Very nice!!!!
And yes Dools I only shave with these puppies 6-7 days a week.
did the coating make the finish nice and smooth as im sure you know the fatips are not finished the best and some of mine even have some little tiny things into the metal that were plated over. were they able to get the finish nice and smooth without anything showing through? otherwise looks awesome i may have to do this the finish is the one thing i never like with my fatips.
Ty kingfisher and no it does not make it tamer or more aggressive ideally. The reason behind the shimming is to push down the flaring corner of the blade and make it parallel like the rest of the blade is to the OC, the way it is meant to be. The flaring corner blade is a hazard that could cause nicks or cuts.The dimensions of the exposure of the shim are in the thread for that reason. If the shim is cut too long or maybe too far out it could affect part of the blade that does not need shimming and affect the ideal parallel position the blade to the OC. I cut it too long at first and that is why I revised the dimensions of the shim on the thread. I would eyeball the blade and make sure the blade is parallel to the OC. Maybe your Fatip needs a larger shim. I got 3 Fatips with 3 shims all cut the same and the flaring corner blade is parallel on them. It must be a casting problem because all 5 torqued Fatips I have come across have the problem on a left facing corner. Good luck.Just a quick question about your shimming.......when you use your shim to fix the torque, does that also decrease the blade gap of the razor? In other words, does it tame the razor somewhat in addition to making the shave safer/smoother? Just curious.