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Alpha Spirit!

I am among the few people out there that don't really get along with the Vector standard plate (haven't tried the Lite plate). I've tried both the SS and the Titanium versions. I tried different soaps, different blades, different angles, different pressure. And although the Titanium worked better, both of them just feel really "scrapey" when shaving. Like I was dragging a miniature rake across my face. Only way I can describe it. My suspicion is that it has to do with the really shallow safety bar.

Now given all this, would I like the Spirit, or am I looking for a repeat experience?

Also, how does the Spirit compare to the La Faulx Classic? Same level of comfort and efficiency?
Did I put this out there....

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When will these be available?????????????????
If you decide to release extra plates, will they all come included with the razor?
I used to want plate options too but the more I use the feather Pro supers I realised it's not needed. The Spirit is a mild and efficient razor on most blades and the Supers bump it up quite a bit and allows for more angles to be viable. The Supers have become my favourite AC blade on the Spirit as well as the Amakuni but on the Spirit, the razor shaves like how I would imagine a light saber would be 😂
^^^^^^ I agree with the gentleman above. An assortment of different blades can and will alter the degree of smooth action vs efficient action by just replacing a particular blade. Cutting ability and feel can be achieved by just that alone, at least with the Spirit one can.

Anyhow, I received my Bronze Spirit yesterday to go along with its SS cousin and the look & finish is simply stupendous. Better yet was the sublime shave that it delivered with KAI Captain Mild Pink on its first use. 3 gloriously smooth & comfortable passes that left no irritation, weepers or nics of any kind. Truly a wonderful shave that was equal if not better that its SS stablemate. Alpha Shaving has produced an excellent combo of razors out of the limited ones that I own.




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