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Boar Brush Poll #2 - Handle Style and Handle Color

Which qualities would you like to see in a boar brush?

  • HANDLE STYLE: Acrylic with opaque color body & Pearl bottom.

  • HANDLE STYLE: Acrylic with opaque color body & [I]clear[/I] bottom.

  • HANDLE STYLE: Light or Dark wood

  • HANDLE STYLE: Gemstone (ala Penworks)

  • HANDLE STYLE: Other acrylic / other material (put in comments)

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): B&B Dark Blue

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): Antique Blue ([POST=2284601]example[/POST])

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): Faux Ebony / Black

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): Faux Ivory / White

  • HANDLE COLOR (if acrylic): Other (put in comments)

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If we were getting crazy, I'd love a "Boar & Blade" logo engraved on the bottom of the brush handle.

I'd rather see it (Badger & Blade logo or head) embedded inside the brush somehow, so its visible through the brush handle side.
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Can anybody give an example of the acrylic pearl look? I'm not sure I understand what is meant by that.

This is what I envision pearl bottom to be:


Picture that with blue in place of red.
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Rodeo, if that's the case, I can dig it. Wouldn't be upset at all if that's what it turns out to be. That said, I do think it would interfere with the logo being imprinted into the clear portion on the bottom (a la horse head example).
Rodeo, if that's the case, I can dig it. Wouldn't be upset at all if that's what it turns out to be. That said, I do think it would interfere with the logo being imprinted into the clear portion on the bottom (a la horse head example).
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I think it might be more of a "clear bottom with inlaid head" vs "pearl bottom sans head." Both would be great choices, though! It's like having to choose between a warm apple pie and a cool key lime pie. You're still getting pie, and that's awesome.


Rodeo, if that's the case, I can dig it. Wouldn't be upset at all if that's what it turns out to be. That said, I do think it would interfere with the logo being imprinted into the clear portion on the bottom (a la horse head example).

Correct, if pearl, the logo would need to be printed over the top, whether that be on the bottom or side of the handle but if clear, we can have it printed or embedded. (Embedding will likely add to cost though.) I do think that clear w/ embedded would be really sharp though.
It's clear and pearl, neck and neck down the home stretch!

If this doesn't get resolved in the tie-breaker, I'm thinking that we should base it on whether or not we can get the inlaid done in the price point. If we can, we go with clear. Otherwise, we go with pearl.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I think it might be more of a "clear bottom with inlaid head" vs "pearl bottom sans head." Both would be great choices, though! It's like having to choose between a warm apple pie and a cool key lime pie. You're still getting pie, and that's awesome.

mmmmmm PIE!! :thumbup:
It would be nice to have a two color handle much like the old EverReady shave brushes. Maybe the bottom in the B&B dark blue and the top half in the lighter B&B blue.
It would be nice to have a two color handle much like the old EverReady shave brushes. Maybe the bottom in the B&B dark blue and the top half in the lighter B&B blue.
That would also look cool. Might be something we can throw in a later poll if this gets some interest!
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