KCG Comparison Russia vs. China
This shave was a test of blades using the KC Gillette made in Russia and the KC Gillette made in China. With the 3rd and final pass I used a PermaSharp (4). The KCG’s were each loaded into a Rockwell 6S using plate #R4. 2 days of facial hair growth. The Russian KCG blade was used on the right side of my face and the Chinese KCG blade was used on the left side of my face. Same preparation and software used on both sides. First pass was WTG. Second pass was XTG face and upper mouth, ATG lower mouth/chin, and XTG upper neck and WTG again on the mid to lower neck. My final pass was the same as my second however I changed to the PermSharp blade as I was not overly happy with the results of the KCG blades. My usual shave is a 2 pass with touchups as previously described.
I had higher expectations of the blade made in Russia because all the Gillette blades I’ve used that were made in Russia have been very good. I had lower expectations of the blade made in China given my poor results in the past using Chinese manufactured blades. I would describe the Russian blade as a bit smoother but surprisingly less efficient. The Chinese blade gave me some tugging and a “tinny” sound/feeling, especially on the first pass, but it did seem to be a bit more efficient than the Russian blade. After the first pass there was noticeably more residual whiskers on the right side of my neck and chin. The second pass did seem to even things out a bit, however I experienced a tiny weeper from the Russian blade on my second pass on the crease of the chin/mouth. The weeper was gone by the time I finished my shave. There was a little post shave alum stinging on both sides of my neck but no real redness or signs of irritation.
As for the packaging, the Russian blade was only lightly stamped on one side and had more glue than the Chinese blade which was more boldly stamped on both sides and had less glue.
For context, I have had excellent results with Russian GSB, Nacet, Permasharp, Gillette Platinum and the USA made Personna - not necessarily in any order. I don’t usually do well with Feather blades either but my last shave using the Karve Bison and Feather was very good.
My honest opinion is that I didn’t really like these blades based on this one shave experience but if I had to use them I could get by. That being said, this was only one shave using these KCG blades so take it with a grain of salt. Happy shaves!
Some pics along the way. Keep in mind, I think the phone reverses the images so my left and right are opposites (I marked which side is which).

This shave was a test of blades using the KC Gillette made in Russia and the KC Gillette made in China. With the 3rd and final pass I used a PermaSharp (4). The KCG’s were each loaded into a Rockwell 6S using plate #R4. 2 days of facial hair growth. The Russian KCG blade was used on the right side of my face and the Chinese KCG blade was used on the left side of my face. Same preparation and software used on both sides. First pass was WTG. Second pass was XTG face and upper mouth, ATG lower mouth/chin, and XTG upper neck and WTG again on the mid to lower neck. My final pass was the same as my second however I changed to the PermSharp blade as I was not overly happy with the results of the KCG blades. My usual shave is a 2 pass with touchups as previously described.
I had higher expectations of the blade made in Russia because all the Gillette blades I’ve used that were made in Russia have been very good. I had lower expectations of the blade made in China given my poor results in the past using Chinese manufactured blades. I would describe the Russian blade as a bit smoother but surprisingly less efficient. The Chinese blade gave me some tugging and a “tinny” sound/feeling, especially on the first pass, but it did seem to be a bit more efficient than the Russian blade. After the first pass there was noticeably more residual whiskers on the right side of my neck and chin. The second pass did seem to even things out a bit, however I experienced a tiny weeper from the Russian blade on my second pass on the crease of the chin/mouth. The weeper was gone by the time I finished my shave. There was a little post shave alum stinging on both sides of my neck but no real redness or signs of irritation.
As for the packaging, the Russian blade was only lightly stamped on one side and had more glue than the Chinese blade which was more boldly stamped on both sides and had less glue.
For context, I have had excellent results with Russian GSB, Nacet, Permasharp, Gillette Platinum and the USA made Personna - not necessarily in any order. I don’t usually do well with Feather blades either but my last shave using the Karve Bison and Feather was very good.
My honest opinion is that I didn’t really like these blades based on this one shave experience but if I had to use them I could get by. That being said, this was only one shave using these KCG blades so take it with a grain of salt. Happy shaves!

Some pics along the way. Keep in mind, I think the phone reverses the images so my left and right are opposites (I marked which side is which).