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Nib Acquisitions for November 2012

So I decided to take a cheap foray into fountain pens. I picked up a Parker 15 with a medium nib earlier this week. After using it a little bit, I think a fine nib would be better for me in this. I have a converter on the way for it and I picked up some ink yesterday.

I also bought a Pilot 78g from ebay so that'll get here whenever it gets here.

I was given a fountain pen from my Mom yesterday. It belonged to her uncle who used to live with us when I was a baby. It's a Parker 25 and has been sitting in a drawer since he died in 1990 (he would have bought it in '87 or so). Still has plenty of ink in it but I'll need to clean it out as it's not flowing out consistantly.
I was given a fountain pen from my Mom yesterday. It belonged to her uncle who used to live with us when I was a baby. It's a Parker 25 and has been sitting in a drawer since he died in 1990 (he would have bought it in '87 or so). Still has plenty of ink in it but I'll need to clean it out as it's not flowing out consistantly.
After sitting in a drawer for 22 years, I'm amazed that ink is flowing out at all. Good luck with the pen!
Just a quick pic to show what was delivered to me today

Visconti Homo Sapien Oversize Bronze Age---Visconti Wall Street LE Red ---Visconti Homo Sapien Oversize Steel Age

At first glance the pens look great! I am going to flush them out and ink them up. I will give more details after I write with them a bit.​
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Very nice! I've got a green Wall Street c/c with a Greg Minuskin stub that's one of my hands down favorite pens. Enjoy your Visconti haul!

I've been focused on my Lamy 2000 and Lamy Safari collections for the past year or so, so much that I didn't know they updated the Homo Sapiens line. When did they release the Steel Age? I like it much more than the Bronze Age hardware.
I am not sure when the Steel Age was released, it is a nice pen, but the Bronze Age is so much nicer in person than it is in a magazine or on a computer screen. I inked them up, and the medium nibs on the Wall Street and Steel Age are great, nice and wet. The broad nib on the Bronze Age is a GUSHER!!! I wrote a sentence, went to help my daughter wash her hands, let my dog out, waited for him to come in went back to the paper and it still wasn't dry!


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Just a quick pic to show what was delivered to me today

Visconti Homo Sapien Oversize Bronze Age---Visconti Wall Street LE Red ---Visconti Homo Sapien Oversize Steel Age

At first glance the pens look great! I am going to flush them out and ink them up. I will give more details after I write with them a bit.​
Nice- are they piston fillers?
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Only two of these pens were acquired in November. The B&B LE and the Sailor are included for size comparison. The Pilot Metropolitan is a recent acquisition. And yes that is a "Star Trek" Pen. :) $DSC_0850.jpg
I just received a Hero 100 flighter. In the beginning it had some ink flow issues but after some flushings with water and a bit dish soap, it works much better. Nib is nice and smooth and just a little bit wider than my Hero 110, but still more like a western EF than F.
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