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How Long do YOU spend shaving?

average time - 20 minutes (3-passes)
longest time - 45 minutes (1st time with OC - careful, careful)
shortest time - 10 minutes (2-passes, definitely not BBS)
Shower doesn't count. Time at the sink in front of the mirror: 10-15 minutes. My time!
Agreed. Shower doesn't count. I can get 'er done in under 10; but like to spend at least 15. Then a few seconds for area clean up. I generally get up before her so it's a 'non-impact' most of the time.
Agreed. Shower doesn't count. I can get 'er done in under 10; but like to spend at least 15. Then a few seconds for area clean up. I generally get up before her so it's a 'non-impact' most of the time.

My 10-15 is my average, get ready for work shave. If I have the time and I want to get the full "spa-treatment" with extra prep, enjoy the lathering, slow & meticulous shave, and a full post-shave routine... 20 minutes of bliss!
My normal shaving routine takes about 15-20 minutes excluding the shower. It includes clean up of the sink and counter and towel drying of the brush.


So my question for you, brothers (and sisters) is... how long do you generally spend shaving? How long is the LONGEST that you've spent on a single shave... and while we're at it, what's the quickest shave that you've had (while still using traditional wetshaving techniques and a DE or SE)?

I usually spend about 20 minutes shaving and that includes cleanup. As for quickest shave I'd say probably 10 minutes, but if I'm in that much of a hurry I usually won't even shave unless I have 2-3 days of growth. The longest I ever spent shaving was 45-60 minutes about a year ago when I first started using double edge razors and brush/soap. A lot of that time was perfecting my lather and going super slow to find my best technique, learn my growth patterns and also to avoid slicing myself up. So for about a month every shave took nearly an hour, which is why I exclusively shaved at night for a while, so I'd have plenty of time and not feel rushed.
Takes me about 30 minutes to shave. In my shaving routine, a "2 pass" shave doesn't exist, and its not about speed. Pretty much my entire shave consists of a One Pass shave and then constant blade buffing.... so... my shaves tend to take longer.
I'm backing out of the driveway 30 minuts after I get out of bed. Not having timed it, I probably need about 10 of those minutes for a three pass shave, probably a little less. My longest shave? Probably about 10 minutes.

Luckily I'm now retired but when I was working (up to 2011) I agree with PugslyCat. When you are working there is no time to savour the moment, you just need to get the job done. Weekends excepted!


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Not counting the pre-shave shower, 15-20 minutes. I could go faster but I'm not going to. I'm not even going to try.
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