You will be pleased that you tried this product, hope I don't get labeled a shill.Just a satisfied user, Bradley
You sir are a shill. Good day sir.
You will be pleased that you tried this product, hope I don't get labeled a shill.Just a satisfied user, Bradley
My .02 is to buy this for the efficacy more than the scent. Don't get me wrong, the Key Lime is a very nice scent and fills that void in my shave den. However, where this stuff excels is in the quality of the shave, imho. I have been alternating between P160, Cella, and QCS the last several days. All 3 are fantastic performers. The scent nod goes to P160, performance might go to QCS. Of course, ymmv. Make a QCS in P160 scent and I will swear off all other products.An unscented version for the sensitives would be nice, and kiss on the scented versions, imho. You will be pleased that you tried this product, hope I don't get labeled a shill.
Just a satisfied user, Bradley
You'll have to let me know how you like it. I've tried the Lavender from the 3 T's and found them to be a bit much for me. Like being slapped in the face with a bunch of flowers.
Well got it in today and it is definitely EO lavender. I can tell you that I'm pretty sure that TOBS isn't. Haven't used trumpers or T&H.
Will give it a go tonight and see how it performs.
Is it way strong and sweet or is it on the lighter side of the spectrum?
used QCS rose and clubman AS this morning, pretty nice combo! i'm looking forward to trying more soaps soon!
Fragrance oils and reactions do not correlate. Essential oils are just as likely to give you a reaction as fragrance oils are.
I am not sure why fragrance oils tend to be bashed around here. In my opinion, they are superior to essential oils in everything, except aromatherapy.
Really? I had no idea that was the case. I, as I suppose others were as well, was under the impression that EO's were much milder on the face than FO's.
Good to get the facts straight
It really depends on the person and how much fragrance is in the product. There are countless threads on here about people receiving reactions from QED's soaps, which are all 100% essential oil only.
Thought the same thing when I read that. I use my boars exactly like my badgers (starting with squeezing the water out after soaking). Boars just generally take more water after that, but I like to start on the underside of water and add to my liking for the lather I want.
Regarding QCS - I couldn't resist the reviews lately (I tried - I really did) and placed an order for the lavender the other day. Hopefully it meets my high expectations given all the hype on the board lately.
For you guys who bought the samples, do you scoop some out to lather or do you put them in different containers? Thanks
Well I had a chance to use the lavender this evening. This stuff lathers great and is a very good product. My only complaint is that I think there is too much EO in it. Very strong lavender smell and I think it could get by with half the amount of EO in there. No allergic reaction or anything, just a little strong for my tastes, though I tend to like products that don't have too strong of a scent so YMMV.
I will post a formal review when I have a chance to use it more for a better evaluation.