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Merkur Futur is no R89

Haha.. I think Kent joined some cult out west somewhere and Lazlo wound up winning 31.8% of the prizes in a Frito-Lay sweepstakes by submitting 1,650,000 entries. “No purchase necessary, enter as often as you want.”

Nice! I was in my teens when that movie came out. Still watch it if it is on.
I put a Feather in my Futur when it came and I will NEVER do that again!
Without a doubt it's also my most aggressive razor, staying put at it's lowest setting.
I use Personna Reds in the beast and get a shave on par with a Feather in my Rocket
or EJ89.
I think I'll use mine tonight just because it's been a while. This razor isn't for the faint of heart, that's for sure. I've cut my finger open pretty good picking it up before. The Futur was my second ever razor and I don't regret it at all. Recently nothing could pry me away from my fatboy so I think I really need to loosen up my rotation. Reading all of this has inspired me. And now I can't wait for my daughter to go to sleep so I can get a nice relaxing shower and a fantastic shave. :D
I used a Futur for quite some time. In fact it was the only razor I used for maybe months. I sold it because I went back to straights almost exclusively. The Futur I kept set at 5.5 with a Feather and it was pure danger but sure made for a fine shave. When not using a straight for whatever reason these days, I use a 2011 Muhle R41 (yeah.."The Beast") also with Feathers along with whatever blade I may have at hand. It too can be more aggressive than a pitbull on PCP, but I like it. Ironically people fret over the possibilities of getting cut when using a straight razor. Well, the odds of drawing blood with that R41 are far better than with any of my straight blades. I'm thinking you will like that Merkur; it's in "your Futur". Ha....once more I crack myself up!!!!
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