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Does anyone Like Tabac, and NOT like MWF?

Tabac and MWF Correlation

  • I like them both

  • like MWF, dislike Tabac

  • like tabac, dislike MWF

  • Dislike both

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I don't like either....

I'm not fond of either scent. They both remind me of grandma and grandpa!

They both shave well, but I've had bad shaves with them too. I'm not even going to mention how inconsistent MWF is. Oh, I just did! :w00t:

I'd like to try Irisch Moos though, the lather of Tabac with a better scent sounds like something I'd be interested in.

Can't stand the musty mouldering dead plant smell of Tabac.

MWF smells like....

Originally Posted by Seraphim:
Fresh washed sheets at a cottage in the English countryside in the late spring when you are just opening your eyes to the dappled sunlight twinkling through the green leafy branches swaying in the morning breeze, as the soft bleating of sheep in the meadow announce the coming of a new day.

...exactly like that.
Tabac makes effortless lather with a mediocre scent. MWF has one of my favorite soap scents, but I can't, for the life of me, make a decent brushfull of lather! Hard water or soft water--maybe I should try to whip it up in a bowl.
I was waiting to hear what you guys had to say, but here's my opinion:

burns my skin
smell is OK
Lather is def above average though

doesn't burn me
smells awesome
lather is def above average (I've never had a problem with it. I guess I have lucky water)

Overall, I Like MWF a LOT, and I somewhat dislike Tabac. I've even sold it and rebought it to give it another chance. no dice.
% 55 Tabac
% 45 MWF

using regular Tabac seldom Mitchel but aprox i like close to each..
Tabac one step ahead for me.
The thing that most amazes me about this thread is how many people love the MWF scent. YMMV proven yet again.

For the record, it's okay, but mostly just sort of "there" for me.
The thing that most amazes me about this thread is how many people love the MWF scent. YMMV proven yet again.

For the record, it's okay, but mostly just sort of "there" for me.

Thats what I like about it. Using one soap continously, its the soap you're least likey to grow weary of. ymmv
Oh yeah, well I like both! :001_tt2::001_tt2:

To be fair though, MWF takes some work, time and practice to really get it down. I think anyone can lather Tabac.

I've never had a minute's trouble getting a great lather out of MWF... Tabac is just meh for me <shrug>
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MWF seems to require an improbable amount of effort before producing worthwhile lather. And even if I work up a sweat doing that, it reacts with something on my face - burny tingly sensation.

Tabac works like a champ. Took a while to get used to the scent, though. I like it now.

I like both these soaps, and use them. If I had to make an ultimate choice between the two, however, Mitchell's Wool Fat would get my nod.


MWF is a pain in my rear trying to lather but love the softness it leaves behind. Tabac is an interesting smell but lathers nicer than MWF but not as nice of after effect as MWF.
I like Tabac's scent (as does SWMBO) and can't say that I think a lot of the "Fels-Naptha" bar scent of MWF.

While I can get a good lather from MWF and it's great, the lanolin seems to cause a problem with my skin. If it weren't for that, I'd certainly use it. So for me, it's Tabac!
I've never had a minute's trouble getting a great lather out of MWF... Tabac is just meh for me <shrug>

Please please share you wisdom. I love the closeness of MWF but I use to work up a sweat trying to lather it in a bowl. Now I just load the brush and face lather and it works nice. Plus I like the smell over Tabac.
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