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I ordered one of the $70 Ozuku Asagistones form ChefKnivestogo on May 30th (total impulse buy - I did not want toget into JNat's but reading these posts "made me do it!").

Mine is rectangular 5-3/4" X 3-1/4" and maybe 3/8" thick(including the orange scale on the back). It "looks' like the picture inthe website, so I feel it was as advertised. The one you got looks much thicker- so you got more rock! Now that I haveit I will probably start to play with it – but don’t have a Nagura stone. I was thinking about using my littleThuringian as a slurry stone, or my Zulu slurry stone (anyone know how this might fit in a “standard”Nagura progression?)

I emailed Mark and he offered to refund/exchange it when he gets more in. The stone itself is very homogenous and I would hate to lose that for better rectangle so its kind of a catch-22. I'll use it a bit and go from there.
I ordered one of the $70 Ozuku Asagistones form ChefKnivestogo on May 30th (total impulse buy - I did not want toget into JNat's but reading these posts "made me do it!").

Mine is rectangular 5-3/4" X 3-1/4" and maybe 3/8" thick(including the orange scale on the back). It "looks' like the picture inthe website, so I feel it was as advertised. The one you got looks much thicker- so you got more rock! Now that I haveit I will probably start to play with it – but don’t have a Nagura stone. I was thinking about using my littleThuringian as a slurry stone, or my Zulu slurry stone (anyone know how this might fit in a “standard”Nagura progression?)
Mine is about 17-19mm. I would get a small DMt card either the blue or green to use to make slurry and they are about $12 shipped I think. I use a Diamond plate for slurry on most hones alternating with slurry stones and they both work equally well.
If the shape is the only issue and the stone does exactly what you want?? I'm not seeing why you'd trade it in or get a refund for a missing corner. From what I read earlier, is that you were hoping it was a finisher? If that's the case maybe return it and try another stone. If what you wanted is a pre-polisher and you really appreciate the aesthetics of the stone... keep it?
I have the same variety of stone from an earlier batch. I did not have a slurry stone or a nagura at that time, so I used my 325 on the non-kanji side to create some slurry and stored it in a used medicine bottle. Now I have a ready made 'tomo nagura' with this setup. Like they say YMMV.

Best regards
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