Second shave? Wow sounds risky!
Must study your neck technique closely, especially since you’ve difficulty yourself duplicating it. “Applying some forward slant to North/ South strokes.”2018 shave #88 (DE:11 SE:31 Str:46 Cart:2)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Stirling Sharp Dressed Man
Custom Shawshank Redemption brush
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm
V's Barbershop Tonic
*Ding* *Ding* Straight shave round #46. Let's get it on!
This one turned out to be my best straight shave yet. I incorporated several changes that made a difference.
I think what I mentioned before about making my angle steeper without seeing it was true. I really concentrated on that today. I kept checking my angle and if anything adjusting to too shallow then coming back to correct. As a result I had no alum sting on the cheeks and very minimal on my neck. Better than some DE shaves.
Then, with my RX shave yesterday, I was thinking I'm using the same blade in the RX and the SS so in theory, if it's moved in the same directions at the same angle, I should have the same results? Right?? So I paid a bit more attention to what I was actually doing during my RX shave. I realized with the RX I'm so comfortable I'm taking a lot more strokes per pass than I do with the SS. I'll do a lot of short strokes to remove most of the hair in that direction, then cover the area again in strokes that go half the total distance of the pass, then end with strokes that cover the whole length of the pass. Of course, all with the weight of a feather. With the SS I was making probably 1/4 of the strokes. So I tried to better duplicate the RX strokes. This resulted in a very nice cheeks BBS without any clean-up at all.
Lastly is the @(#$*)@*$# neck. In describing what passes I take to solved my neck problems with a DE/SE to @DesB, it made me look at what I was doing with the straight again. I really needed to figure out how to get my last pass that is N-S to get some forward angle to it. This resulted in what I would like to call the No Look 30 Degree Double Chin pass. Or as Dave would put it, the NL3DDC. I have the razor unfolded into a straight line, have the scales pointed up to the ceiling, and my arm bent up around in front of my face. This results in not being able to see a thing related to my neck or the razor, but I was able to get a vertically downward pass that's slightly angled forward. All I know is without all the straight shaves under my belt this no-lookie cross your fingers thing would not have been possible.
Long story short, I thought this would be it. Finally a total straight BBS with no clean-up. Nope, just the slightest of whiskers left for a DFS+. But, upon dry down and another check at work, I'm BBS now. So it all depends on when the official grade of BBS is made. But getting this close without alum sting was many steps forward.
And briefly, my soap choice was made because I remembered this tonic and wanted to use it. To me it just smells like a man that shaved. Not the complex, rich scents that are my favorite to experience through the day. This one just tells people, I'm a man, and that's right, I just had an awesome shave.
With a straight yes, I need to learn how to hold the razor to get this to work. With DE/SE it’s a piece of cake.Must study your neck technique closely, especially since you’ve difficulty yourself duplicating it. “Applying some forward slant to North/ South strokes.”
Lovely looking razor Dave2018 shave #91 (DE:12 SE:32 Str:47 Cart:2)
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Saponificio Varesino Cosmo
Saponificio Varesino 2.0 two-band 26mm High Mountain Manchurian White Badger knot in Ziricote handle
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm
Penhaligon’s Opus 1870
My routine is a bit out of wack this weekend. Spend the morning doing some yard work which means afternoon shave and then spending the rest of the day groaning like an old man when I get up because my whole body is a tight muscle. (By the way, noticing the lack of posts from Dave that include hole digging, I think we all know the real reason he’s keeping himself so busy with his shop)
Figure after a 2-shave day isn’t the time to try my frame back from Chris. So decided to just go all out for results since I’ve been living with a lot of DFS shaves learning the straight. Used every technique to get that super smooth RX BBS. Paid with some good alum burn, but I’m smoooooth.
Nice. Just catching up on a few of your shaves, Dave. Sounds like you are making great progress with the SS.
I had my 50th straight shave this morning and it my best so far. Still working on the #@%$ neck, as you called it, but it's getting better.
Enjoy your vacation.
I've been growing a beard, and with no shaves to report, haven't been on B&B in over a week. Nice shaves, Dave. Enjoy your trip!
I’m caught up, too. Fine journal, Dave. Weirdly, I find myself rooting for you to use particular equipment (The Doctor, the Captain’s Choice bowl, GTB . . .). Not sure what that’s about. Enjoy!
Hi....I'm loving that hammered copper shave bowl in several of your pix. I snagged a similar one at Home Goods, but it's much larger a bit awkward in the hand. I'll have to keep an eye out for the littler version you have. Great shave journal btw. I find it intriguing that you so easily switch back and forth between strait and DE. Very cool stuff!
Caught up on some great stuff, Dave! A full GTB photo always makes me happy.
Great progress on the straight shaves. I find myself always reaching for Doc Holliday because the RX is just such a reliable performer, but once I am back to regular shaves I need to get my straights out and let em run for a little while!