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A newbie’s journey into DE shaving


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84SB
Mühle R41/SLOC
Nacet (8)Abe’s Brush Works Smokey Bandit
(Aphaveco SilkSmoke knot 24mm)
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (9)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


I fitted the R41 with the Yaqi Beast cap to smoothen the shave. And away we went. Both razors are wonderful this Monday as we kickstart the week. With the SLOC cap the R41 is indeed a smooth shaver. Smoother than normal anyways. The pairing with the Nacet blade seems spot on and the R41 obliterated the stubble on my right cheek during the WXTG first pass. Interestingly the right side had more stubble than the left side, implying that either the Athena was less effective than the Game Changer yesterday or - more likely - the Game Changer was less effective XATG on the right cheek while the Athena was very effective XATG on the left cheek yesterday. Today’s razors seemed very much on par with the Game Changer being an equally smooth and nice fit with the Nacet blade.

Face lathered today. I am thinking of alternating face and bowl lathering during the week. To add a little variation. The soap is definitely up for it so no worries there. Great lather that may have been a little on the pasty side for the last pass due to my failure to add sufficient water at the beginning of the lathering process. The SilkSmoke knot is very versatile and can whip up a lather in no time. Potentially even better than my Plissoft knots from Razorock.

Technique was pretty much consistently spot on. I like this altered XTG into XATG pass making the ATG more of a touch up pass than the bringing it home pass, but it depends on the razor and blade at use. I have noticed not all are that effective for ATG being a choice rather than a required pass. I still love baby smoothness, so I do the ATG any way, but it is nice to know I can vary in my results based on the time available for example while still being very decent or smooth even.

Enjoy your shave today!


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84SB
Timeless Ti95 SCL
Nacet (9)Abe’s Brush Works Smokey Bandit
(Aphaveco SilkSmoke knot 24mm)
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (10)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Blissful shave today with both razors rivalling for match of the day. The Ti95 was ice skating over my skin with the worked in Nacet and being very effective in the process. The right cheek fell for the lovely strokes of the Game Changer. A hint more blade feel with the GC compared to the Ti95. Overall I would say the Ti95 took the prize with a very smooth shave. ATG served as the money pass to almost marble planes. Excellent!

Face lathered again today and MWF #1 is a joy every time I am using it. Quick loading, quick lathering. And while I have no idea what the scent resembles or should resemble - nor can I describe it - it is masculine and still fresh. Not that heavy masculine stuff, like Oud, Leather, Bay Rum or similar. Those scents are likely to never enter my den since I tossed an almost full bottle of Floïd's the Genuine, because the LOTH did not find it an acquired taste at all.

I was experimenting with my XATG strokes today much to my delight. What I basically did was short diagonal strokes (SW-NE) while moving horizontally from my ear to the middle of my face. And then back from the middle to my ear using the mirrored diagonal stroke (SE-NW). For the right side of my face this is obviously reversed. That almost renders the need for straight ATG (S-N) void. Of course I still did it, but it wasn't super necessary with these two razors. It is a sort of enhanced Four Pass Shave in a way. I will keep experimenting some more and if successful I might dedicate a separate thread to it.

Enjoy your shave today!


Is it swell time?
Soooo…did my head shave just now. MWF #1 (11), my trusted Razorock Big Bruce (001_wub), Nacet blade (1),…loaded in a Jaguar shavette!

Wow! That was close! That was struggling! That was a reset in technique almost. I walked away with only one nick where the blade just went right into my skin, but I caught it in the nick of time (pun intended). This was on my right side and as I am left handed I had a hard time get the angle right, the razor on my hand to feel comfortable and see what I was doing in the mirror! Hard work.

No way I was using this beast ATG, so I pulled put my usual Supply 2.0 with a level 3 plate and boy was that BBS! I might even go marble in some areas.

I had fun exploring this extension of my shave repertoire. More practice is required and I am still on the fence if I will take this thing to my face.


