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DS Cosmetics & their Brass V92 twin cap.


A new shave with the DSC V92 brass parallel cap, matched here with the Yaqi brass spiral handle. The surface of the cap is getting patina or maybe it's water spots or a combination of the two.

I keep all the parts dry after each shave and use a micro-fibre polishing cloth for good measure. But honestly, I do not mind that at all. This process makes the razor more attractive to me and gives it a bit of character as well. It shows that the razor is used and not just a decorative piece. The parallel cap shows this change a bit more prominent whereas the scalloped cap and the base plate show a bit less, but it's definitely happening there too.

The shave was quite good today, a DFS which is totally fine by me for a mid-week shave. It was an uneventful shave too which is always a small win in my book.

I like the weight of the razor; it's definitely my heaviest one. With the Yaqi brass handle it is a bit lighter than with the original KVS brass handle from DSC (KVS is the brass version of the KVT handle).

Another beautiful shave with the DSC V92, this time with the scalloped cap and the DSC KVS brass handle. The V92 is one of my top razors and I do look forward to shaving with it.

The KVS handle is a bit heavier than the Yaqi 88mm brass spiral handle, it also has a bit more diameter. In combination with this handle the V92 is heavy but still very well balanced.

The scalloped cap really changes the feel of the razor. The V92 razor is delivered with a parallel and a scalloped cap and it's like getting two distinct razors for the price of one. Of course the heads are also available separately. The scalloped cap shaves a bit smoother and is more angle- forgiving. I have the feeling that the shaves are closer with the scalloped cap.

I have this razor about three months now and it is starting to show considerable oxidation. Mainly due to the hot and humid weather we are having. When it arrived it was shiny gold and until now it has changed to a more reddish gold. There's also some dulling on the handle. The scalloped cap has been holding up well, while the parallel cap has been showing oxidation discoloration. Remember, that the razor is thoroughly cleaned, dried and polished after each use. Again, I have absolutely no qualms about that and am in fact welcoming this rapid change, with the hope that I can keep the razor oxidizing rather than corroding. I also have the suspicion that the KVS brass handle is unadulterated brass, i.e. there isn't any clear coating on it, whereas the base plate and top caps are probably coated. The handle is just changing way quicker and does feel a bit different than the head.

I have attached a few pictures of the razor from the day I received it and from this Monday. The change in color should be quite obvious. I attached the parallel cap because that's where the most changes can be seen. Note that the cap is not dirty in any way, rather what you see are changes in color of the brass and some water spots. The cap in the left picture has some fingerprints on it; brass is sensitive that way.

DSC V92 parallel cap (Day 1 on the left, after 3 months on the right)

I love this razor. Every shave with it is a pleasurable experience.

There is no fussing about, it is smooth and efficient and gets the job done every time. There's not much more to say about the DSC V92, which hasn't been said, repeated and said once again. It's a great razor in every configuration, though the scalloped cap is a bit smoother.

The brass just needs a bit more TLC, but if you clean and dry your other razors after each shave, that's all you have to do with this one. If you don't want or like the natural patina which will invariably form you'll have to invest a bit more time and elbow grease to polish this one up a tad more often.
I polished the DSC V92 today with some Dursol Shine, a polishing cream recommended by quite a few people here on B&B and by Theo from Lambda razors. I’m not sure how the V92 is treated, but given that my polishing cloths came out very black, I assume that the razor is coated in some kind of varnish, which would explain the sticky handle I’ve been experiencing the last few weeks. It could just as well been oxidation, but my bet is that the brass was coated and that came off during polishing. Actually, each part turned black as soon as the Dursol made contact. The razor is cleaned and dried after each use. In fact, I dry it with a soft cloth each time and none of that black stuff ever came off until today.

I’m not overly concerned about whether I’ve removed oxidation, brass varnish, or some other polishing agent. All I can say is that Dursol Shine works very well and the razor does look much better now. Dursol shine can be used on pretty much any metal including stainless steel.


