I wear OS Deodorant/antiperspirant most days, and today is no different. No shave today, meeting my friend tomorrow so I will shave tomorrow and be all presentable and stuff (Shes just a friend, but...still like to be presentable). I'll use OS AS tomorrow.
Heck with it, I will go splash a little on right now, I didnt shave but it smells nice anyway! I have enough of it! I keep the older P&G glass bottles for "special" occasions (weekends), and the new plastic is for everyday use
I like the P&G scent, to be honest!
Heck with it, I will go splash a little on right now, I didnt shave but it smells nice anyway! I have enough of it! I keep the older P&G glass bottles for "special" occasions (weekends), and the new plastic is for everyday use