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Blade Sharpness Research Project

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
I said it should be fairly easy to test everything I didn't have available locally in my small town, and I've done it. CVS didn't have any double edged blades, and Rite Aid had the VDH Basics, which I already tested and their own brand of blades, the Daylogic For Men Stainless Steel blades. It comes in a blister pack, and inside that is a really nice feeling and looking steel and plastic blade bank with 15 blades in it. The blades are made in Germany, so maybe they will be really good.

View attachment 1883805
View attachment 1883807
View attachment 1883806

The blade just has some arrows on it. The printing on the blade bank is cool. It looks like something that was designed before we had computers. I has old school automotive type paint on it. I wonder if it is new old stock from someplace. I wouldn't be shocked if Rite Aide had a hiatus from selling DE blades and kept a bunch of old blade banks in a warehouse until they got popular again.

View attachment 1883808

Under a microscope, the blade looks alright. The scratch pattern is coarse an uneven, and the coating is thick, but it looks like the edge is honed.
View attachment 1883809

Nope. The steel is terrible. It squishes and chips like the worst of the worst.
View attachment 1883810

It turns out this is the dullest and least durable blade I have tested. It is defective at best and incompetently produced at worse. So much for German blades. Maybe Merkur looked into the same supplier before deciding to put their brand on Czech blades.

When I first started testing this blade, I got half way through the second measurement set and decided it might be a bad individual or a damaged individual, so I scrapped it, grabbed another, inspected the edges under a microscope and found no damage, and re-started the measurement process to get what we have here. The special rules for dead spots that support 250g of force on the mono-filament applied to this blade. Both edges were bad. If you are going to buy a blade in my town, get the VDH Basics.

Information Summary:
View attachment 1883824

BladeDaylogicRite AidStainless SteelGermanyMarch 24, 2022
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.7967662447
Median F (g)83250250250250
Mean F (g) Btm165217218250238
Mean F (g) Top95201195230218
Mean F (g)130209206240228
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt137180181208198
Av. Adj. F (g) Top79167162191181
Median adj. F (g)69208208208208
Mean adj. F (g)108173171199189

View attachment 1883822

Stay away from this blade, or buy it for the cool blade bank, but don't use it for shaving.

Blade Sharpness Test Index

Complete Data:

BladeDaylogicRite AidStainless SteelGermanyMarch 24, 2022
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.7967662447
Median F (g)83250250250250
Mean F (g) Btm165217218250238
Mean F (g) Top95201195230218
Mean F (g)130209206240228
F (g) 1250250250250250
F (g) 2250250250250250
F (g) 367250250250250
F (g) 4142250250250250
F (g) 518171250250250
F (g) 625052250250250
F (g) 725025096250250
F (g) 87725076250250
F (g) 959250250250250
F (g) 1075250250250250
F (g) 11250245250250250
F (g) 125825095250250
F (g) 13250130250250250
F (g) 146525025025071
F (g) 15250250250250250
F (g) 16117250250243185
F (g) 1774250106215250
F (g) 1867149119250250
F (g) 1971250250250250
F (g) 2053240250250250
F (g) 2172195250192250
F (g) 22139250116250121
F (g) 2383250121193158
F (g) 24104250124250250
F (g) 2577250210143250
F (g) 268399250250168
F (g) 27104250250250227
F (g) 287282250250250
F (g) 29250145250220250
F (g) 3059108124250155
Good information and great photography on razor edges. Thanks!
I find this Personna to be very good on a single shave. Made in Germany. Don't think this one has been tested?

IMG_1766 2.jpeg


Collecting wife bonus parts
I tested the Dorco Prime Platinum STP300, which @Sweeney_ was kind enough to send to me. It is a Vietnamese blade made under license from a Korean company. I am not sure when it was manufactured. The ones I see for sale online are in plastic tucks, and this one comes in a cardboard tuck. The packaging is almost perfect; the only thing missing is a date code. It is a tuck of ten blades in double wrappers with high quality printing and paper including waxed inner paper. The stenciling on the blade is colored, which is a nice touch. There is also some foil and a hologram on the tuck. This excellent blade is sharp, durable, and looks smooth at the edge under a microscope.

View attachment 1883770

View attachment 1883771

The new blade has a medium grit moderately consistent primary grind, and a smoothly honed secondary grind that comes about a quarter of the way up. It has a heavy coating.

