Ah, Camp Patriot. Spent almost a year there. Not a bad tour, actually, since they had a coffee trailer and no one was getting was shooting at us. Trips to Arijan were always a bit more concerning. No one shot at us, but the locals were not the most careful drivers.Yeah, I was an E-3 on my first deployment in ‘01. On our first spec-op, I was barely qualified anything and so I earned the Naval Expeditionary medal by being the ship’s laundry queen for 40 daysGot the Armed Forces Expeditionary 3 weeks later after an op by cranking in the galley. Came home- country was different- people shook my hand and thanked me- called me hero- I’m like dude- I wiped tabled and folded undies
But my ‘03 deployment I was qualified all my watches- but still Junior enough to sleep in the torpedo room
and get tossed out of my rack because we’re about to launch weapons so I had 5 minutes to get relieved from my watch, yank my crap out of my bunk, sheets, and get back on watch so they could move weapons and empty missile canisters. I didn’t get shot at or anything- felt bad sort of for eating my meals off porcelain plates- joined the expeditionary community- volunteered to go to Kuwait- camp Patriot- where they serve EVERY MEAL on paper or plastic plates, plastic utensils- so ya drive to camp Afrafjan or Ali As’Salim so you can eat a hot meal in a chow Hall on a porcelain plate and metal utensils. Funny how things work out