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High price of eggs? Bite me.


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
Should be laying in about 2-3 months or so. Maybe 3-4
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I don't eat eggs and i'm no farmer or anything like that but i hope yours are the egg laying type, the other type are loud and just head butt the ground. There's 1 my people have that screams all morning and throughout the day... hahaha...


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
You're looking closer to 4+ months before you get eggs. Still worth it though cause the price of eggs will not go back down. What you got there? Rhode Island Red & Australorp?
Rhode Island Reds (3), Jersey Giants, Black Star (I think), with 2 Olive Egger coming today. They're my BiL's, so I'm not sure of the total of each.
Already amended my post to show more like 4 months.
Oops, just found out the Olive Eggers are not available.
Pic of the partially finished coop. It will get a metal roof, which will outlast the rest of the coop and probably all of us.

The black splotch on the wall behind the coop is a Black Bear he got a year or 2 ago.
Friend grew up on Chicken Ranch is MidWest, he said that product over 10,000 Eggs daily, and he was so happy to be away from SMELL. I get my Eggs at Commissary, they are pricy, but not like local retail grocery stores, and no smell.
I pay $5 for 12 large eggs, I could pay less but the quality isn't as good.

I think the price problem is the cost of the feed, much of our grain for the feed came from the Ukraine so we are buying higher cost grain from elsewhere, hopefully not permanently.
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