Had a good shave this morning. La Toja and my usual Thayers Witch Hazel for afterwards. How are my fellow Foxhole Shavers doing this weekend!?
Had a good shave this morning. La Toja and my usual Thayers Witch Hazel for afterwards. How are my fellow Foxhole Shavers doing this weekend!?
So does shaving with water bottles and PX cartridge razors in Afghanistan qualify me?
Cant say I did it every day, but when the blackwater and greywater trucks cant get in the gates and all you have is porta potties and water bottles for a week at a time you gotta make do. I just got my first DE razor in the mail today and Im gonna try it out. I have been practicing with shaving soap for my last few shaves with a cartridge razor though so Id be prepared, but tonight will be my first shave with the safety razor. Once I start using that regularly I know its going to be a challenge next deployment on my ship when I share 5 sinks with 80 other guys.
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Finally got everything I need except for my lucky tiger aftershave I ordered. Going to have to make do with my old after shave lotion for tonight
Wifey spent about $100 on Mary Kay junk last night (guess I have no room calling it junk) so I got to spend about $100 too! Now I have some TOBS Jermyn Street soap, TOBS Rose Cream, and a new EJ 21mm Synthetic Silvertip Fibre on the way! I got the brush in the Horn version....to match my foxhole...of course!