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84SB
Executive Shaving Outlaw Classic
Nacet (10)Abe’s Brush Works Smokey Bandit
(Aphaveco SilkSmoke knot 24mm)
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (11+12)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


This will make an interesting shave for sure. Nacet continues to perform to my liking. I am wondering if the rough shave would have occurred using this gear as well rather than the hyper aggressive ones I was using. Or that is some fluke and these blades just came to life irrespective of the razors.

The Outlaw Classic is definitely evolving into my GOAT razor even though technically the shave stats might favour other razors depending which stats I take into account. I was reworking some of my stats and the Outlaw together with the Ares V2 are currently the top dogs using my normalised weighted average. A lot of words to state the razor is effortless in its comfort and effectiveness.

The Game Changer was equally smooth and I had a fantastic shave today.

Quick face lather today. Nice slickness and protective cushion. The brush is amazing as well. My dad set the knot relatively low giving it more backbone than I see in other pictures with the SilkSmoke. I like the setting however.

Repeated my revisited XATG stroke and it worked like a charm. I also had the impression I had less stubble than yesterday morning. Could be part of the solution of this new pass motion. ATG for the final smoothness and closeness.

Just realised that last Monday was my third B&B anniversary. Love this place and its people!!

Enjoy your shave today!
365 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84SB
Executive Shaving Outlaw Classic
Nacet (10)Abe’s Brush Works Smokey Bandit
(Aphaveco SilkSmoke knot 24mm)
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (11+12)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


This will make an interesting shave for sure. Nacet continues to perform to my liking. I am wondering if the rough shave would have occurred using this gear as well rather than the hyper aggressive ones I was using. Or that is some fluke and these blades just came to life irrespective of the razors.

The Outlaw Classic is definitely evolving into my GOAT razor even though technically the shave stats might favour other razors depending which stats I take into account. I was reworking some of my stats and the Outlaw together with the Ares V2 are currently the top dogs using my normalised weighted average. A lot of words to state the razor is effortless in its comfort and effectiveness.

The Game Changer was equally smooth and I had a fantastic shave today.

Quick face lather today. Nice slickness and protective cushion. The brush is amazing as well. My dad set the knot relatively low giving it more backbone than I see in other pictures with the SilkSmoke. I like the setting however.

Repeated my revisited XATG stroke and it worked like a charm. I also had the impression I had less stubble than yesterday morning. Could be part of the solution of this new pass motion. ATG for the final smoothness and closeness.

Just realised that last Monday was my third B&B anniversary. Love this place and its people!!

Enjoy your shave today!
Happy anniversary! The Outlaw remains on my target list!
365 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84SB
Executive Shaving Outlaw Classic
Nacet (10)Abe’s Brush Works Smokey Bandit
(Aphaveco SilkSmoke knot 24mm)
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (11+12)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


This will make an interesting shave for sure. Nacet continues to perform to my liking. I am wondering if the rough shave would have occurred using this gear as well rather than the hyper aggressive ones I was using. Or that is some fluke and these blades just came to life irrespective of the razors.

The Outlaw Classic is definitely evolving into my GOAT razor even though technically the shave stats might favour other razors depending which stats I take into account. I was reworking some of my stats and the Outlaw together with the Ares V2 are currently the top dogs using my normalised weighted average. A lot of words to state the razor is effortless in its comfort and effectiveness.

The Game Changer was equally smooth and I had a fantastic shave today.

Quick face lather today. Nice slickness and protective cushion. The brush is amazing as well. My dad set the knot relatively low giving it more backbone than I see in other pictures with the SilkSmoke. I like the setting however.

Repeated my revisited XATG stroke and it worked like a charm. I also had the impression I had less stubble than yesterday morning. Could be part of the solution of this new pass motion. ATG for the final smoothness and closeness.

Just realised that last Monday was my third B&B anniversary. Love this place and its people!!

Enjoy your shave today!
Happy anniversary!
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