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I thought I hated my new slim

Very often, a good aggressive razor or setting and good blade angle is much less irritating than a milder razor with more passes. Glad you found what works well for you!

I generally prefer between 7-5 settings on my Slim as well.

When I got my Slim I approached it in reverse to most of what I read: Loaded up a Gillette Platinum and cranked it open to 9 to see how it would go - Beautiful shave! :thumbup:

I will admit that I became overconfident immediately after that and removed some skin from my jaw and part of a scar on my scalp somewhere along the next few shaves. :a46:

Now, after some experimentation, I usually start wide open at 9, then go XTG & ATG at 7.

The greatest part of it is that if I notice that my first few strokes are uncomfortable, I can adjust it until it is! :w00t:
I have a Slim and Fatboy and typically "set it and forget it" at 5. After reading this thread I think I may have to try some higher settings and see if I can get better reductions in two passes and an overall better shave. 3 passes on 5 or 5-5-3 gives a pretty good shave but it seems a little labor intensive. I have a good routine and technique now so I might as well open it ups and let 'er fly!
Similar experience for me. I picked up a Slim after reading so many good things and learning to DE shave with a Progress. I started the Slim at 1 and kept working my way up and thinking "why do so many like this razor?". I think I prefer the Fatboy for an adjustable, but I'll set them at 8 or 9 and shave WTG and then drop to 6 or 7 and shave XTG these days.
Thanks to this Thread, I took a Med Prep Personna with two shaves on it from the razor I was using and tried my Slim at two higher clicks (3 to 5) and it was noticeably more efficient. This translated into fewer passes and less pressure needed on those stubborn areas, and less irritation all around (as verified by my alum block). Next shave I'll bump it up another notch. Perhaps we do need a better descriptor than "aggressive" as has been discussed in another thread. Making the Slim more "aggressive" in terms of efficiency actually made for a more comfortable shave. Aggressive is a scary word with negative connotations.
Thanks to this Thread, I took a Med Prep Personna with two shaves on it from the razor I was using and tried my Slim at two higher clicks (3 to 5) and it was noticeably more efficient. This translated into fewer passes and less pressure needed on those stubborn areas, and less irritation all around (as verified by my alum block). Next shave I'll bump it up another notch. Perhaps we do need a better descriptor than "aggressive" as has been discussed in another thread. Making the Slim more "aggressive" in terms of efficiency actually made for a more comfortable shave. Aggressive is a scary word with negative connotations.

I couldnt agree more about the term 'aggressive' it really does make a razor sound scary. It seems like we were all doing the same thing with starting on too low of a setting.
This is why I love B&B, everyones experiences can really help others progress on their 'shaving journey' :001_tongu


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Perhaps we do need a better descriptor than "aggressive" as has been discussed in another thread. Making the Slim more "aggressive" in terms of efficiency actually made for a more comfortable shave. Aggressive is a scary word with negative connotations.

The term aggressive to describe blade exposure and certain razors is fitting if you ask me. The Slim can be Mild or Aggressive, depending on the blade and what you have it set at. Aggressive does not mean scary and does not have to conjur up negative connotations. It's used in sports and business to describe many things like "Aggressive base runner", "Aggressive fighter" or "Aggressive business model".

It's also subjective and YMMV like the terms Softness, Scrubby, Dense for brushes. Everyone has different tolerances, but we all use the same words to describe things as to how it feels personally. No need in trying to come up with new words for these descriptiors, when the ones used are pefectly fine and widely accepted.

I like mine 4-5-6 or 3-5-7, but I always dial it up as I go, instead of down. With the 365 thread and tracking my shaves, I see the Slim is my most consistant razor and has become my go-to razor that has bumped many out of my rotation. I have all but eliminated my 1 week rotation with other razors have settled in on the Slim as my daily razor as it does everything I want it to, handles great, well built and consistant.
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