He said she's come to his house pretty much every weekend for a couple of months. She's got to be at least somewhat interested. Plenty of chances - but has yet to make a move. He's been a gentleman this long, so more talk a la being a gentleman isn't going anywhere here. Essentially he's waiting for her to give the ok before making a move, and women don't like that at all.
I don't know if I would say they don't like it. But it is true a lot of them will not feel comfortable giving the OK because then they feel like they are making the first move, leaving themselves open to possible rejection. It's one of those stupid games people often play when they are courting. Nobody wants to risk being rejected and feeling foolish. So they back and forth with little hints until one has the guts (or gets drunk enough) to make a move. My problem has always been that I lacked the confidence to see the woman's signals for what they were. Or, if I did see them, doubted whether I was just imagining them.
My current SWMBO, who is about as subtle as half a brick in a sock, plays no games whatsoever. When she found out I was single again she got in touch with me and basically said "You know I've liked you for a long time. I'm coming through your town in a few weeks. If it is OK with you I'd like to visit with you for a few days and see what happens." I tell you, although this level of forwardness was a little unusual and daunting at first, the lack of BS and game playing was very refreshing. And we are still together, so...
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