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how many safety razors do you own?

Four, all vintage Gillettes:
1959 Fatboy
1964 Slim Adjustable
1958 Red Tip Superspeed
1940's Superspeed

OK, that's enough, I can stop now, right?
I've just got a couple: a '54 SS and a Merkur HD. I'm new, but don't have much of an interest in making a hobby out of collecting these (yet). I might try a couple more, but if things stay this way I'll probably sell off all but one or two when I settle on a favorite razor & blade combo.

Creams and soaps, however, may very well be a different animal.
I currently own 5

Gillette New
Champange Gillette Lady
Gillette Slim Adjustable
Rolls Razor w/ box and all paperwork

All of these razors are antique store / flea market scores and are in excellent shape.

The Rolls was the most expensive at $20.00. The rest were $5.00 or less.

The New is the razor I judge all others by. It's my favorite by far. :biggrin:

Judging by some of the others listed on this post, it's no wonder the razors are getting harder to find.... :lol:
After lots of selling of random stuff I acquired, I've managed to keep a constant 12-15 nice razors without going totally broke

Lookin at:

Single Ring
Weird Canadian Tech
Aluminum #58
47 SS
New Deluxe
Gold Tuckaway (coming in mail. Not sure if I'll keep it though)
30's Aristocrat (to be replated)
Aristocrat Jr.
German Army Slant
I have to think about it.

I have four flare-tip Superspeeds,

One black-tip Superspeed,

One fat-handled Tech,

One beautiful Fatboy,

One Gem (Featherweight),

and One Eversharp-Schick injector razor.

That makes 9. Wow. I thought I had maybe 5.

And I just sold a Tech last week.
18 or 20 and I can't name them all except for the fact that I have 3 Schick Kronas that are three different colors and each shaves differently! A Merkur, a ton of Gillettes, and a Muhle of some sort.

You can't go wrong with a good used Gillette adjustable or a old Tech.
I only own 4 razors.. 1x Gillette Super Speed, 1x Gillette Slim Adjustable, 1x Merkur HD Slant 37c and 1x Merkur Sledgehammer Slant 39c...

'69 Gillette Tech (my very first) '76 SS, 57 SS (was my dad's) '56 blue tip, 1912 Gem (was my Grandpa's) Merkur Classic (my everyday razor)
oof. I know I shouldn't keep secrets from my missus but i've opted not to tell her of my new safety razor purchases. besides, the money comes out of my paypal account so it's technically my money.

What's worse is she isn't connected to me financially just morally. She couldn't understand why I needed the slant
I'm in the 50 or so camp. I recently PIF'd away about 10 total and have sold about 7 or 8 others.

Most of mine are Vintage Gillettes, though I do have a Dovo straight, Merkur Slant, Wehrmacht Army Suplus Slant, Lux, Gem G-bar and a few other odds/ends.
6 I think:redface:

Daily shavers are a Gillette Super Slim adjustable made when I was born:001_smile and a Slim adjustable that was made at the same time as this:

Only four:

1954 Gillette 40's Style Super Speed
1962 Gillette Adjustable
Merkur HD
Merkur Futur (polished chrome)

The Futur is my goto razor. I had a 1979 Black Handled SS at one time, but I gave it to a newbie locally. The '62 Adjustable was a thrift store find my parents gave me. My Futur is the razor I use 90% of the time.
inquiring minds want to know :biggrin: more importantly, is there anyone here that actually owns every Gillette model ever made? or do most of you with large collections have a lot of duplicates and triplicates?

I own 7 vintage Gillettes and 1 Merkur

How many do I own? Probably 65 - 70

And That's Not Enough!!
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