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favorite guitar player

As a guitarist, these are the guys I look to:

John Mayer (yes, a surprise to some, but the man can PLAY!!!)
Pat Methaney
Eric Johnson
Joe Satriani
George Lynch
George Harrison

It's hard to pick an all-time favorite, because each have their own sound and technique...I like them all for different reasons.
When one is talking about the greatest...it is very difficult to point out who is really the best. We could make up reasons why, but like knowledge in general, it can grow in time, things improve and the best becomes better. Kind of like your Grandmother;s best recipe that she passes to her daughter and then to hers. some things can improve, while others are just solid classics.

If you would study the biography of many of these, you will find the "one" that set them on thier way with thier own style, the one that passed thier recipe down to them to carry on.

Many pickers from the 40's 50's 60's point to Django Reinhart as thier inspiration. His jazz methods were inspirational as a building block to many great gutiarists during this era. Willie Nelson contributes his rots to him.

Waylon Jennings contributes Buddy Holly for showing him how he picks within a bar chord.

If you don;t know who Grady Martin is, look him up, he is one of those guitarist with more theories of harmony than Mel Bay. The man was wickedly deep in guitar and innovatrions.

Innovations, how could you leave out Les Paul...

mel Bay now there is another one. I happened to meet him in his Kirkwood store (st louis) and watched him wait on a lady (he was in his seventies) and ran around passionatley assisting the lady. One of the clerks asked him about sheet music for a song. He named off the writer, the publisher, the year of publication, who first recorded it and the key that it was originally played in. How many musicians came down from him?

Sam Carter, is an unknown. He was a professional horn player until a car accident broke his jaw. While laying in the hospital, a friend gave him a guitar. All the jazz that man knew, he layed it down on the strings...when he settled down, he taught guitar and from his small studio there are several studio musicians in nashville.

Sam use to visit Mel Bay regularly and discuss musical theories. They were the best of friends. There wasn;t a bandstand anywhere that Sam could;t show up and not asked to set in on. Sam was my teacher, I still wish I could play.

How about those great ones that do not show up on the major circuit. You know who your locals are....they can be as good if not better than many of them that we know all ready. Le Sam was to so many people.

How could you compare Django Reinhardt to Stevie Ray Vaughn? Allow Django to be born again and have the wealth of knowledge and innovation at his disposal, what would he have been liked? Wouldn;t it be an interesting work, if we researched all of these guitarist and found out who thier mentor or inspiration was?

One of the things that in my opinion that makes a great guitarist is when they now "how much" to put in it. Ever notice a novice going crazy on the fingerboard to impress you? While some one like Willie Nelson plays just a few notes and an arpeggio and it sounds like a master piece?

These ramblins of mine is not meant as argumentive or derogatory against anyone or anybody here. I love this thread and all the posts, the wide variety of of influences and styles, how many of you are passionate about your choices.

Let see some more posts with audio to hear what you like.
You have to dig....but the old recordings of Blind Blake are fantastic. These old bluesmen with no musical training, and often with garage-sale or improvised instruments demand respect.

Lonnie Johnson
Eddie Lang
Charlie Christian
T-Bone walker
Steve Kimock

Saw him live once. I've never seen anyone be so in tune with an instrument. It was like it was an extension of his own body.

Couple others I haven't seen mentioned:
Leo Kottke
Davy Knowles (young but really talented)
Aaron Williams (local guy)
Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Let's See..
Randy Rhoads
Alexi Laiho *cob*
Jimmy Page
Alex Skolnick *Testament and Alex Skolnick Trio*

Are just some of the guitarists that I admire...

There is a guitarist who plays locally who i rate very highly he did play in a band who had a hit in the seventies (racing cars) now plays and teaches for fun, graham williams is his name and he inspired me to take up the guitar and he brings tears to my eyes whenever i see him play!
Sonny Sharrock

Bill Nelson
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