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MWF? What?!

We have some of the hardest water in the country here, and I've not had any trouble with it...

Same here in Indianapolis southeast side of town. MY water is very hard but the MWF soap lathers very well. I just ordered three more pucks from Wingham Wool Works.
Accidenty face lathered with it the other week and won't look back.

Big thing for me is to make sure the water is lukewarm not hot and it works everytime. if it loses it's slick, I just add some more soap and do a very quick re-lather.
I must have bad sources :blushing:

Well, I know a professional soap salesman (industrial warewashing, hospital linens, etc) who has told me that in general hard water means bad suds, which should translate into bad lather for us. But I just haven't experienced it, and our water here is hard enough to eat with a fork. I mean, you can't have a glass of water before going to the airport or the metal detectors will go off. :tongue_sm So I don't get it.
Are the other Mitchell soaps, like the bars and liquids, the same as the shave soap ?
I ask this as I am trying to placate SWMBO if I order some soaps she can use, while stressing the lanolin, natural ingredients, easy-on-skin, properties, etc.
Her patience is running out as my supplies encroach on to her sink space.
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Are the other Mitchell soaps, like the bars and liquids, the same as the shave soap ?
I ask this as I am trying to placate SWMBO if I order some soaps she can use, while stressing the lanolin, natural ingredients, easy-on-skin, properties, etc.
Her patience is running out as my supplies encroach on to her sink space.

No, the soaps are different than the shave soap. Just add a few bath bars for her when ordering for yourself. I'm sure she will like it. My fiancee will no longer use any other soap.
Got my MWF from Wingham Wool Works yesterday and used it for the first time today. I had no trouble at all getting a decent lather and decided to try it with some Proraso and glycerin to make some uberlather.

I have never had such rich, beautiful lather as with that combination. The shave was great. :thumbup: My face was so smooth after the shave.

Tomorrow I will try it with another cream and see how it works.
One thing I learnt is it likes to be used constantly. When i stopped for a few weeks and went back to it, it took a few uses to get it in optimum condition.

Also, i feel you dont need lots of water for mwf
Got my MWF from Wingham Wool Works yesterday and used it for the first time today. I had no trouble at all getting a decent lather and decided to try it with some Proraso and glycerin to make some uberlather.
Now THERE'S an idea. It's only been a couple days since I got my MWF puck, but I'm already really missing my Proraso. I will have to experiment a little bit--maybe work a thin layer of Proraso cream into the beard as part of my prep, then just leave it on and face-lather over it with the MWF.
One thing I learnt is it likes to be used constantly. When i stopped for a few weeks and went back to it, it took a few uses to get it in optimum condition.

Also, i feel you dont need lots of water for mwf

I totally agree with this. I find once I have made a proto lather on the puck, I need to add very little water to make my desired usable lather. With other soaps, I add considerably more water to get it to a usable state.

MWF [for me] is just soooo easy and straight forward and gives awesome results.
Now THERE'S an idea. It's only been a couple days since I got my MWF puck, but I'm already really missing my Proraso. I will have to experiment a little bit--maybe work a thin layer of Proraso cream into the beard as part of my prep, then just leave it on and face-lather over it with the MWF.

I don't miss my Bigelow :biggrin1:

I'm trying to weigh out whether I like the thick, spicey-ish scent or the bigelow with the eucalyptus oil.
Yeah, MWF is good stuff. I don't need to load excessively, or use tons of water to create some decent lather. Normally, I just drip my brush (boar) and give it a good shake to take most of the water out.
Now THERE'S an idea. It's only been a couple days since I got my MWF puck, but I'm already really missing my Proraso. I will have to experiment a little bit--maybe work a thin layer of Proraso cream into the beard as part of my prep, then just leave it on and face-lather over it with the MWF.
This didn't seem to do much. Lather was OK but the Proraso cooling effect was MIA. No matter, as today I think I hit a stride with lathering the MWF.
Got my MWF from Wingham Wool Works yesterday and used it for the first time today. I had no trouble at all getting a decent lather and decided to try it with some Proraso and glycerin to make some uberlather.

I have never had such rich, beautiful lather as with that combination. The shave was great. :thumbup: My face was so smooth after the shave.

Tomorrow I will try it with another cream and see how it works.

Well, now I have tried it with Palmolive and Godrej to make uberlather. The lather was not as luxurious as with Proraso - but the shave was just as great. :thumbup:

To be continued------
Just had another shave with it, and used my Semogue LE 09. Another wonderfully thick, moist lather with no trouble at all. The lanolin slip and cushion this stuff provides is just amazing. I feel like I've missed out for my delay in trying MWF this long!
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