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Manly Shave Cream/Soaps

Okay fellas, here's your inquiry for the day. I just did a review on the Omega shave soap in a tub, and though I really like the soap in general I'm finding the scent to be a bit of a turn off. It's not terrible, but I would describe it as something akin to a bar of white Dove soap. That's not terrible but I find shaving to be a manly endeavor and would really like to know what soaps and creams you guys find to have the manliest scents. I want to walk out of the bathroom after a shave and have my girl, or anyone for that matter, think "Wow, he smells clean, AND masculine" Also, and I fear that I may offend someone, but I would like something that doesn't smell "old." I'm only 23 and don't want to smell like my grandfather of even my father for that matter. I'm looking for, and I think others are too, something timeless that won't go out of fashion like colognes tend to do. Am I asking too much?
P.S. anyone looking for a great website should try a Google search for The Art of Manliness (not sure if I can direct link here), it has a great "find a barber interactive map!

My initial reaction is that it takes a REAL man to walk out of the bathroom smelling like flowers, so a rose cream or soap fits the bill.

Of course, I DO understand what you're actually asking, so here are my suggestions, in order of what I think you're looking for:

Penhaligon's Opus 1870 shaving cream.

MWF shaving soap.

L'Occitane Cade shaving soap.

TOBS avocado shaving cream.

Nancy Boy shaving cream (ironic, isn't it?)
The manliest would probably be foam from a can applied with a devil-may-care attitude scraped off with a DE or str8 with cold water, and devil mind the nicks.
Splash on some AV or Old Spice, and then go about the day taking care of business.
The Gentleman's Quarter Leatherneck.

+1 And their Black Cavendish. And Oak and Moss. Heck, most of their stuff.

As an aside, I'd also include any Lavender scent under manly, although I may be unusual in that. It's the one floral (and maaaaybe Rose) that I think definitely works better on men.
I'd have to agree with Musgo Real being one of the most "manly" scented creams. Of all the products I've tried, it was the first to come to mind.
I wonder if MANDOM makes a SC... now THAT would be just perfect for you!

On second thought, MANDOM would never be remotely associated with anything called a "cream". "Creams" are for nancy boys and wusses. Soap only for the great Mr. Bronson!
I see a lot of Grafton being mentioned here. Save some pennies and get Mr Taylors from TOBS. Very, very simmilar, and the latter is cheaper.

Love the Musgo Real.

gone down south

FWIW, with a few exceptions smell of your cream/soap and aftershave fades away pretty quickly. Those smells are just for you to enjoy in the privacy of your bathroom :)

It's your cologne that defines your smell for others throughout the day.
I wonder if MANDOM makes a SC... now THAT would be just perfect for you!

On second thought, MANDOM would never be remotely associated with anything called a "cream". "Creams" are for nancy boys and wusses. Soap only for the great Mr. Bronson!

The MANDOM recipe calls for dry shaving w/a straight!:scared:
Fraser's Mosswood...I think thats what it is. Kinda musky, woody old school flavor.

And Spiek! Something about the cream is so German Alps! Spicy, herbal but fresh! If you have the means I highly recommend the cream! And the Soap! And the Shave Stick! And the Body Wash! And the After Shave! Ohh the aftershave! :drool::drool::drool:
+1 And their Black Cavendish. And Oak and Moss. Heck, most of their stuff.

As an aside, I'd also include any Lavender scent under manly, although I may be unusual in that. It's the one floral (and maaaaybe Rose) that I think definitely works better on men.

Trumpers Violet. I feel very secure After a Violet shave.
Am I missing something? once I wash my face after the shave, there's no scent left so why care?

Edit: forgot to add I really like Nivea cream. A light scent and great performance. Cheap too...
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I really like T&H Grafton. I wear the cologne as well. Its pretty expensive though.

Taylor's Mr. Taylor is similar to Grafton. Good cream, nice scent.

Eton College is a nice, spicy scent. Its more "youthful" than Mr. Taylor.

AOS Sandalwood. Nothing is more masculine than sandalwood and nobody does it better than Art of Shaving.
Am I missing something? once I wash my face after the shave, there's no scent left so why care?

Edit: forgot to add I really like Nivea cream. A light scent and great performance. Cheap too...

I get what you mean, and in all reality it probably doesn't matter that much, but I liken it to choosing a good smelling body wash. You can't really smell it once you've rinsed it all off, but while you're showering and immediately afterward the smell kinda stays with you, hence the reason they (and shave soaps/creams) are scented in the first place.

Shaving is for pussies anyway, but if you do shave incidentally, stay away from Rose/Violet/Dr. Harris Pink or Nancyboy:eek::eek:
What it comes down to is that what any given individual considers masculine/feminine is well, individual.

Very true. But just for the record: in my own opinion - with no offense to anyone - all scented creams, colognes, etc., are unmasculine. Trumper's Almond, a splash of witch hazel, and some Olivia's unscented A/S - that's as far as I go. Then again, lots of things that pass for being manly are the very opposite in my book: any interest in professional sports or show business celebrities, excessive drinking, smoking/chewing/snus/whatever, hail-fellow comaradeship, extreme sexual incontinence. It may be a generational thing. I would be willing to bet that the older members of B&B are much less likely to partake of anything that calls itself "Penhaligon Endymion". (Lord...)
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Very true. But just for the record: in my own opinion - with no offense to anyone - all scented creams, colognes, etc., are unmasculine. Trumper's Almond, a splash of witch hazel, and some Olivia's unscented A/S - that's as far as I go. Then again, lots of things that pass for being manly are the very opposite in my book: any interest in professional sports or show business celebrities, excessive drinking, smoking/chewing/snus/whatever, hail-fellow comaradeship, extreme sexual incontinence. It may be a generational thing. I would be willing to bet that the older members of B&B are much less likely to partake of anything that calls itself "Penhaligon Endymion". (Lord...)

Maybe, but then again I'm 50 and I think Endymion is great.
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