Мое судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей!Всем здравствуйте!
После каждого бритья мойка станка под струей воды и разборка, далее протираю полотенцем от мыльных разводов и высушиваю станок…
(My Hovercraft is full of eels! )
Мое судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей!Всем здравствуйте!
После каждого бритья мойка станка под струей воды и разборка, далее протираю полотенцем от мыльных разводов и высушиваю станок…
I didn't get the joke.Мое судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей!
(My Hovercraft is full of eels! )
Now I understand- Translation difficulties))) In general, I do not speak English and I communicate with you thanks to Google translator.I didn't get the joke.
It's from a Monte Python comedy routine. Pretending I screwed up the translation into nonsense.Now I understand- Translation difficulties))) In general, I do not speak English and I communicate with you thanks to Google translator.
Takes like one extra second to grab the bottle and simply zap the DE and blade with a quick fine mist of alcohol that will clean, disinfect and remove all of the water and then hang it up to dry
I have the Gillette PII, which is the authorized Trac II reproduction that is made in India.
Last year, I shaved three separate weeks using the PII blades. All three weeks were satisfactory shaves.
The Trac II was my favorite razor. I only moved to the three blade cartridge when the II was no longer available.
Isn’t there still plenty of Compatible twin blade cart brands in the wild that will still fit your PII handle?
Might be? I bought several packages of PII blades when I bought the razor. Have only used one blade. They are like the originals, no goo strip.
I did buy some Twin Blade Personna cartridges. They were on sale for $14/hundred. I have been using one cartridge since the beginning of the year to trim around my mustache. Not every day of course. But since it is such a small area to trim, the Personna cart is holding in there. It does have the slime strip, which I can do without!
I see you have a fancy Trac II. I have never seen that model before.