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Parenting Magazine June 2012 Cover

Because I am sure they let the kids put it on their face

They didnt wipe it on perfectly and say "hold this and smile"

Half assed photo shoot not to make lather

I'm guessing your just "funning". If not... wow. I'll just smile.

Anyone who doesn't post a picture of their infant holding a straight razor to their face with infant-made lather isn't doing it right.
I'm guessing your just "funning". If not... wow. I'll just smile.

Anyone who doesn't post a picture of their infant holding a straight razor to their face with infant-made lather isn't doing it right.

Your point is lost

I was referencing the lack of realism in someones staged professional photo shoot where the photographer got paid a ton of money
Your point is lost

I was referencing the lack of realism in someones staged professional photo shoot where the photographer got paid a ton of money

There's 'realism' and there's obsessive nerdistry. For the sake of the photo, the lather they used is perfectly fine. Maybe one person in 10,000 would notice (let alone care).
The cream is from a can. Quicker for photos/ props. You notice it most in the top photo how the peaks are kind of hanging/ sliding around and the lack of full coverage there.
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