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My holy grail razor has been found.

I have a really nice gold aristocrat - I think they are amont the most beautiful DE razors I've ever seen (definitely in the top 5)
it´s a british #66 case

Ostrich leather skin too
Sweet razor, I've a #15 Rodium that I got hold of befor Christmas. The vendor even topped the postage to me (at no extra cost) so it arrived the day after the auction. I have shaved with nothing else. Still stoked, SWMBO should never know how much I paid though. I've given her no exact figure. So lets no tell her then....yes, lets not :wink2:
Very Beautiful find, those 1934 are well made razors, Just as good at the British Ones. Congrats on a nice find. I have the correct Case and blade holder for your Case and blade holder 1966 Aristocrat, just sent you a pm.
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