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Cool and slimy
There is also often black gunk/residue in the DSCosmetic threads, I assume these are leftovers from machining of the handle.
I polished the DSC V92 today with some Dursol Shine, a polishing cream recommended by quite a few people here on B&B and by Theo from Lambda razors. I’m not sure how the V92 is treated, but given that my polishing cloths came out very black, I assume that the razor is coated in some kind of varnish, which would explain the sticky handle I’ve been experiencing the last few weeks. It could just as well been oxidation, but my bet is that the brass was coated and that came off during polishing. Actually, each part turned black as soon as the Dursol made contact. The razor is cleaned and dried after each use. In fact, I dry it with a soft cloth each time and none of that black stuff ever came off until today.

I’m not overly concerned about whether I’ve removed oxidation, brass varnish, or some other polishing agent. All I can say is that Dursol Shine works very well and the razor does look much better now. Dursol shine can be used on pretty much any metal including stainless steel.
Nice work, what a shiny result!
Looking at the picture of the cloth I can confirm that the cloth I used always looked like this when I have used Dursol... no matter of the manufacturer or the razor being polished. 👍
Nice work, what a shiny result!
Looking at the picture of the cloth I can confirm that the cloth I used always looked like this when I have used Dursol... no matter of the manufacturer or the razor being polished. 👍
Thanks so much for that information. It was the first time polishing a razor with Dursol for me, and that black stuff got me worried a bit. Luckily, I didn’t use some expensive cloth. It’s good to know that this is to be expected.

I was actually surprised how efficient Dursol Shine is. It didn’t really require a lot of elbow grease to bring the razor to that shine. I think I spent about half an hour with cleaning, applying and buffing.


Cool and slimy
Looking at the picture of the cloth I can confirm that the cloth I used always looked like this when I have used Dursol... no matter of the manufacturer or the razor being polished. 👍
Most helpful. I am still puzzling what is or was on @m949 's handle. I already suspected humidity, then machining gunk or machine oil, now at least the black cloth is explained. As you can figure, I didn't use Dursol ever.

Another great shave with the DSC V92. Today with the scalloped cap. This cap is so much smoother than the parallel cap and easier to achieve a BBS shave with.

After my polishing adventure a few weeks ago, the razor still shines but since I live in a very humid sub-tropical climate the oxidation process has been accelerated since that fateful day. The razor stayed golden shiny for a day, that was it. By the second day I already saw the change in color from a yellow gold to a reddish gold. I think because the polish removed some of the plating, the brass is more exposed and therefore oxidizes at a faster rate. Bear in mind, the razor is washed, dried, and polished with a microfibre cloth after each use. It is then stored disassembled for a day, before it goes back in its stand. I never leave blades in my razors. Once everything is dry the razor gets re-assembled and is stored outside the bathroom in an air-conditioned room.

I won't use Dursol polish on the razor again, I think I removed enough plating. I'll let the thing continue to oxidize, and maybe at some point patina will develop. For now, I'll keep the razor clean and dry and let nature take its course.
I completely forgot about this razor as I had ordered it together with the Yaqi Sentinel about 2 months back. Plus a few other razors have been acquired and the V92 Brass by DS Cosmetics was sent to shave memory oblivion. I found it last night tucked away in a corner in my shave den cabinet, plastic coverings still attached. "Well I'll be" I said to self. Guess who was up for an initial run? Yup. How could I not?

