Where the hell did I put those heart pills?I don't have a Hero, but I could arrange a photo of a 51 Flighter sandwiched between a couple of TWSBI's and Lamys if you want.
Where the hell did I put those heart pills?I don't have a Hero, but I could arrange a photo of a 51 Flighter sandwiched between a couple of TWSBI's and Lamys if you want.
Where the hell did I put those heart pills?
After sitting in a drawer for 22 years, I'm amazed that ink is flowing out at all. Good luck with the pen!I was given a fountain pen from my Mom yesterday. It belonged to her uncle who used to live with us when I was a baby. It's a Parker 25 and has been sitting in a drawer since he died in 1990 (he would have bought it in '87 or so). Still has plenty of ink in it but I'll need to clean it out as it's not flowing out consistantly.
Nice- are they piston fillers?Just a quick pic to show what was delivered to me today
Nice- are they piston fillers?
How do you like the Metropolitan, Lou? Nice Sailor!
The Metropolitan is a sharp looking pen. Enjoy it.
It is a very smooth writer, certainly writes far better than one would expect from a $15 Pen. It may become my daily work writer.
Too bad it seems to be sold out at gouletpens.
Todd at isellpens.com has them in stock.