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C.E. Bigelow Shave Cream

I did a test lather, haven't shaved with it yet. The menthol wasn't very evident...have I set my expectations too high? What's the strongest mentholated cream out there? I really enjoyed the slight menthol cooling I felt...want to take it up a few notches...
Like you, I stocked up on a few tubes of C.E.Bigelow SC as a Proraso surrogate.. six tubes in total.

Frankly, it isn't the scent that is a fail for me, it's the lather.. doesn't mix well with my water/technique/brush/bowl... I am going to try a few drops of glycerin and if that still doesn't get my attention the lot is off to a buddy who loves the stuff.

I wonder if the Proraso green tub responds the same..

I like C.O. Bigelow as a summer travel cream now, but used it exclusively for a good while. I find I have to add a little more water than most creams and work it a little longer. I treat it almost like a soap, in terms of technique, and get a very nice lather from it.
I did a test lather, haven't shaved with it yet. The menthol wasn't very evident...have I set my expectations too high? What's the strongest mentholated cream out there? I really enjoyed the slight menthol cooling I felt...want to take it up a few notches...

In an affordable cream, I like Ingram's.
I'd give it a bit until you get used to all of these new & strange scents before you get rid of them. This cream is one of the best out there, and the scent will grow on you after a while....I was once where you are, and thought the same. But I stuck it out and am glad I did. Proraso is good stuff.
The scent isn't too endearing, in my mind, but the lather and the cooling is great, at least with my water. I'm finding that a dollop injected into my damp silvertip brush, then start working up a lather on my face rather than going to the bowl first, is a definite winner. The only issue I have with it is that my bathroom sink drain is very slow, and the residue in the water seems to slow it down even further, so I only use it when I have extra time to shave. I also have a small tube that I use as travel goods...
I love the stuff!! Got away from it for awhile, but I am back with my old friend C.O. Anyone wanting to abandon members of the Bigelow family, just send them to me, I'll give them a happy home :biggrin1:
I love the stuff!! Got away from it for awhile, but I am back with my old friend C.O. Anyone wanting to abandon members of the Bigelow family, just send them to me, I'll give them a happy home :biggrin1:
+1 ... I, too, returned to Bigelow's Proraso after a two year hiatus. Mainly due to the insane heat we've been having lately. That menthol blast is just the relief I need after a long day at work. Bigelow cream and other Proraso products will be the backbone of my rotation throughout the rest of this summer, unless I find something better to replace it, which is unlikely.
I think C.O. Bigelow is a good shave cream.
I use it for super lather.
I love menthol, the colder the better..:velva2:
Nothing wrong with the scent.
I bought a few tubes when it went on sale.

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