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Jay21's Journey Journal


“I am a well overdue couch potato”
Well, it finally happened. I cut myself changing the blade in my Game Changer because the pegs are reversed. I got sloppy and it happened. The blade cut through my fingernail into the nail bed. So, that’s fun.
I hope it heals up quickly. Through the fingernail sounds really painful. With the Game Changer, I gave myself a nice slice across the thumb pad. I had wet hands, and I had over tightened the handle so the whole head slipped and got me.


Collecting wife bonus parts
As much as I love that razor, I still can't figure out what they were thinking when they flipped the pegs.

Sorry to hear about your finger and hope you heal up soon.
Thanks. My best guess is the pegs are on the bottom to ensure perfect blade alignment with the safety bar. There is a little play with the cap in the Lupos despite high CNC tolerances.


“I am a well overdue couch potato”
I got better.gif


Is it swell time?
I'm going to count my Ti Crown handles and stands right now...I have 10 Ti Crown handles and 11 bases, including the 2 bronze stands I have... so.. officially.. 7 Ti Crown polished handles with matching stands, 2 matte finish handles and stands and 1 polished Ti Crown handle with a bronze stand...
My guess is that if we call Jeremiah at Timeless he would say that those numbers are all wrong as Kim has them ALL!


Is it swell time?
Hope the nail (bed) heals quickly Jay.

I load the Game Changer the same way I load all my razors. I align the blade on the cap with the holes where the posts are supposed to be. I then clamp the blade with thumb and index finger and mount the baseplate. So far that has worked.
I’m always amazed at how quickly our bodies adjust to temperature changes. Just last week, anything in the 50s felt like an arctic blast. Today, 40 feels like a heatwave.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. It was -20 on Tuesday morning when I walked over to the train station, and about 22 above yesterday as I was walking to my car (a few blocks for both of those) and yesterday I didn't even bother putting on my gloves.
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