Her Dublin Tweed and Lime soaps are very nice. Performance is always stellar, and especially in the case of the DT, the scents are spot on.
I recently found out mama bears do samples.. soap shards for $1 each. Now I can try 15 of the soaps!
+ 1, and Rosemary Mint.
Get 'em while you can. I think I remember a post from Mama Bear herself saying she was discontinuing the samples after January.
What does the "members only" tag on Czar's Choice mean? I assume that it's only for the Czardom, but I don't know what that means...
And, I would not have believed this if I hadn't just seen it!
Mmmmmmmmmmm, BACON!!!!!
This!!There is only one beginning.....Aged Spice.
Ye Olde Barbershoppe is another excellent, "go-to" soap from Mama Bear...
Marty E.
IIRC, she changed her mind and will continue to offer the samples.
"Most"? I am a fan of MB, but wonder about the research, if any, behind a statement like this.