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This razor was/is offered with two different top cap designs, a scalloped one and the other having an angular top cap design, almost Merica or Henson like. I went with the scalloped version and I'll try the other a few shaves from now. Installed a fresh Gillette Minora blade, made some suds by Ethos and got busy

This is not a mild shaver. It isn't an aggressive one either. You get good blade feel but, you also get a real nice feel on the skin that is quite smooth, better than average I would say. I completed 3 full pases and finished with a BBS result on both face and neck. 2 tiny weepers on the chin but, not a single other issue. Face was calm without a hint of irritation and the same went for my neck. For a first shave I will say that the V92 has me impressed and has shown me more than I was expecting. Don't get me wrong as I wasn't expecting this to be a dumpster fire of a shave but, I wasn't expecting a quality shave and better yet a real quality result. The razor has been mentioned a couple times on a few other threads but, there's very little information about how it shaves and if there is a perceivable difference between both top caps. I will say that the blade is held firmly and rigidly with very good support from both cap & base plate. The lather slot cut outs are spot on with excellent exit manners for cut whiskers and soap. Blade tabs are covered for those that look for that benefit in a razor. Balance and feel in hand are quite good though, I wish that the serrations or the look of knurling on the handle was a bit deeper and not so finely polished. Small nit picking I know and the handle never felt like a slip & slide during the shave. But, there's always something and though I'm not expecting Rex Ambassador type grip, a better tactile feeling handle would be nice. It works as it is and a rub on the alum block helps nicely with grip.

I'll put in a couple more shaves just to make sure that this one wasn't an aberration though, I have to admit that Chinese manufacturers are starting to pick up their tolerances and machining capabilities to some very impressive levels. Not saying they're world leaders in the cnc razor making wars but, they are certainly closing the gap and doing it with speed and quality. However, I do frown upon these manufacturers cloning and copying other artisan producers of their models/creations from across the globe that practically is or leads into product stealing but, that's something that has to be dealt with in world trade laws that international governing bodies must put a strict stop to with legislation and enforcement. Will it happen? I sincerely do doubt it but, you never know.

In the meantime, the V92 has some quality chops.

Great shaves to all....

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Shave #2 and I will have to admit, this thing shaves and it shaves well. The first shave was not a lucky shot or the stars were properly aligned or I had a real nice fortune cookie reading. It shaves, period. What does it feel like? To my perspective it has a very close resemblance to an RR Lupo .95 having the same shaving characteristics while probably being a bit smoother in the process. I could be wrong on that as I haven’t had my .95 Lupo in my hands for some time but, the shave feels eerily similar with just about an identical result. I could even compare it somewhat to my Timeless .95 Ti but, that’s a bit more of a bias reading as I’m head over heels on the Timeless Ti. I love that thing as it combines efficiency and smoothness to near perfection. The DS-V92 though nice in both attributes does not give the quality shave feel from my Timeless. Close but, not quite the same. Nevertheless, it still gives one an idea of the quality of shave and the performance aspect of the DS-V92 and what it is actually capable of. This is a real, real good quality shaver and for the $$, it’s a heck of a bargain. Does it probably steal some of those attributes and styling cues from those mentioned above and a few more mentioned in this thread as a whole? Yes, without question it’s inspired by quite a few of them. What can you do?

I’ll swap out the top cap for the next shave and we’ll see if that changes the feel & quality of the shave.

Great shaves to all….

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Went with the angled or “Henson/Winning” styled top cap for this evenings shave. And I’ve got to tell you, this was an excellent shave. I stayed with the Gillette Minora as it still has a few more shaves left in it. The feel with this top cap is similar to the Winning razor but, what’s different here is that the polished brass actually has a bit more glide and gives an overall smoother effect and easier feel on the skin. The suction or drag type feel is practically nonexistent on the V92. At least in my hands and to my face & skin. 3 smooth passes left me with a certified BBS finish to the touch on both the neck and face. No nics, cuts, weepers or irritation of any kind.

A really impressive shave with the DS-V92 and the angular cap. Smooth feel yet nicely efficient with a tempered blade feel on the skin. Not that it was overly blade feel like on the scalloped cap because it isn’t but, it feels softer with the angled top cap version. And that’s a good thing if one still gets an excellent shave. Another shave or two and I’ll put up my final verdict on this surprisingly good shaver from DS Cosmetics.

Great shaves to all…..

