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Klar Kabinnett Question

It's a great soap with properties aimed for barbers: Quick lather and softening stubble well and quickly. I find the scent to be subtle. I did grate it and let it air out a bit before putting it into an Ikea tin. It's highly regarded in the German Forums, it can bite a bit if you have sensitive skin though.
The whole of B&B seems to be conspiring to get me to try this soap. I doubt you all can convince me, though.

How about on sale until Tuesday 12:00 pm est $14.99 for a 1.1 lb block. @Vintage blades llc.

Couldn't take it anymore had to order the Kabinnett and a brush for $29.99 For 2-Band Finest !!!!

VB134 - The VB Brand Shaving Brush in faux Ivory is a handmade brush with a lathe turned, hand polished handle. It is made of 100% 2-band "Finest" Badger.

Overall brush height: 107mm
Handle height: 52mm
Brush Loft: 55mm
Knot diameter: 24mm
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First shave with it just now. Nothing short of fantastic.

...All I'll say is that you need to enjoy Rose or else you might find this soap tiring. 45 minutes after my shave and despite a splash of Klar AS (which is awesome as well....this company rocks), I am getting whiffs of rose.

Bingo to both. I don't use this or the Italian almond soaps any longer, because I burnt completely out on the one note overpowering scents. They do perform very well though
I bought some Klar as a result of this post (finally available in the UK at a reasonable price - less than £15 delivered). The soap is pristine white, and the rose scent is more bitter than sweet in my opinion. I'm not normally one to go for stronger scents (MWF and Cade being favourites) and I did not find this overpowering in any way. I did not really notice it to any great extent whilst lathering the soap. Any less scent and I would have been disappointed. I was pleased with the performance and the ease of getting lather - especially as this was my first time and I was not paying it much attention, a bit slapdash. I can see this getting a lot of every day use...
I just got that big chunk of Klar Kabinett from Bullgoose and I could not be happier.

After the second shave with the Kabinett all other soaps have been delegated to the cabinet under the sink.

I like its scent more than those bright Rose of Bulgaria products which did not go well with my system.

The shaving performance is OUTSTANDING even with our somewhat hard water.
I just had my first shave with my new KK - fantastic, indeed! Maybe it's the rose scent (more rose, more scent in from the soap; less from the lather-on-the-face, in my opinion), but this is a future favorite, for sure.

Over the past couple of weeks I've added a number of German & Austrian soaps to my collection - I'm slowly working my way through them. Where in hell have I been? I thought Tabac/IM, Speick, & Knize were the only choices!

What fun...!
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