View attachment 1883772

After testing, the edge is in excellent condition, with some fine denting and almost no chipping at the apex, and a smooth secondary bevel. I bet it would feel fine on your face at this point.
View attachment 1883773

Information Summary:
View attachment 1883787

BladeDorco STP300Prime PlatinumExtra StainlessVietnamCardboard Tuck
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1411111014
Median F (g)76.573747481
Mean F (g) Btm8272807581
Mean F (g) Top7270667583
Mean F (g)7771737582
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt6860666267
Av. Adj. F (g) Top5959556269
Median adj. F (g)6461616167
Mean adj. F (g)6459616268

View attachment 1883786

Blade Sharpness Test Index

Complete Data:

BladeDorco STP300Prime PlatinumExtra StainlessVietnamCardboard Tuck
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1411111014
Median F (g)76.573747481
Mean F (g) Btm8272807581
Mean F (g) Top7270667583
Mean F (g)7771737582
F (g) 110085857892
F (g) 26275838488
F (g) 37977786792
F (g) 46183836483
F (g) 58192897996
F (g) 610360656482
F (g) 77460897077
F (g) 88478758070
F (g) 910763836280
F (g) 107855707667
F (g) 117166627579
F (g) 127659767874
F (g) 1310079749091
F (g) 148475886466
F (g) 156977968878
F (g) 165960636277
F (g) 177868707074
F (g) 186483566286
F (g) 198059575895
F (g) 206868629553
F (g) 215850817387
F (g) 227752858691
F (g) 236980708493
F (g) 246188647065
F (g) 256391749072
F (g) 2668756469121
F (g) 2780775270108
F (g) 289871747362
F (g) 298367627679
F (g) 306868618488
The Dorco Prime is an amazing blade and one of my favorites.
Taking one for the team with that Viking, eh?

I'm curious if you ever got around to trying that Energizer Personna after you put it through the ringer.
Linked it wrong

I'll see if I measured it when I get my computer up.
Today I tested the red German Personna blade. This is an Edgewell product, the same parent company as Schick. I don't see a production date, but it is a recent purchase with a 2019 copyright. This blade is sharp and looks very smooth. It is consistent through the first cut test, but it isn't durable and falls apart after that. The steel appears to be soft and resilient. It comes in a cardboard tuck of five blades single wrapped in printed waxed paper.



It looks super smooth under a microscope. The scratch pattern on the bevel is moderate, but most of the bevel is honed smooth and heavily coated. It should feel nice.

After testing, the coating is gone, and we can see it was honed in two stages. We also see some denting along the edge. The dents showed up as dead spots by the penultimate cut test. The steel isn't tough or durable, but since it doesn't chip like most razor steels, it should feel smooth for a few shaves before it starts to dull significantly.

I don't think this is this is the same blade as the Daylogic, because that blade was honed in a single stage, right at the distal part of the bevel near the edge. The primary grind, the coating, and the soft steel are all similar, though.


Information Summary:


BladePersonna RedStainless SteelEdgewellGermany~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1921274373
Median F (g)72718289119.5
Mean F (g) Btm798595105143
Mean F (g) Top79728297140
Mean F (g)797989101142
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt66717987118
Av. Adj. F (g) Top66606880117
Median adj. F (g)6059687499
Mean adj. F (g)66657483118


Blade Sharpness Test Index

Complete Data:

BladePersonna RedStainless SteelEdgewellGermany~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1921274373
Median F (g)72718289119.5
Mean F (g) Btm798595105143
Mean F (g) Top79728297140
Mean F (g)797989101142
F (g) 189859211670
F (g) 278867412374
F (g) 396666872164
F (g) 47713110165143
F (g) 5667365126131
F (g) 6799713889109
F (g) 79312912287250
F (g) 8785614313556
F (g) 972636591149
F (g) 1072696365250
F (g) 1110075120150181
F (g) 1267637695250
F (g) 13701388055106
F (g) 147685113147140
F (g) 15766610215267
F (g) 166174688972
F (g) 1751698610781
F (g) 18597057107250
F (g) 19706110967250
F (g) 2012760837180
F (g) 2169966493250
F (g) 22687514582250
F (g) 2369989917281
F (g) 2471655962250
F (g) 257271586268
F (g) 26104668259130
F (g) 276671698681
F (g) 2814168827190
F (g) 299271537074
F (g) 306566123250100
On my shave tests I tried the same German Personna a couple days ago and it was very smooth and felt fairly sharp. That’s the downside of only doing 1 shave with each blade before trying the next one out…. It appears this one would decline fast but if your a one and done guy this German Personna is a pretty good blade.

I’m quite surprised the steel is that soft. It’ll be interesting to see if the older Israeli ones used the same softer steel or not. And if the German ones in the 200 pack are the same blades as the red ones above (they probably are).


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
On my shave tests I tried the same German Personna a couple days ago and it was very smooth and felt fairly sharp. That’s the downside of only doing 1 shave with each blade before trying the next one out…. It appears this one would decline fast but if your a one and done guy this German Personna is a pretty good blade.

I’m quite surprised the steel is that soft. It’ll be interesting to see if the older Israeli ones used the same softer steel or not. And if the German ones in the 200 pack are the same blades as the red ones above (they probably are).
It seems pretty unlikely that the older Israeli blades used softer steel, those were one of the blades people were pushing to a week or more for the last decade. It's still possible, which would be kind of funny since everybody thought they were super high quality blades. Even the Crystals didn't rate as lasting as long by the same people. This one is likely down to the two blades having different grind profiles as seen in older microscope images. One of the persistant older rumours was that the red box blades were some kind of budget blade because they were cheap once.