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Outstanding shave this morning with the DS-V92 with the angled top cap or as DScosmetic calls it, the Parallel head. I still have the same Gillette Minora blade installed with 4 shaves on it I believe and it still delivers a smooth, flawless cutting action. Blade feel is minimal but, the result is fantastic as for one, the shave angle is practically built in. The second is the polished and high luster finish adds an easy smooth feeling to the shave without an ounce of drag or suction like feel with more contact area being felt with the V92. Just a stellar shave and I honestly can’t say anything against it performance wise as it just flat out delivers.

Yes, it’s a copycat of various designs from some very reputable artisan razor manufacturers that could ruffle feathers to many the wrong way. Honestly though, how many modern day razors today produced say in the last 10-12 years does not borrow a design aesthetic or geometry from the greatest safety razor maker and most renowned producer in history, Gillette? 1904 gents. That’s nearly 120 years of a design implementation that hasn’t been improved upon since. Clearly, it has been subtly tweaked and altered since then with arguably tighter tolerances and exotic alloys which in turn may result in an easier using tool for many but, every razor today in its current form has lineage that dates back to the OG.

Love it or hate it, this is a real good razor. Great shaves to all…

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Went back to the scalloped top cap on the V92 with the Gillette Minora still doing the cutting duties. Superb shave that was completed in 3 passes. No fuss, no muss just an easy go that was smooth yet nicely efficient in performing the shave ritual. I’ll make a statement that i don’t usually make about products that come from overseas. For me, it’s either been hit or miss with these products and mostly miss but, with the DS-V92 I can confidently say that this is perhaps one of the best razor tools to come out of China. Tolerance is spot on, fit and finish is world class and the coup de gras to this total package is that it performs brilliantly at removing whiskers efficiently and with supreme comfort. I’ve never said that about any razor made product that comes from the CCP branded establishment. The Yaqi Sentinel 1.5 OC might be the better overall shaver in my opinion but, the V92 is nearly just as good and it could be better for some.

However, there is a quandary with my appraisal of this excellent razor. The argument is that as a general rule, most if not all humans love a good product at a good deal regardless of its history, where it’s been manufactured and so forth. The wet shave universe is not immune to this rule or standard as we see in many threads here and across the net how we stand for or against product infringement when an artisan here or abroad has their product copied or stolen and there is no recourse for those said artisans to put a stop to such acts and especially nowhere more apparent than in China. There are no ethics here to argue by as there is no governing rule or body that can put a stop to this type of product thievery. The only argument we can have here is of moral standing or code and that is based on an individuals beliefs of right & wrong. Stealing is stealing, no two ways about it. So, here is the question. Good deal or Moral standards? I’ve made mine and I have to admit I’m a part of the hypocrisy that selfishly, I can’t turn or look away from. I’ll deal with the consequences internally.

In the end, the DS-V92 is a heck of a good razor. Is it worth crossing the line of your personal code and standards? Well, I’ll leave that up to you.

Great shaves to all….

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Fantastic shave with the V92 & scalloped top cap. Installed a 3rd use Schick blade and it was smooth sailing from first stroke to last. Shaves better and smoother than a Gamechanger .84, is on par with a Lupo .95 but, not as blade forward. Not that the Lupo .95 is aggressive or to blade forward because it isn’t, it’s just that the V92 is a bit mellower over the Lupo if that makes sense. I might have to do a shootout between the Lupo .95 & the DScosmetics V92 for my own experience and see how the V92 stacks up against the Lupo.

Great shaves to all…

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Everytime I use this razor, I like it more & more. Fabulous shave with the Parallel cap. The Schick Blade is still going strong after 4 shaves. Fantastic piece of steel so far. Ethos Vetivert? You know what I think of it. Simply fantastic.

Great shaves to all….

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An extremely satisfying & easy shave this morning. The Schick blade again delivered a very smooth feeling action while eliminating the whiskers with ease. The V92 with it’s clamping and blade support provides zero flex and does what it’s supposed to do with conviction of purpose. And that’s to remove hairs with authority and still have the manners to provide a comfortable shave that leaves little doubt on the end result. A clean face that is completely stubble or whisker free with zero disturbance of any kind on one’s skin. I think it’s the best razor I’ve ever sampled made in China. As a 3 pc. razor, this is one of the best offerings from Asia and with a very affordable price. I just might get the V95 just for kicks & giggles.

