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A newbie’s journey into DE shaving

It wasn’t even by my own doing in August. The LOTH asked for advice on a shaving gift so I went with the gentlemanly way and declared myself out. Have had a limited RADish run, but feeling content at the moment. RRA is at ease with my current rotation approach. I should be good and make it. Already took care of the birthday jitters as well by placing myself on the waiting list early. And I have one exception fora nice soap just in case. But no more razors. I think my Outlaw is your Lupo. And with my normal avatar I am projecting extra energy!
Yeah a lot of pressure Guido especially 2024 being a leap year. 2025 you’ll have one less day to scratch off 😬
Further, the shaving angle becomes steeper as the number goes up because only the safety bar drops while the blade remains stationary. This is fairly obvious, but is worth adding for those who are new to this. What this means in layman's terms is that the blade is becoming less parallel with your skin and pointing more towards it(assuming that you keep the safety bar in contact with your face). This increases the risk on top of the increased exposure as the dial is turned higher.

I put some very bad MS Paint images in my journal to illustrate this point as I think it is often not considered. All other factors being equal, a multi-plate razor with a high gap plate will have a steeper shave angle than a lower gap plate. It also means that on the higher gap, the blade itself makes contact at a more perpendicular angle - more scrapey, less slicey. At some point there has to be an efficiency trade-off, although where that falls will depend on so many other factors it's almost impossible to discuss meaningfully - a true example of YMMV.


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

Lambda Athena
Gillette Aristocrat OC #15
7 OC Yellow (14)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Proraso Green (6)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Sunday was just as blissful as Saturday! Superb performances by both razors with smoothness and comfort coming from the blades - no real signs of fatigue of them yet. Absolutely love the Athena’s effectiveness while providing a mild shave. The OC Gillette started out as extremely mild, but after finding the best approach it is one of my most effective razors.

It has been ages since I last used Proraso Green - somewhere mid 2023. Felt like coming home. A favourite of the LOTH as well. Nice menthol kick in the chilly morning too. Great lather using my Copper Lather Bowl. Love it!

My brush is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!


Is it swell time?
I don't even like to bowl lather, but now I feel like I need one of these copper bowls 🤣! The heavy one.
I am surprised you didn’t already have one! But I will be honest here Mitch. The @Captain Pre-Capsize Copper Boel heavyweight is extraordinary (aka Bill’s @WThomas0814 Bowl) . Super easy to use and super easy to clean and dry. I find my boat brushes are softer when bowl lathering than face lathering.


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

Mühle R41 SLOC
Mühle Rocca R94
7 OC Yellow (15)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Intesa (1)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Tag team today with the Mühle razors. Both excellent in their own right. I used the Yaqi Beast SLOC cap on the R41 to give it some extra smoothness. The Rocca is superb by itself. As the blades were still performing yesterday I thought to give them another go today. The R41 SLOC definitely felt less scrapy compared to the OEM cap. Still a very effective razor and really challenging the Rocca to show its best performance. It did so by the way. The R41 was the more effective one, but the Rocha combines that unique blend of effectiveness with comfort. Also less blade feel than the R41. There was some insignificant facial impact which was gone post rinse and post shave, but I have taken it into account nonetheless.

First time using Intesa cream. It’s from Italy and based on avocado oils. It’s quite a stiff cream and you have to really squeeze hard to get it out of the tube. It lathered instantly using my Captain’s Choice bowl and the Omega 10108. Thick and rich lather I would say. Shave was good. It provided a good glide, but it does dry out quite quickly with limited residual slickness (to do a second pass or a little touch up). I have no idea what avocados smell like (I would say like nothing) and I have also no idea what this cream smells like either. Soap comes to mind, but a very specific soap. Like detergent soap. When I asked the LOTH she almost instantly said “toilet cleaner” which sounds bad for a shaving cream, but it has a freshness to it akin of perhaps Arko (no resemblance in accent whatsoever by the way). I prefer fresh scented soaps and am not fond of the heavy smells like leather, tabac, smokey, et cetera. All in all good cream, not top notch like Lavanda - at least not based on this one shave - but I see myself using this more often.

