Hello from Nashville, TN.
Welcome to B & B!
Welcome to B & B!
One of us!Welcome from New Jersey!
Thank you very much!Hi and welcome to B&B from N.Ireland.
Much appreciated, Eric! I have a satellite studio in Nashville and am in town several days a week.Hello from Nashville, TN.
Welcome to B & B!
Thanks so much, TazzCat! My partner is a graduate of KSU. We both love the Kennesaw area.Welcome Scott from a fellow Newbie from down Kennesaw way.
I reckon I don't talk the way I write either if y'all know what I mean
Thank you for the welcome, and thank you for your service to our nation.Welcome from northeast Georgia!
Thank you, Jaybyrd! Much appreciated.Welcome aboard, glad to have you with us!
I appreciate the welcome, and thank you for your service to our nation!Welcome! You’ll find so much good information here.