Great shaves to all….

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Outstanding shave this morning with the V92 & Minora blade. An effective design that provides for an efficient & satisfyingly smooth shave. Yes, it has design cues from other razor makers and can be called a clone of other razors which is clearly apparent just by looking at the individual components. However, it still shaves phenomenally well as a mix of those razors that it’s designed after and arguably even better. So, the question one might ask themselves is, is this really a clone of multiple designs yet clearly improves on those designs to perform as a better razor with its own unique performance attributes? Clearly there are Karve, Henson, Razorock & to a lesser extent Timeless design traits in the V92 that are clearly visible to one’s eye. Bottom line is that the V92 shaves with superb comfort and effectiveness that is typically mostly seen with razors produced in North America & Europe while in most cases being offered to consumers at a substantially higher cost. And even better is it goes toe to toe with some of those higher priced razors without losing an inch of ground to them on performance and quality. Performance, quality & value and in those said attributes DSCosmestics has nailed it with their V92 razor. It may have cheated a bit when it comes to “artistic expression theft” but, the result is a better & affordable razor for the wet shave masses.

Great shaves to all…

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Thank you sir for a very informative & thorough review.
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After three lovely shaves with the DSC AX Ti 1.55 mm, I wanted to revisit the V92 as it is a beautiful and highly efficient razor. I went today with the parallel cap and a brand new Suneko Amorphous Diamond blade and like before the V92 did not disappoint. Apart from the AX the V92 is one of the most efficient razors I have, giving me consistent DFS results in 2 passes WTG with touchups.

The V92 is a heavy razor with a total weight of roughly 118 g (4.16 oz), which is about double the weight of my AX Ti with DSC Destroyer handle at 68 g (2.4 oz). Of course brass is much heavier than Titanium. Surprisingly, both razors are working very well for me, the balancing is excellent for both.

The blade gap on the V92 is relatively high and that may be scary at first, because like me many consider blade gap an indication of aggressiveness. But as I have learned, blade gap is not really an indicator of aggressiveness. Blade exposure, guard span and blade angle are the determining factors of aggressiveness and efficiency. I'm not sure about guard span and blade angle of the V92, but I read in one of the posts here that DSC's blade exposure would be consistently 0.01 mm. Detailed specifications aside, the V92 never feels aggressive or biting to me. It is very efficient though. Sometimes I feel it's a tad too efficient as the actual shaving with this razor is over too soon. I wish I could spend a bit more time with this razor. As it stands now, preparation and cleaning up take up the majority of my shaving time and the actual shaving is done within about 5 minutes.

I don't have much of a comparison to other razors as my collection is rather small, but the V92 is truly one of the best razors in that small amalgamation of shaving tools.

The only small issue I have, is that the brass needs a tad more TLC than other razor materials. The three razor parts need to be thoroughly cleaned and dried after each use as to avoid an uneven development of patina over time. That adds a bit more time to the morning shave but that's just an intricacy of the material. Some parts of the base plate are also difficult to clean from soap residue. Finally, the highly polished parallel cap is very prone to fingerprints. In the end this is just a small issue, after all it is a brass razor and I would like it to develop a natural patina ; I won't try any artificial "patinification" (not a real word), as I don't think it's really necessary.

In the spirit of sharing my enthusiasm about the V92 I have included a few close ups; you will be able to see where some of the difficult to reach areas are. Please bear with me, this is a razor in action.

I brought my S9 razor to country home. So I needed wanted similar razor in my city appartment.

I have quite some time watched how some secret agents :a41: of DSC have done their nasty enabling campaign. Simple man like me was a easy pray for them. 🐑

So today was the day when arrived V92 scalloped head and I ordered matching brass handle from Yaqi. Both of pieces are marvelous tools. Everything is perfect, both head and handle. I like the feel of brass much more than SS.

