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Muhle STF XL - It is that good!

I have documented in this thread in the past, Sept 23-Jan24, I had an AP ShaveCo / Shavemac Beehive w/ STF XL that had shed since the day I bought it and after a couple months I finally bit the bullet and did some experimentation on it to see if I could figure it out... :confused1

I then bought just the knot from @Rudy Vey and installed it in a Chisel & Hound handle I had purchased and not a problem with it since putting it into use this past February. I couldn't tell you why but even in use I could tell they were very different knots but to this day the C&H STF XL hasn't shed anything that I can remember. 🙏
Wow, very interesting that you had the same experience and also from AP Shave Co. Crazy to me because I thought he gets them from Muhle directly, I wonder if it was just a bad batch and I got my two from the same batch that you had?
His first knot sheds too, less but it sheds. If it is not user error, it may be a bad batch.
Yes, I mean, I am still new to wet shaving (about 7 months in now). But I just face lathered the same as with all of my other badgers and synthetics so I wouldn't think it could be user error. Have to think it is a bad batch, not unlike me at all to purchase two knots from the only bad batch of Muhle STF XLs ever though, that is very par for the course for my timing in life haha
Looking at this pic this morning and there is a hair coming out of the knot if you look closely but have never had any while lathering that I've seen. I purchased this knot from @Rudy Vey and set it myself in a Chisel & Hound handle that had a slightly larger diameter hole than what Rudy uses to set the ones he does. I remember the brush I received from APShaveCo and it shed more than the animals in the house, beautiful brush but bad shedder!!
I like STF more, than G5C, SynBad and Razorock Plissoft. I didn't need to adjust my technic to STF as I did with G5C, for example. The STF doesn't leak water from the base of the knot like Plissoft. For me the STF allows to find the ratio between soap and water easier than other synthetics. The lather is more finely dispersed, if I can use there words, as the bubbles are smaller in lather. The STF is an excellent painter, again better than G5C. I am a head shaver and STF keeps enough lather for 3 passes. Because I shave my head, I don't really feel the difference in splay-ability between different brushes.
I've bought 3 STF XL knots, all were from The Razor Company. The two I set in handles haven't shed at all. The 3rd I'm holding for the future.
Which handles do you set STF XL into? Is there anything to keep in mind when shopping for handles that we intend to use with STF XL, obviously other than that it should be 25-26mm in diameter?
I've always wondered if an STF XL would fit into a RR 400 aluminum handle. Today's experiment shows it will :) I drilled out a 400 handle today and cleaned it out and an STF XL dropped right in. The hole is just a hair bigger diameter than needed, about 25mm. It wasn't deep enough by far, about 12mm deep I'd estimate. I only had a cheap 26mm forstner bit instead of a 25mm or drill bit. Using the forstner bit I made the hole 26mm x 19-20mm deep. It pretty much wore out the bit but otherwise was a nice clean hole. My only problem was I didn't have enough wrapped around the handle and chewed the handle splines up a little in the vise and had to file them smooth. I set the knot with just a tiny drop of silicone to try it out. I'll pull it out and put it in the next 400 handle I do which will be perfect now that I did a practice one. They're cheap and on sale often for around $20, I'll get one next sale or Black Friday and make a nice one. But this one turned out great other than some scratches and works well.
After I had my G5C failed, and not for a user error (it was set with something Andrew called semi permanent silicone, unlike what he now uses that has stronger bond), I still decided to give a second chance to AP with Shavemac x Mühle STF. I asked him if it was possible to set the knot with epoxy, which to my surprise, was not possible as he doesn't stock epoxy anymore. Whatever, I said, and I added the knot and handle separately to the basket, so I could set it myself and suddenly the shipping cost became more than twice expensive to my country. At that point, I gave up, as I want something just works.

Maybe I will take Rudy Vey or Mühle path. I understand muzichead now. Although our dissatisfaction of AP Shave Co are for completely different reasons, it's the moments like that you actually appreciate the customer service of companies like Blackland.
hello all. has anyone tried fitting a STF XL into the Timeless adjustable brush? Does it work seeing that the base is thicker than most knots?


Is it swell time?
So far I have sourced my knots from Andrew and always with great service and to great satisfaction. He was very helpful in selecting the right STF for my handle.

I used it also this morning. I think it’s a fantastic brush and I am glad to have it in rotation (along with other greats such as the Plissoft, the G5C, Synbad and SilkSmoke ones).
It's a fine brush. I want one with the newer fiber, as I heard it splays slightly easier.
I have the new dense++ version; it splays marginally easier than the older STF, but both walk the easy side of the street. I have yet to read a review of the new fiber without the extra density.
I have the new dense++ version; it splays marginally easier than the older STF, but both walk the easy side of the street. I have yet to read a review of the new fiber without the extra density.
The new dense++ definitely seems to be the more popular option. All the brushes with that knot and knot itself are sold out
I have the new dense++ version; it splays marginally easier than the older STF, but both walk the easy side of the street. I have yet to read a review of the new fiber without the extra density.
The extra dense new version splays marginally better than the old extra dense, or the old regular density?
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