The TiThena has arrived.... earlier today than I thought... I didn't expect it until late in the evening, but it showed up at 4:45 or so..... As the other photos show, it's a beautiful razor... I haven't used it but I did use both the titanium and bronze caps for a dry shave... As I thought, the little extra weight of the bronze tilts the balance slightly toward the razor head.... Let me say, as I've mentioned before, this is a very personal thing. The TiThena is perfectly balanced, as is the marine bronze Athena.... but the TiThena with a bronze cap might just be perfect for me.... Lots of people who have the TiThena also have a bronze Athena, if they didn't sell theirs due to the arrival of the TiThena.... I'd be interested if anyone else wanted to try the TiThena with a bronze cap and see if they enjoy it, if they still have both... <eg>
I promise to get a photo up with both caps soon....
I promise to get a photo up with both caps soon....