I hade first shave (head shave) with newcomer. Had a stellar two pass BBS shave.
Very similar feeling to S9. No wonder - gap difference is small - 0.86 vs 0.92.

Have a nice day !

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View attachment 1850918🐑

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Pre-Shave: cold water splash / YBN Glycerin
Razor: DSC V92, brass, scalloped cap
Blade: Suneko Amorphous Diamond
Brush: Arno Brush, 26mm Classic #12, Gen5 synthetic
Bowl: DSC scuttle
Soap: Smoking Monster - Red Dragon (tallow)
A/S: POLA - Galantom II after shave lotion
Aftercare: Aloe Vera Gel
EdT: Fées Beauté - Reims Vetiver

Returning to the V92 scalloped cap and I am amazed what a great razor this is. Unlike Wednesday's shave, which was a DFS, today I achieved a BBS with the scalloped cap. And pretty much still BBS after 4 hours. I can't quite pinpoint whether the altered geometry is the reason for such a better performance or whether it had something to do with the lather, or the new blade. If you look at my previous post, I am still using the same blade brand.

In any case, this was a rather comfortable shave, though I may have overdone the buffing on the neck where I had a few minuscule weepers.

The V92 is lots of fun, very efficient and I don't feel it to be aggressive. After a total of seven shaves with the V92 I am leaning a bit more to the scalloped cap rather than the parallel, but this may be subjective as I just had this lovely shave with it today. I'll still rotate the caps regularly as I believe in using every tool at my disposal for variety... and science of course.

Today's face shave was much more challenging.
WTG was proceeded normally. But second XTG/WTG pass suddenly turned to evil
battle. I was thinking that my true Rubie demanded retirement at his 30th shave. Got two minor cuts and my face feels sore.
I was taking razor apart when discovering that handle was come loose. It was my fault not Rubie's. I'll continue til its true retirement.

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The Yaqi Brass handle arrived (very fast in two days) and it's quite the looker. Thanks @Halfbeard for the inspiration. I tried this handle today with the parallel cap. The handle is nice an heavy, quite grippy but shorter than the original.

The shave wasn't too bad today, just a DFS-. It seems that I get subjectively better shaves with the scalloped cap than with the parallel. After four shaves with the scalloped cap (DFS, CCS, DFS, BBS) and four shaves with the parallel cap (DFS++, CCS, DFS, DFS-) results seem to be almost evenly distributed among the total of eight shaves and surprisingly with slightly better results with the parallel. Nevertheless, the scalloped cap feels just a tad better. Of course, these observations need to be taken with a grain of salt since many variables come into play and the definitions of CCS, DFS and BBS are so very subjective, although I do submit to the B&B definitions of those abbreviations where BBS is no stubble felt with circular motions on skin for example. I recorded only 11 BBS shaves out of 71 shaves since the beginning of this year and most of these were BBS on face and minimum DFS+ on the neck; I count these as BBS shaves for me. I stopped ATG passes completely and only shave WTG with two passes.

Interestingly many of these BBS shaves have been achieved just recently with large gap DSC razors.

Rubie (32)
Blue's Goat Milk soap
synthetic brush
Brossi a/s

Nice morning two pass head shave. DFS
Nice evening one pass face shave. DFS-

I think Rubie deserves honorable retirement.

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Absolutely outstanding shave today with the V92 - scalloped cap. Effortless BBS in two WTG passes with two-day stubble. I am amazed how good this razor is. I can't say much about the performance of higher end razors, as I haven't had the pleasure, but I can't imagine that there will be much of a difference in shaving performance. Better materials...yes, better quality control...yes, better shaves... maybe.

After a couple of shaves with the parallel cap and the scalloped cap, I can confidently say that the scalloped cap gives me slightly better results. Today's BBS lasted about 4 hours, now I can feel slight stubble ATG - still DFS though. The V92 with the right blade is a revelation. The ease of use is astonishing, never do I feel that I don't know what the razor is doing.