Finished Stirling’s Executive Man balm this morning (took me about two years with irregular use). It is a good balm and I like the scent, but not enough to restock. I am also out of Aventus dupes save a sample I received from my namesake neighbour which I can use coming August. Looking forward to that as I have never used a Stirling shave cream before.

My brush is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!


Is it swell time?

366 daily shaves

Razorine Flatboy
Timeless Ti95SCL
7 OC Yellow (16)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Hampshire Wool Fat (59)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


I could be a figurine in a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, because using the Flatboy makes me feel part of the HMS Dauntless or rather Daunting. I think it looks amazing on my Tanuki short Ti handle (I love the looks of the Flatboy this way. Looks bad@$$. I do know my challenges with this razor and so I only used the razor WXTG. The Ti95 is more like being part of the cast of Cars: I am speed…effortless XTG and ATG with mega effectiveness. I feel smooth all over. Blade performance was ok, but I have experienced better. One or two fading weepers gone on rinsing incurred with the Ti95 surprisingly. The first pass with the Flatboy was very enjoyable and very effective. The pairing with the Ti handle makes it a very nimble razor and helps to easily adjust the angle. Previously I had a long handle to assist in shaving really shallow, but today was rather steep and worked wonderfully. The Flatboy still is at the lower ranks of my stats because of some less stellar shaves in the past. It shaves where I regularly had a weeper or two. The Ti95 performed as expected and effective too.

Head shave yesterday evening with Intesa shave cream. Loaded an almond size dollop straight on the brush and went to town. Intesa isa thirsty soap at first so I dunked the brush ala the @Marco Method, loaded the soap and started lathering on top. Some extra water and I had a nice thick cushion protecting my dome from the GEM blade loaded into the GEM G-Bar. Excellent! I have been using this razor and blade for my head shaves for two months now and still nicely fresh and sharp. I don’t keep accurate scores for my head shaves (they are practically always the same - two pass BBS or BBS-), but I think there are some 20-30 shaves in this blade.

My brush is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84SB
Gillette Tech Canada
7 OC Yellow (17)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Canada Shaving Soap (1)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


An all Canadian shave today 🇨🇦 Yes, I know the brush is an Omega brush from Italy, but @Balin gave it to me so it came from Canada as far as I am concerned :001_smile! Both razors are amongst my favourites for different reasons. Comfortable shave today with both. I had the faintest idea that the Tech was actually more effective than the GC, but in the end very equal to each other.

The star of today’s shave however is the shave soap so kindly and generously brought to me by Eric @MaineYooper. Eric is a fan of unscented soaps like Kim @Phoenixkh is and both very much like Canada Shaving Soap. I have read both their posts on the soap and was curious as to how it would shave. I have researched how to get it, but it is a rare soap to be seen on this side in the EU. The closer we have I guess is MdC. Anyway, Eric reached out and here we are!! Epic to say the least! I decided on bowl lathering as I can control water and product intake just a bit better. I loaded the soap for 15 counts initially and started lathering. Even though this is a hard soap a proto lather forms quite easily even slightly spilling over the rim (which actually isn’t hard to do because this tub is filled to the max!). Captain’s Choice Bowl produced a very fine and rich lather. Not necessarily thick yet. That happened when I finished the lather on my face using face lathering. Is this a thirsty soap? I couldn’t tell, so maybe Eric and/or Kim can chime in. It delivers excellent protection and has some interesting additional qualities too: I managed to nick myself with the Tech (no idea how that happened - I think just a little too much distance between my skin and the razor). There was blood and a sharp sting. I rinsed. Less blood. No gushing or anything like that. But when I washed my face past shave with the remaining lather the bleeding stopped. I felt a tingle in my face from the soap. No irritating feeling whatsoever. Aftershave sting was nothing compared to prior days. Very interesting. The post shave feel is somewhat dry and it feels stretchy on the skin, but as soon as I applied aftershave and balm my skin feels great and soft to the touch. Really nice! The soap is unscented but (of course) does have a smell to it. It smells like a soap bar I guess. At least that’s what the LOTH confirmed or mentioned. That “scent” is nice as well. This is just the first shave, but I know I will enjoy this soap for many many days to come!

