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Item of the Week 10/21 - Old Spice

OS soap in an OS mug whipped up with an OS Brush, Followed by Vintage OS AS and Cologne with a bit of OS talc on the face. Does that qualify me for OS Monday too?
IIRC OS made 3 brush styles: 1) long handle wood with long bristles; 2) root beer colored transparent short handle short bristle; and 3) short two tone handle with short bristle. Most likely all were boar bristle. The big deep blue shave mug came with the first style mug and can frequently be found on the bay. The first style also came with the razor stand and included a brass double blade razor. I do not know how the other two were sold. I picked mine up on the bay by itself and paid something like $10 for it. I do not know how to post pics...if I did would take a pic and post.
Hi, thanks for the interesting info and history!

And it's easy to post pic's...just click on the 'insert image' icon in the Quick Reply form!
Try it!

$posting pic.jpg
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