I can only encourage you to try the V95. As @GlazedBoker stated before, there isn't much of a difference between V92 and V95. If I would be in the market again I would go for the V95. If you are looking at the V95 with just one cap, I'd recommend the scalloped over the parallel. I feel that the scalloped cap is a bit smoother and more efficient shaver than the parallel cap. It's also easier to maintain since the smooth surfaces on the parallel cap are a bit harder to bring to a nice shine.

Since the V95 is all brass, you'll have to dry the razor after each shave and give it a short polish with a microfiber cloth. If you don't, you'll have uneven waterspots which will discolor the razor unevenly over time.

The brass KVT handle from DSC is quite nice. It's heavy and quite well polished, but the knurling is a bit superficial. If you are only getting the V95 head without a handle, I can recommend the Yaqi brass handle which @Halfbeard got and which I liked so much that I placed an order as soon as I saw it. Note that the polishing won't be matching 100%, the V95 has a shiny polish and the Yaqi brass handle is matte. It's still looking quite nice.

Finally, if you're looking for a brass razor stand, Yintal should have one where both the DSC brass handle and the Yaqi handle will fit in. I added some pictures with both caps, handles, and the stand.

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The V92 is getting some "color" in this hot and humid climate. Perfect! Got a bit of hard water spots on the parallel cap; I might try to polish it out with some lemon juice. Or maybe I'll just let it be. Oh, and yeah... this is full fledged pure brass and not some brass alloy...every part of it (handle, base plate and cap). No magnet would stick and it smells like brass, even you hands will have a slight brass scent after handling it. And it's a quite heavy razor. Much heavier than a stainless steel razor. Did I mention that it shaves very well? It does...even with a Derby Extra. What a surprise.

I'm still loving the V92 in every combination. Scalloped cap a bit more, but the parallel cap is also very, very good. A lovely razor I can wholeheartedly recommend.

Thank you Gentlemen. Very informative and excellent posts. Much appreciated.

Razor: DSCosmetic V92 parallel cap
Blade: Feather
Brush: Mühle Liscio Black Fibre
Soap: Noble Otter - Two Kings (sample)
A/S: POLA - Galantom II after shave lotion
EdP: Tom Ford - Oud Wood

The DSC doesn't come up as much in my rotation anymore. Not because I grew tired of it, but because I have many more razors now to try. So when it comes up, it's always a bit special. It still shaves great, it's very accommodating to almost any blade and just plain delivers very good shaves every time. It's also a good looking razor and something draws the eye to it every time I look at my razor lineup. It just stands out from the crowd.

There's a lot to like about the V92 aside shaving performance: quite heavy because it's all brass, warms up nicely because it's brass, looks good as it slowly oxidizes over time because, you know it, it's brass.

I'll reiterate my previous statement though, making it easier for anybody considering this razor: the V95 has a higher blade gap, but comparisons have shown that the shaving performance between the V92 and V95 is not much different. Go for the V95 over the V92. And, the scalloped cap shaves a bit smoother than the parallel cap.

All in all a lovely razor and if I remember correctly the V92 was my third DE razor, and I still like it to bits.
View attachment 1945516
Razor: DSCosmetic V92 parallel cap
Blade: Feather
Brush: Mühle Liscio Black Fibre
Soap: Noble Otter - Two Kings (sample)
A/S: POLA - Galantom II after shave lotion
EdP: Tom Ford - Oud Wood

The DSC doesn't come up as much in my rotation anymore. Not because I grew tired of it, but because I have many more razors now to try. So when it comes up, it's always a bit special. It still shaves great, it's very accommodating to almost any blade and just plain delivers very good shaves every time. It's also a good looking razor and something draws the eye to it every time I look at my razor lineup. It just stands out from the crowd.

There's a lot to like about the V92 aside shaving performance: quite heavy because it's all brass, warms up nicely because it's brass, looks good as it slowly oxidizes over time because, you know it, it's brass.

