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Aluminum Guerrilla

It showed up today. Can’t use it as I’ve already shaved this morning but, it’s in the batter’s box for tomorrow morning for sure. Mr. Dufour is world class in both creation and packaging. Superb shipment of a $135 razor. He gets it….









It showed up today. Can’t use it as I’ve already shaved this morning but, it’s in the batter’s box for tomorrow morning for sure. Mr. Dufour is world class in both creation and packaging. Superb shipment of a $135 razor. He gets it….

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Beautiful aluminum, congratulations!
Sorry I just read the 0.99 invoice
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Looks nice, but I have no interest in jet black. I like the red and the blue that Karve offers. Does Wolfman have other colors in their aluminum line?
Looks nice, but I have no interest in jet black. I like the red and the blue that Karve offers. Does Wolfman have other colors in their aluminum line?

Not sure but, I think that James does mention on his website that he is looking into perhaps offering anodizing color options in the future.
It does looks interesting, but if it's performance is close to the new Game Changer 1.05 plate, I think spending $30 more would be a much better option and also not a fan of aluminium, especially at that price range.
A very nice first shave from the Aluminum Guerilla on its first outing. As some of you have seen from the photos of another shave member & those that I posted, quality, finish and fitment is world class. The quality of the anodizing is of premium status with no deviation in shading of color and is fully complete on every millimeter of this razor. Blade alignment is precise with nearly zero wiggle fore & aft nor side to side. Exposure is equal on both sides of the cutting ends and there is the slightest in blade tab reveal on each end. Just enough to be able to remove the blade when one is done. The clamping and support of the blade is top notch and exhibited no flex or chatter during my shave. It’s very lightweight yet, it still feels substantial in the hands and the thickness of the handle gives it a more robust and solid feel. It exhibits good overall balance and offers nice tactile feel once one gets down to business.

How was the shave? For a first time out and me not being the biggest fan or proponent of lighter razors, this shaved very, very well giving a BBS finish with little work required. I had a real good shave with my Brass General yesterday so whiskers were at a minimum (Feather Pro Supers are viciously good) and I just performed an XTG & ATG passes with no touch ups or buff work involved. From the first stroke on it was obvious that there is positive blade exposure on the Guerilla which I always welcome. Not in an intimidating way as there is enough curvature to the blade where one doesn’t feel an initial bite or that the blade edge can potentially dig into the skin if one is not careful. I adjusted pressure slightly adapting to the lighter weight and just experimented with angles just to get a feel on what this lightweight whisker reducer was made of. Quite frankly, the cutting window is broad and easy to achieve plus maintain at every stroke. Ride the guard slightly, it cuts almost with a bit of a muted scraping sound. Ride closer to the cap and one gets a similar effect but, with a slight increase in audible effect. Find the sweet spot somewhere in the middle or neutral land and this pup sings with some really nice high notes. If you like blade music, this one delivers in that category in spades. I attribute that audible feedback somewhat to the razor itself. Aluminum alloy is much less denser than Stainless and Brass and acoustically the Aluminum alloy absorbs less sound effect or doesn’t mute it as much as the other more denser alloys do. Whipping this thing around one’s face and neck is really nice yet, with that positive blade exposure you can’t get to lazy or reckless because it can draw blood just like any other razor. Better than average smoothness or comfort of feel on the skin. Can’t give you an estimate yet on what razor or razors it assimilates to as I‘ve only this one shave but, it reminds me somewhat of the Timeless Aluminum. The Guerilla though offers better cutting ability thanks to its higher gap and exposure. One thing I thought about that could be a potential negative was on the anodizing itself. My experience in the past with using anodized products always had this micro abrasive feel to it and I was afraid that I was going to get that with the Guerilla and that somehow might affect the glide or smoothness that the razor could provide once on skin. No worries at all on that end as you can tell from the pics the finish is superb and the feel on skin is slicker than Llama snot once it hits lather & skin.

One shave does not nor should it tell a story of a razor. But, call me impressed with a very efficient performing razor and I look forward to putting in some more shaves with it and experimenting with some different blades in the coming days.

