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IMO- Edwin Jagger DE89L vs ALL MERKUR

No more Merkurs for me!

After good luck and good shaves with a Merkur 34G with a custom wooden handle (it's beautiful!), I ordered a 38C. I liked the heft and the smooth shaves it produced, but I probably had fewer than three dozen shaves with it when the head popped right off the spindle that attaches the head to the handle. I had a buddy try to pop weld it back on, but that was unsuccessful -- as he predicted it would be -- because the head is made of pot metal. Even before my 38C literally fell apart, it didn't always center the blade under the head. I'd have more blade exposed on one side than the other unless I nudged it with the back of my thumb nail.

I expect better quality control than Merkur provides. I'm only 50/50 with Merkur razors.
I own them all. My favorite daily shaver is either a Schick Injector G-type or the EJ DE89. Next favorite is the GEM Bullet tip SE razor followed by the Merkur Barberpole and then the Futur and then the vintage Gillettes.

A lot of it, however, depends on what type of blade you have in each razor. I find that Crown Super Stainless work the best in the DE89. Your mileage will vary.
A Merkur 42C I have recently purchased was a piece of junk. The cap was not rectangular. The backplate looked terrible. It was not about plating, the parts were just mechanically flawed.

On the other hand, DE89 is well-made. You appreciate it more than you get something like a Merkur. I do not know how Merkur shaved, did not even think to try.
I recently picked up a Merkur 34C (HD) razor. For me it eclipses my DE89 razors and even my Progress for shaving and maeurvability. Shaving those difficult-to-get bits of stubble just under my nose is not an issue with the 34C. It's one exceptional DE razor. As far as chrome plating, Jagger razors have a bit more attention to detail with respect to chrome plating. Nonetheless, for me, sensitive skin and tough stubble, the 34C bests the DE89 with respect to performance. I had a couple Slants that I liked, but I actually prefer the 34C to the Slants.
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I've had better luck with the Edwin Jagger Razors. They have a better finish, and the blades are aligned better.

Help me understand- I have a DE89 and a Muhle41 Grande. I love the simplicity of the 89, and the sheer and absolute closeness of the 41Gr. How does the Merkur compare? Blade angle, aggressiveness, closeness, smooth-ness. Fully understand this is a YMMV, however, my RAD is going crazy, so all information most welcome!

Have you tried the 89 with the 41 Grande handle instead...totally different experience!
I started with an HD, but had to try the EJ DE89L. Got a good deal on a daily special. Such a beautiful razor, but not as aggressive as the HD. The EJ sits in its box.
Merkur razors are hit or miss. Chances are the one you buy will be fine, but there's a higher probability of it being defective in some way, shape, or form. I have all the Merkur models, and two of them have defects. One with blade alignment (one side having more blade exposure), and another with plating defects. I have 2 EJs and the plating is exceptional. However both brands are made of pot metal, unlike vintage Gillettes and modern stainless variants.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I have the EJ DE89L and it's a fine razor for $40. My Mergress is considerably better and considerably more expensive.
My first razor was the EJ89 - got it based on reviews. I started getting bloodless shaves after about two tries and then moved onto making xtg and atg passes - still bloodless. At this point the only way to get an even better shave was to go with an adjustable. Been using the Futur for a week and am experimenting with the settings. Have had less weepers than when I learned on my EJ89 - seems like technique is ok. I can get way closer shaves with the Futur. I think the EJ89 is a great starting point to get your technique down but if the closest shave possible is your quest you'd do better with an adjustable.
Don't know about better made, but I do get a better shave with my Progress than I ever got with a DE89.

Second this, but they are different animals. For the $30 price point, I think the EJ89 is the best overall value, and I'm glad I have it. It's still the razor I gift to someone I'm trying to get into wet shaving, since gifting a Progress is a little too generous.
IMO the EJ is finished a bit better, but my recently acquired 34C simply rocks. Great weight, length, angle, blade gap, etc. Not sexy, but great engineering.

Until the 34C, Feathers and I were enemies...now we're buddies. I will try a Feather in my DE89..
The only razors I had for the first 3 months of wet shaving were the 34c, and the DE89. Both great in my opinion but for whatever reason I consistently got better results with the EJ. For me the EJ just worked.

However, I have a 37c Slant due to be delivered tomorrow. I am sure the 37c will outperform the DE89. My preference these days is for a more aggressive razor.
IMO the EJ is finished a bit better, but my recently acquired 34C simply rocks. Great weight, length, angle, blade gap, etc. Not sexy, but great engineering.

Until the 34C, Feathers and I were enemies...now we're buddies. I will try a Feather in my DE89..

definitely try the feather blade in your DE89, for a long time I was using the Astra SP blade and was getting a really great shave ... one morning I tried a feather in it and WOW an even greater shave !
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