drama free shaves. The performance of the blade was consistent; They felt sharp on the first shave, they mellowed out on shaves 2-5, and got noticeably tuggy during the sixth shave. I could have pushed each blade to additional shaves, but I generally bin a blade once I feel it pulling on my whiskers.
I want to thank @Grundi and @Space_Cadet for this opportunity to use some new-to-me razor blades; Especially the Rembrandt. I'd never heard of these blades, and I wouldn't have sought them out on my own.
Thanks also to the other participants in this PIF. I enjoyed reading about your experiences with these blades.
Kai edge 2 shave 2

Gillette Tech, LEA bowl soap, YaQi Giotto 24mm synth.

Still with a little bit of prickle, but this blade is so much happier in the Tech. It's not quite a joy to use, but it's nice to know that I can use it for at least one more shave without serious mishap instead of wondering if the next might be a shave too far, which was happening in the Wilkinson Sword.
Rembrandt #3, shave #2.

This one degraded significantly since the first shave. I even had much better prep this time. I most often shave in the morning but shower in the evening.

One edge had degraded and was feeling kinda rough. The other was just ok. This was similar to the first Rembrandt I tried. There must be a fair amount of variation from production.

I would like to cork this blade but I don't have any corks to at the moment.
Rembrandt Blade 3 Shave 2

Baili TTO
Omega 49
Kent SB2 Soap
Orange Blossom Water

I basically just did a one pass shave since I was helping friends pack their kitchen for a move. That said, I’ve had this blade sitting unused for over a week, and it felt a bit lackluster. That could just be me having it in a milder razor.


Check Out Chick
Staff member


Participation PIF: Rembrandt’s Shaving Masterpiece.​

Week three, blade three another Vintage Rembrandt Stainless blade. Another good start to the week. This blade has started out well just like the last two have. The first blade was pretty much a dud, the second blade was great and I am hoping that this blade is a good one. There is not much gunk build up on this one so I am hoping that it is like last week’s blade which was a good one.
Rembrandt Blade Three, Shave #2

Wolfman WR1
Brush: Simpsons tulip 3 super
Soap: Fine Italian citrus
Splash: OS original

Comment: Not quite as good as yesterday (9/10). I was hoping the blade would feel sharper today.

Let’s see how this goes after another shave or three. :popc: :popc:
Kai blade #4
Ti 1.65 WR2
Zingari Man Brewer
Another really good shave from this blade. Is it slowing down sure but no issues at all. Been using a little wetter lather that seems more of a benefit than any needed “cushion”. I’ll run this one on Wednesday but am gone for an extended weekend so may put in my backup razor after that.
Pre: Shower, Warm water rinse
Blade: Rembrandt
Razor: Maggard V3A
Brush: Semogue 740HD
Soap: MWF
Post: Lukewarm water rinse, Thayer's Toner WH, Nivea Men Sensitive PSB

Continuing with the Rembrandt/V3A.
Today's shave was yet another DFS+, but I had to work hard for it.
The blade bordered on harsh.

No nicks, weepers, or post-shave irritation.
Pre: Shower, Warm water rinse
Blade: Kai
Razor: Blackland Era SB, Level 3
Brush: RV Mistura
Soap: PdP #63
Post: Lukewarm water rinse, Thayer's Toner WH, Nivea Men Sensitive PSB

This morning, I decided to switch back to the well-broken-in Kai blade.
Today's shave was an effortless BBS- with zero drama.

No nicks, weepers, or post-shave irritation.
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