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A newbie’s journey into DE shaving

@Goblin - Jim any ideas on how to avoid that suction? My lather was slick and thin from what I could tell.

Mmm...honestly, I can't say this is a problem I experience, but I am not a headshaver. I will say a couple of things:

- I have this shavette. I like it and have a couple of backups too, but it is a bit difficult in terms of being unbalanced by the heavy handle and short tang (assuming yours is identical to mine). I imagine that could make life difficult if you are holding the razor horizontally whilst head shaving. I am sure you can master it, but it might not be the easiest one to learn on.

- Sloppy lather is key, as you clearly already know. I guess it is all relative and depends where you are starting from. I do know that after spending most of 2024 using shavettes, my lathers are now much thinner than they ever used to be. It does sound like you might still have had too much texture to it.

I think maybe you should check in at the SABRE thread and also see what @Old Hippie has to say on the subject, since he is the resident head shaver. I don't like to immediately suggest gear changes, but you might have an easier time with something like a Parker PTB, which will be ligher, better balanced and more forgiving.


Is it swell time?
Thanks @Goblin, James, very helpful. I think I only realised my lather needed to be thinner towards the end of the shave. I haven't had that suction effect with GEMs and Injectors, presumably because the angle and razorhead design are actually smaller than the shavette.

As you said I like this shavette design quite a lot - more than the flimsy plastic Jaguar one I also have - but that Jaguar does shave better at the moment, because for some reason that suction effect is non-existent with that one. The Jaguar is polished compared to the unbranded one ('Barberboy'), that might be part of the equation, although I am also just looking for culprits here.

I will check SABRE indeed - duh! - and see what Hippie @Old Hippie has to say. I remember him mostly shaving with slants. He is also much more experienced than I am!

Thanks again.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
I will check SABRE indeed - duh! - and see what Hippie @Old Hippie has to say. I remember him mostly shaving with slants. He is also much more experienced than I am!

Thanks! I don't have all that much experience, but I like to talk about it. :)

I seem to dimly recall that my Parker SRX got a little "sticky" sometimes, which combined with some other factors started to bother me. I also get some suction from the Focus Slim Al; possibly for a slightly different reason (it's a very light razor, aluminum, and it doesn't take much suction to stop it cold) but neither one of those razors is currently in my top favourites.

As I think about it, the part of the Parker that used to stick was, I think, the clip over the spine that holds it all together. Also I had a bit of luck carefully positioning the blade for a bit more edge exposure, but that increased the chance of corner sticks.

I've seen the advice to "raise the back about a spine's width" and that's probably good. I find with some shavettes and my skull that I'm raising the back quite a bit just to get steel on skin anyway. More with the Feather SS and clones, which is why I prefer the SR and the Kasho. There is a really fine line between pushing the edge along the skin versus pushing it into the skin.

Wecks are fantastic in that regard -- no suction and a nice low angle.



Is it swell time?
Thanks Hippie!! Excellent info!

As I think about it, the part of the Parker that used to stick was, I think, the clip over the spine that holds it all together.
Hmm… that might very well be the issue here too. It does have that clip whereas the plastic one is a slide in.
I've seen the advice to "raise the back about a spine's width"
I had to read that twice, but I think I get it. So an angle where I have a spine’s width of room between the top of the razor head and my skin/scalp.
There is a really fine line between pushing the edge along the skin versus pushing it into the skin.
Absolutely! And I have experienced that in one or two very close encounters!!

Thanks again! DE/GEM/Injector head shaves were great right out of the gate. Somehow I was lucky that those shaves came very naturally. Shavettes are a different ball game, and as such are most fun to explore and add to the repertoire.

Thanks again!!

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
Thanks Hippie!! Excellent info!

You're welcome!

I had to read that twice, but I think I get it. So an angle where I have a spine’s width of room between the top of the razor head and my skin/scalp.


Shavettes are a different ball game, and as such are most fun to explore and add to the repertoire.

