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High price of eggs? Bite me.


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
Should be laying in about 2-3 months or so. Maybe 3-4
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I don't eat eggs and i'm no farmer or anything like that but i hope yours are the egg laying type, the other type are loud and just head butt the ground. There's 1 my people have that screams all morning and throughout the day... hahaha...


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
You're looking closer to 4+ months before you get eggs. Still worth it though cause the price of eggs will not go back down. What you got there? Rhode Island Red & Australorp?
Rhode Island Reds (3), Jersey Giants, Black Star (I think), with 2 Olive Egger coming today. They're my BiL's, so I'm not sure of the total of each.
Already amended my post to show more like 4 months.
Oops, just found out the Olive Eggers are not available.
Pic of the partially finished coop. It will get a metal roof, which will outlast the rest of the coop and probably all of us.

The black splotch on the wall behind the coop is a Black Bear he got a year or 2 ago.
Friend grew up on Chicken Ranch is MidWest, he said that product over 10,000 Eggs daily, and he was so happy to be away from SMELL. I get my Eggs at Commissary, they are pricy, but not like local retail grocery stores, and no smell.
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