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Listener call in

Gotta be a hoax. No one could be that stupid, could they?
I remember this dialogue from a local call-in radio show:

CALLER: I need some advice. I spilled some ketchup on my rug, and I don't know how to get it out. What should I do?
HOST: I might be able to help, but I need more information. What kind of rug is it?
CALLER: It's a 9 by 12.

I thought I should bump this thread so people could get a chuckle, and as a reminder mating season is right around the corner. I had a couple run out in front of me last week and a coworker said he about got one yesterday. Keep your eyes open, especially around dawn and dusk, and remember they run in groups. Watch for the followers, it's rarely the first one to cross the road that gets hit.
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