I found the same thing. I think I jumped into them a little early, but whatever. I definitely benefit from building technique with other razors, and now I find that building technique with shavettes helps me when I pick up a different shavette. Going full-circle, I find shavette technique has improved other razors for me as well. I decided last fall that I was going to spend some time with the shavettes during the winter. That's when I often find some interesting thing to learn more about -- helps keep me sane on those dark cold days.



I shaved a fortune
You're welcome!


I found the same thing. I think I jumped into them a little early, but whatever. I definitely benefit from building technique with other razors, and now I find that building technique with shavettes helps me when I pick up a different shavette. Going full-circle, I find shavette technique has improved other razors for me as well. I decided last fall that I was going to spend some time with the shavettes during the winter. That's when I often find some interesting thing to learn more about -- helps keep me sane on those dark cold days.

I have 4 very nice barber razors... All Artist Club... Winter seems like a good time to explore them.... As like you, I bought them early on.. .but have only used the Kai Captain Excelia... I also have a Kai Kosho Woody, Kai folding carbon fiber and a Feather folding DX.


Is it swell time?
I have 4 very nice barber razors... All Artist Club... Winter seems like a good time to explore them.... As like you, I bought them early on.. .but have only used the Kai Captain Excelia... I also have a Kai Kosho Woody, Kai folding carbon fiber and a Feather folding DX.
They haven’t had shave time yet, right Kim? I cannot recall you ever mentioning them. The DX maybe, but others not to my memory.


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Yaqi Sentinel 1.50SB
Lambda Athena V1
Nacet (14)Abe’s Brush Works Synbad
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (16)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Absolutely awesome shave. Both razors working closely together and very much on par between each other. The Sentinel is smoother than the AX from yesterday even though the differences seem minor. The Athena is fantastic of course. What a true joy using this razor!

I deliberately refrained from an ATG pass because I wanted to see how effective the XATG diagonal pass would be. And it is. I absolutely need the ATG for that glassy finish, but this was wonderful.

The shavette head shave was less stellar as I nicked my ear with a corner of the blade and managed to have a happy little accident on the other side as well. Suction was less using OH @old Hippie’s advice, but I think I will use the plastic shavette for head shaves and this steel one for face shaves (I think I can control the razor better when using on my face).

Soap was lovely again. Nothing much to add as Kim previously said. Just plain awesome soap from our resident soap makers!

The auction is coming along nicely. Most items are CONUS which is fine by me. I did enter a small international lot for fun and contribution. I had my eyes on one or two other lots, but 1) don’t need additional razors and 2) LOTH mentioned I already have a super lather bowl.

Enjoy your shave today!


I shaved a fortune
They haven’t had shave time yet, right Kim? I cannot recall you ever mentioning them. The DX maybe, but others not to my memory.
I did one shave with the non-folding Excelia. I only did the first WTG pass. It was much easier than I expected, but I’d need to dedicate more time with it, as well as my 3 folding barber shop razors, before I could be proficient.

The problem is I’m having too much fun with my DEs and ACs, so the motivation isn’t there. <eg>
I did one shave with the non-folding Excelia. I only did the first WTG pass. It was much easier than I expected, but I’d need to dedicate more time with it, as well as my 3 folding barber shop razors, before I could be proficient.

The problem is I’m having too much fun with my DEs and ACs, so the motivation isn’t there. <eg>
I tried my hand at Shavette's last year and gave up after the third shave.
I didn't find any fun in it at all!
It's definitely an art and for someone that has the time and patience!


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Yaqi Sentinel 1.50SB

Mühle Rocca R94
Nacet (1)Abe’s Brush Works Synbad
Cold splash

Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (17)

Face lathered
Cold splash



EffectivenessFacial Impact Score
(Buttery Smooth)


Brilliant start of the week today. Last time using the Rocca together with a Nacet things this not end well which was - in hindsight - mainly a follow through on the shave with the Tek. But today the Rocca was much much smoother. The Sentinel was equally smooth and both razors felt really alike. Some minor red spots from the freshness of the Nacet blades.

The Synbad knot is a great lathering tool when face lathering. Splays super easy and is all joy in my book.

Enjoy your shave today!
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