I'll reiterate my previous statement though, making it easier for anybody considering this razor: the V95 has a higher blade gap, but comparisons have shown that the shaving performance between the V92 and V95 is not much different. Go for the V95 over the V92. And, the scalloped cap shaves a bit smoother than the parallel cap.

All in all a lovely razor and if I remember correctly the V92 was my third DE razor, and I still like it to bits.
I ordered a V92 on 11/11 based on reading this thread. Excited to try it when the razor gets here. I especially like that you say most any blade works well in it.
Ordered one as well a couple weeks back before the sale and it shows out for delivery today. Looking forward to trying this razor (V92 with both top caps) after reading through this thread with some very positive reviews & experiences. It will be my 2nd Brass alloy razor & first from DScosmetics. My initial experience with Asian produced razors has been a delight with the Yaqi Avanti. Hopefully the V92 will provide as good a shave. If it does for the cash outlay, I'd consider it a win win.
As I stated in my previous post, the DScosmetics V92 Brass razor arrived yesterday. It was shrink wrapped and packaged in a simple plain box within another box. I ordered a couple other items as well from Aliexpress. Simple but, it was protected and the razor was impeccable in its condition. The quality & craftsmanship of the razor is outstanding and belies the fact that for a sub $60US price tag and even less if acquired via their sales events, this razor could be marketed from anyone else outside of China for double if not triple the costs.

But, looks, cost & fitment are one thing more importantly is, how does it shave? As many if not all have said here, it is an excellent shaving tool. I do like smooth and efficient razors that do lean more towards the milder side of the spectrum as I'm a daily shaver not necessarily looking for a BBS result at every outing but, for my first shave I used a new Feather blade. The blade feel though not heavy was present and the cutting ability of the V92 with the scalloped cap was in my eye, in the medium range & up in the efficiency/aggressive feel department. Not scary or intimidating whatsoever but, effectively present and still showed a very controlled and palpable smoothness. The Brass holds heat very well and the razor/blade combo proved to be quite comfortable on the skin though I knew if I lost a bit of control the Feather could have turned on me in an instant. Never happened and I just continued to give myself a very comfortable yet superbly efficient 3 pass shave with no picks ups or buffing required. I attained a BBS finish without looking for it and I'm thoroughly impressed by this razors performance. However, as a daily or perhaps with the sharpest blade in the wet shave landscape, the V92 is perhaps a bit much for me as a daily as the alum pass proved that there were a few spots of heat irritation especially along both sides of my neck near the Adam's Apple area. There were no nics, cuts or even a single weeper to see but, the heat was apparent. All subsided within 20-30 minutes after the shave with a healthy dose of Witch Hazel & my preferred splash to seal the event on an excellent note.

Superb first outing sans the blade in which I will replace with a not so sharp blade that is a notch or two below the Feather, perhaps a Gillette Silver Blue or equivalent. The razor is not aggressive in the least, it was just a tad bit more efficient than I expected with the combination used. The shave performance for the price is simply outstanding with quality to match. I can see this razor being a very good daily or skip a day or two between shaves depending on blade being used. As is, it's a fine tool that I'm looking extremely forward too in acclimating myself with in the coming days & weeks.





Razor: DSC V92 scalloped cap
Blade: FlyDear SP
Brush: ARNO 26mm, Manchurian 2-band badger, Jade Palace
Soap: Razorock - Black Bay
A/S: Pinaud Clubman - Special Reserve (decant)
EdP: Creed - Himalaya

It has been a while since the DSC V92 showed up, pretty much a whole month since my last shave with this razor. It's always a pleasure holding the warm and heavy brass razor and navigating it with ease across the whiskers. The scalloped cap is just fantastic and matched with the FlyDear blade it is one of my best razors.

I only managed for a DFS++ today but I'm nick-, weeper-, and irritation- free.That constitutes a pretty good shave in my books and I'm more than happy with the result. More importantly, I've enjoyed my shave immensely today.
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