The other question is why are they using softer steel at the same plant for Personna, and store brand, blades and presumably higher quality steel for Wilkinson Sword and Schick blades. Is this further proof that the Personna brand was intended to be budget focused all along?
Here we have another blade generously offered by @Sweeney_ , the Gillette Rubie from PPI Russia. This is a blade that has become highly valued since its supply dropped off. It has a strong following. I am a big fan of PPI blades, so I have been really interested in trying it. I definitely wasn't ready to pay the current secondary market prices, which seem to be around $3 per blade for a delivered tuck, when I have so many blades here already. It is milder and more finely ground than other PPI blades I have tested. I shaved with it yesterday, and found it very similar to the Wizamet Super Iridium from 2023 that I tested. The Wizamet has a heavier coating, but a similar grind, so if you miss the Rubie, go and try the Wizamet.

The Rubie comes in a typical cardboard PPI tuck with weak glue containing 5 blades in single waxed paper wrappers with medium wax dots.


The blade is laser etched on one side only, it doesn't have grind numbers, but it does have a date and designation, which is very nice to see. The Accutec Personna I tested also had a laser etched date.


It has an excellent fine and even grind that reminds me of Feather, and it has a moderate and even coating.

After testing, we some some very fine chipping along the edge, and most of the coating on the bevel remains. This is a tough and resilient steel of reasonable hardness. Even though it dulls at a fairly ordinary rate, it dulls smoothly and evenly, which means that as long as the sharpness is still enough to cut your hairs, it should keep feeling nice on the skin; the durable coating should also prolong its effectiveness. I actually put this through an extra paper cut test, so its smoothness at the edge is even more impressive.

Information Summary:


BladeGillette RubieStainless SteelPPIRussiaJune 18, 2019
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.161516202125
Median F (g)787989.597104.5112.5
Mean F (g) Btm8484928210398
Mean F (g) Top828487105104115
Mean F (g)83848993103107
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt707076688582
Av. Adj. F (g) Top686972878696
Median adj. F (g)656674818793
Mean adj. F (g)697074778689


Blade Sharpness Test Index

Complete Data:

BladeGillette RubieStainless SteelPPIRussiaJune 18, 2019
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.161516202125
Median F (g)787989.597104.5112.5
Mean F (g) Btm8484928210398
Mean F (g) Top828487105104115
Mean F (g)83848993103107
F (g) 11037110571122118
F (g) 278779175106113
F (g) 384648071128112
F (g) 484102967910886
F (g) 576107896714380
F (g) 685797467120122
F (g) 778781161059073
F (g) 88279907012374
F (g) 97980887611688
F (g) 1010388991046792
F (g) 1174899010511375
F (g) 127510996757889
F (g) 137889779370136
F (g) 1476787511091121
F (g) 1510876109606994
F (g) 166494769982140
F (g) 1711791731048386
F (g) 18736779129132157
F (g) 19817459124120124
F (g) 20126120107104131128
F (g) 216468102112103113
F (g) 2275607911810091
F (g) 2383112836996129
F (g) 241057010182118138
F (g) 2564101741249182
F (g) 2688861061208690
F (g) 27747759958263
F (g) 286586121114117
F (g) 29676810197121137
F (g) 3078798097101136
I figured the Rubies would be a little sharper then that based on what I feel but either way it’s my go to blade if I had to pick just one. I’ve only ever used one date and they are from 2020. I figure those 2019 ones are about the same.

I picked up some 2019 ones a few months ago but I’m not sure if it’s the date tested. I’ll have to check and give them a try to see if they’re the same feel as the 2020s.

On the German Personnas I’ve tried 3 so far with each being a different batch. One red like above that felt great on the first shave. And 2 in the blue plastic tucks from different batches - 1 felt similar to the red tested above but the other didn’t feel as good to me. If I had to guess I’d say they’re all the same blade with batch variations.

I’ll be sending in some of the Personna X, Israel Red, Tomy, Edison, Viking Sword, and Crystal for testing. I’m hoping to get some blades packed up and shipped off tomorrow if all goes well.


Blade Biter
I was going to stick this in my journal, but...

I wonder if the edge is very finely finished making it feel sharper than it is. Best of both worlds if it goes through the beard smoothly, but the lower measured sharpness might be kinder on the face. It also explains my sample that I likened to broken glass, I forgot that it might have been a wire edge and I should have corked it on the first shave after feeling it.
Hmm, IMO wire edges have no place on a razor blade!

I don't remember seeing wire edges on any of the 2014 SEM thread, Mr. Helicopters microscope shots, nor my very unprofessional loupey peaks.

But I agree with your hypothesis, while looking through the 2014 thread, how smooth the bevels are polished had a direct impact on how much I liked the blade!


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Hmm, IMO wire edges have no place on a razor blade!

I don't remember seeing wire edges on any of the 2014 SEM thread, Mr. Helicopters microscope shots, nor my very unprofessional loupey peaks.
You're probably right, it's just technically possible. It was probably the coating as I originally thought, should have left the comment in my journal. I'll delete it even though it will stick around in the quote.
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