Great shaves to all…

@uptown how would you compare the .99 Guerrilla to other razors you have? I’m digging this one but not sure what gap to buy. My favorite razors are Blackbird, Yates H, ATT SSRH and Athena. I’m thinking .99 but maybe .84 would be better for daily shaves?
@uptown how would you compare the .99 Guerrilla to other razors you have? I’m digging this one but not sure what gap to buy. My favorite razors are Blackbird, Yates H, ATT SSRH and Athena. I’m thinking .99 but maybe .84 would be better for daily shaves?
You know I'm undecided too! I think 0.84 is the right compromise
@uptown how would you compare the .99 Guerrilla to other razors you have? I’m digging this one but not sure what gap to buy. My favorite razors are Blackbird, Yates H, ATT SSRH and Athena. I’m thinking .99 but maybe .84 would be better for daily shaves?
I have the same dilemma. I am perfectly happy with the Timeless aluminum and the ATT SB90. I wonder what the Guerrilla would add. Based on the descriptions so far of the Guerrilla smoothness, I would probably opt for the .99 myself. I await the added colors before I'll pull the trigger on it.
I have the same dilemma. I am perfectly happy with the Timeless aluminum and the ATT SB90. I wonder what the Guerrilla would add. Based on the descriptions so far of the Guerrilla smoothness, I would probably opt for the .99 myself. I await the added colors before I'll pull the trigger on it.
"You can have any color you want as long as it's black"
Wanted to give the Aluminum .99 Guerilla a solid test today and I let the whiskers grow out a bit from my last shave on Sunday morning. So, that gave me at least nearly 3-1/2 days of some tough wirey whiskers to deal with. As an added bonus, I went with the sharpest steel blade in DE land, the Feather. I know, light weight razor with positive blade exposure & a Feather. You only live once and I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do technique wise. First stroke and it was evident that this was going to be an awesome shave but, some care was going to be required. Not Zen like focus, just be mindful at the task at hand. Feather’s are a bit harsh for me almost always on the first shave. But, on the 2nd & 3rd they come into play beautifully. WTG was the first pass and the Feather worked really well with the Guerilla and I just made a slight adjustment on the angle just to take a bit of the harshness & bite out of this combo. Superb first pass that brought the whiskers to skin level without much fanfare nor any struggles from this lightweight contender. Slightest increase in pressure with the angle slightly geared towards neutral and it was on to pass 2. ATG is where this thing really showed its pedigree from the Wolfman stable of razor thoroughbreds. Upward strokes were precise yet even with no chatter nor skipping of the blade & razor. It was just a fluid and smooth action where the razor never needed to be lifted nor repositioned on a well guided glide over the skin. Cleared it and a quick rinse and I noticed 3 tiny dots, one on the chin and two near the corner of the stache. A new Feather will practically always give me a weeper or three and it’s just the nature of this blade beast. Another cold water face splash and all 3 dissipated quickly. I could have honestly called it quits here as I was DFS at this point with just a couple of stragglers around the Adam’s Apple area and a couple of small tight patches around the chin and left jawline. You know me, I’m a BBS chaser. On to pass 3. XTG from ear to nose on both sides and the clean up at Sir Adam. Excellent audible feedback from every single stroke at every stage of all 3 passes. Another thing I haven’t mentioned is this razor clears lather & hair with ease and rinsing is a 2 second splash or run under the water. Great channels that give excellent drainage & exit for everything cut and removed. Cold water splash and face rub gave no doubt of what was accomplished. A quick alum run proved to be nearly useless as there was no heat or discomfort except for a tiny spot under the chin. That’s on me for being overzealous and not an iota of fault on the razor.

Superb shave when all was said and done. No blood after those 3 tiny dots from the 2nd pass and 98% calm and relaxed skin on both face & neck. This pup has teeth but, in a real nice way. Nearly 4 days worth of whiskers and the Alum Guerilla went through it like a bunch of 5th graders running through a wall of wet paper at recess. Am I surprised? Absolutely. This is going to be fun.

Great shaves to all….

I'm in for an aluminum Guerilla!
I will wait though till they come out with other colors. I'd like a red one!

Besides the other metals, I like aluminum razors too!
I have a few:
ATT Windsor, Chiseled Face legacy, Design94, Focus Tritok, Goodfellas' Styletto, Henson +++, Shave it Shadow and PAA Prismatic V2.
Head design on the Guerilla seems very similar to the Shave it Shadow (without the scallops). Interestingly enough, the Shadow is also Canadian!
They're no longer in business though!

Just emailed Tara at Wolfman Razors and just placed an order for two additional base plates in the .69 & .84 gap sizes. Plates should be here within 7-10 days. Looking forward to how mild it can get and yet still be effective with these two optional gap sizes. The lowest which I believe is .54 really did not appeal to me as I thought it might be a bit too mild for my tastes.

More reports to come on this little choo-choo that could.... :ihih:
Just emailed Tara at Wolfman Razors and just placed an order for two additional base plates in the .69 & .84 gap sizes. Plates should be here within 7-10 days. Looking forward to how mild it can get and yet still be effective with these two optional gap sizes. The lowest which I believe is .54 really did not appeal to me as I thought it might be a bit too mild for my tastes.

More reports to come on this little choo-choo that could.... :ihih:
If you notice the non Guerrilla razors have many gap options so I think James is going raise the bar to higher gaps on the Guerrilla. Why stop at .99 when you can go to 1.50. With different color options it gets exciting.
If you notice the non Guerrilla razors have many gap options so I think James is going raise the bar to higher gaps on the Guerrilla. Why stop at .99 when you can go to 1.50. With different color options it gets exciting.
I see it as possible if they limit the blade exposure. As light as aluminum is, you sometimes have the urge to press as you shave. So a large gap and lots of blade exposure would equal a potato peeler.
Good example is the Chiseled Face Legacy. It's got a huge blade gap but limited exposure. The titanium version is an autopilot razor but the aluminum version requires a little more care (and they both have equal specifications).
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