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CDC: Cult de Candre


Ditto, ditto
Need some advice. I just bought my first jar of McD Original. Can you give me some suggestions as to a good matching after shave and cologne? thanks. Happy New Year to all.
Speaking only for myself, I never match aftershave to soap. The closest I ever came was using Aqua Velva Ice Blue with Williams pucks back in the 80s. I don't own a shaving soap that has a fragrance that will overpower even my weakest AS splash.

By the time I've rinsed my face, cleaned up my kit, and wiped down the countertop and sink, any scent from my soap is virtually gone. MdC, SV, Seaforth, B&M... doesn't matter. I rotate through about ten aftershaves and use any of them with any soap.

I use an unscented AS if I'm going to use another fragrance.

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