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Likes and dislikes about shaving

I like the ritual of shaving. Making the lather. The smell of the cream or soap. The feel of the warm lather on my face.

I dislike the irritation that I often get on my neck. I spent almost 15 yrs working outside and now have sun damage on both sides of my neck from chronic sun exposure. So, I think my neck is even more sensitive.

You may want to try cold water shaving, worked wonders for my ultra sensitive and dry skin

What I like: smelling my soaps

What I don’t like: bumps I sometimes get out of nowhere
I like that wet shaving, in particular with a safety or straight razor is the old school way of doing things. It’s a skill passed on through several decades and generations. The fact that it takes time, practice and patience to master that skill makes it satisfying. Learning how to use a safety razor is a process I would compare to learning how to drive a manual transmission car. It just seems like the more enjoyable, connected, and organic way of performing the task.

I dislike cleaning all the stubble out of the tub after every shave, although I do it meticulously and never leave any behind. It’s a tub with no shower head, so a bit of a pain.
I like being part of a community of gentlemen.

I dislike that I can’t share my passion with some of my friends and family who don’t understand it.
Haha know the feeling Teutonblade - I bought my brother A Q-Shave adjustable and a 100 Derbys last Christmas and he's still using multi-blade junk cartridges and canned goo.

"You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make it drink"

Well I did try ! _ I got my cheffie neighbour a cheapie Chinese DE safety razor and a 100 Phoenix blades and he loves it - he's not going back to expensive uncomfortable disposables and cartridges now so even his wife approves of my suggestion haha!
Haha know the feeling Teutonblade - I bought my brother A Q-Shave adjustable and a 100 Derbys last Christmas and he's still using multi-blade junk cartridges and canned goo.

"You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make it drink"

Well I did try ! _ I got my cheffie neighbour a cheapie Chinese DE safety razor and a 100 Phoenix blades and he loves it - he's not going back to expensive uncomfortable disposables and cartridges now so even his wife approves of my suggestion haha!
Ha! Sounds familiar. For Hanukkah I gave my brother a Rockwell 6S, a tub and splash of B&M Bay Rum and a Razorock brush. I think he tried it once and I never heard a thing. Like you said, horses will drink when and where they like.
I like that now I enjoy shaving with a DE rather than avoiding it with cartridges.

Paradoxically, I dislike that it takes longer to shave with a DE than it did with cartridges - but only because I don't always have the time to devote to a shave.
What I like: taking time for myself before I start dealing with the cares of the day!

What I dislike: that I cannot purchase each and everything mentioned here on B&B!!

I like that now I enjoy shaving with a DE rather than avoiding it with cartridges.

Paradoxically, I dislike that it takes longer to shave with a DE than it did with cartridges - but only because I don't always have the time to devote to a shave.

I totally get this. Now that I am learning to head shave with a shavette, it takes even longer! (and my results are not as good, yet)

What I have and would heartily recommend, is a Proof Whiskey pivoting head razor. It is pretty brilliant. It isn’t the same process as a DE (or shavette of course), more utilitarian. It is, however many, many leagues better than a cartridge and gives a fast, irritation free, hassle free DFS plus (not quite BBS).

I enjoy the process, so I don’t go to the Proof razor first unless I just don’t have time or have something that needs to heal. It also serves great for touch up. I shave before the shower and hang the Proof razor in the shower where I can touch up with just a little soap and no fear. I can even turn a WTG only shavette shave into BBS with a few in the shower ATG strokes. Brilliant, I say!
Dislikes: Actually dislike shaving to remove beard.

Likes: Shaving is really not a big deal if you keep simple.

Comment: You can keep as simple as you like gear to shave with, or go crazy with a room full of shave gear. Personal choice.
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