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Lathering MWF with hard water.my method.

Sweet. Im going to do this in about 15 minutes...thanks for the tip...
Mitchells Wool Fat Soap aka Kent

My Kent (Mithchells Wool Fat Soap) is in the wooden bowl, so I couldnt follow exactly as recommended (and i may have shook too much water out of the brush). I did soak brush, then 1 shake, then swirl brush to load it. I basically repeated this step 2 or 3 times squeezing soap out of brush into the bowl. This did make a richerer lather and i got a DFS.
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I appreciate all the kind comments everyone, thanks!

Does this method have any affect on lathering a croap?

Yes, it will work, I use this technique with Cella...the only difference in technique is I use a touch less water on the brush. It seems soft soaps are a bit more forgiving with hard water (at least at home). Since water hardness varies througout the country, you may want to try the technique as it stands as it may work just fine; but if the lather is too "soupy" back off a bit on the amount of water in the brush.

I just returned from a trip in Jacksonville Florida and "WOW!", I thought I had a hard water problem at home. This water was incredible hard and smelled of sulphur. I had my travel jar of Cella with me and found I had to use plenty of water in the brush to build a lather...so, this is a fine example of YMMV and you'll have to adjust to the conditions. So in a nutshell, the harder the water, the wetter you want your brush to begin with.

*forgot to add: Hard water really takes its toll on a brush. When the brush loads up with minerals it will prevent it from absorbing water and may cause hairs to break. My wife has a shampoo to remove minerals from her hair and it works wonders on the brush. So keep brush maintenance in mind too.
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Thanks recluse. I have soft water and even I was having trouble whipping up a good lather with Mitchells. Your method worked great for me!
Apparently this got me fired up enough to make my first post!

I am new to traditional shaving (1mo, no real blood, no real awesome shaves). This morning I lathered up some co bigelow green and found that my lather left something to be desired. It was a little thin and lacked the substance and the slickness of my best lathers. I had watched this video yesterday and figured what the heck! Instead of wasting my original lather I squeezed it out of my brush and went right to a puck of col conk bay rum that I pre-wet during a subpar first pass. (I couldn't really think of the best way to add more co bigelow without getting a second bowl dirty.)

I loaded my brush with the col conk and then went back to my lather bowl and went to town.

The result? My slickest most cushioned lather yet! I felt that the lather was vacuuming my razor to my face. I ended up with my closest shave ever, confirmed by the wife!

Thanks for the video, it gave me my best shave and also inadvertently snuck me into the land of the super lather.
Wow, the technique finally revealed to me the rich, creamy, and slick MWF lather that people rave about. I face lather with my other 25 or so soaps--with no problems at all--but I'll certainly stick with this technique for MWF. Thanks!
Interesting method. I haven't tried it, but it tallies with my experience that MWF won't lather well directly with a soaking wet brush, at least not in a reasonable time frame (you get frothy suds which need to be broken down.)
I squeeze water from the brush, load well from the puck, then face lather. The dense lather doesn't drip everywhere, and the amount is controllable.
But for bowl lathering your method makes perfect sense. Time to break out my scuttle and give it a go.
I thought I was getting good lather from MWF, but after adopting this method I'm now getting perfect lather every time (after a few tries to dial it in). The water where I live is average, and this still works great. Thanks for posting!
I have the kent in the wooden bowl and the only problem I have with this is because MWF is such a slippy little sucker, I have a hard time keeping hold of the bowl while the water/lather is dripping over the edge haha! otherwise, works like a charm!
I am going to try this method tonight with my Mystic Water Lime, which I recently bought and I am having a bit of trouble dialing it in.
Why not use distilled water? I suppose that would spoil all the fun.

Distilled water works great if its readily availible. I don't really see a need for it since its easier for me to adapt to the water I have on hand, especially when I'm travelling. This technique is a simple way of overcoming a problem many people experience, not to add an additional element of fun...but if you have it handy, by all means take advantage of it.
It looks like a great method, but I don't have the patience to do it. I have a self-imposed limit of 1 minute on soaps and 45 seconds on croaps.
I have bought and sold the fat on at least 3 occasions due to it's lack of cooperation with me....this post had me intrigued enough to buy another puck and see what happens though. Great Post!
where you would buy distilled water? ive never seen it in any shop in the UK, only in the science labs back when I was at school
Here in the States it's sold cheaply at the supermarkets for use in steam irons (for ironing clothes) so that you don't get mineral deposits in the steam nozzles and render them useless.
I'm at work, so can't watch the video, but will check it out tonight when I get home. I have hard water and can't wait to try something new that might work.
Came across your video yesterday, watched it, watched again this morning and put the process into action. A great lather! MWF has always given me a great shave with a marginal lather but this morning I produced a great lather that resulted in an even better shave. Thank you for the video!
I was ready to give up on MWF after two shaves, lathering using the 'Marco Method,' which works GREAT for other soaps. MWF had turned my reliable Ever Ready Streamline into a cheese grater. Ready to give up, I tried this method. It helped a little, but try as I may, I could not develop a proper lather. Sure, I got big mounds of frothy lathery stuff, but it didn't last on my face, still didn't provide a proper cushion, and two weepers later I'm now officially giving up on MWF. I'll believe it works for others, but it sure isn't working for me.
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