Eric @MaineYooper this has been an amazing opportunity from an amazing human being. Thank you for giving me this chance and try/use CSS. The stuff is fantastic and I am looking forward to extended use next year (sounds like something from a galaxy far away, but it’s actually just around the corner in 22 days!)!

My brush is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
366 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84SB
Gillette Tech Canada
7 OC Yellow (17)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Canada Shaving Soap (1)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


An all Canadian shave today 🇨🇦 Yes, I know the brush is an Omega brush from Italy, but @Balin gave it to me so it came from Canada as far as I am concerned :001_smile! Both razors are amongst my favourites for different reasons. Comfortable shave today with both. I had the faintest idea that the Tech was actually more effective than the GC, but in the end very equal to each other.

The star of today’s shave however is the shave soap so kindly and generously brought to me by Eric @MaineYooper. Eric is a fan of unscented soaps like Kim @Phoenixkh is and both very much like Canada Shaving Soap. I have read both their posts on the soap and was curious as to how it would shave. I have researched how to get it, but it is a rare soap to be seen on this side in the EU. The closer we have I guess is MdC. Anyway, Eric reached out and here we are!! Epic to say the least! I decided on bowl lathering as I can control water and product intake just a bit better. I loaded the soap for 15 counts initially and started lathering. Even though this is a hard soap a proto lather forms quite easily even slightly spilling over the rim (which actually isn’t hard to do because this tub is filled to the max!). Captain’s Choice Bowl produced a very fine and rich lather. Not necessarily thick yet. That happened when I finished the lather on my face using face lathering. Is this a thirsty soap? I couldn’t tell, so maybe Eric and/or Kim can chime in. It delivers excellent protection and has some interesting additional qualities too: I managed to nick myself with the Tech (no idea how that happened - I think just a little too much distance between my skin and the razor). There was blood and a sharp sting. I rinsed. Less blood. No gushing or anything like that. But when I washed my face past shave with the remaining lather the bleeding stopped. I felt a tingle in my face from the soap. No irritating feeling whatsoever. Aftershave sting was nothing compared to prior days. Very interesting. The post shave feel is somewhat dry and it feels stretchy on the skin, but as soon as I applied aftershave and balm my skin feels great and soft to the touch. Really nice! The soap is unscented but (of course) does have a smell to it. It smells like a soap bar I guess. At least that’s what the LOTH confirmed or mentioned. That “scent” is nice as well. This is just the first shave, but I know I will enjoy this soap for many many days to come!

Eric @MaineYooper this has been an amazing opportunity from an amazing human being. Thank you for giving me this chance and try/use CSS. The stuff is fantastic and I am looking forward to extended use next year (sounds like something from a galaxy far away, but it’s actually just around the corner in 22 days!)!

My brush is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
Nice review Guido! I was really curious about this soap, I too am a lover of unscented soaps and I discovered here on the CSS forum, unfortunately for us in Europe it is difficult to find it as you well know... I will follow the other shaves
:blushing: I could feel myself blushing as I read your post! You are most welcome and may I add that you definitely are one of the best gents here on B&B, always positive, pleasant and helpful to so many. Thank you for the kind words.

As for the CSS, I believe the maker stated it loads fast, like 15 seconds! And my memory is that it can be a thirsty soap. I checked some early posts I made with it and found it left my face feeling good, not dry. But I think some other soaps have added "goodies" that really make the post-shave feel fantastic, so there is that.

Here is a link from a few years back when CSS first made an appearance on B&B!


Is it swell time?
:blushing: I could feel myself blushing as I read your post! You are most welcome and may I add that you definitely are one of the best gents here on B&B, always positive, pleasant and helpful to so many. Thank you for the kind words.
:blushing: Now look at what you’ve done! :blushing:

Thank you Eric. Just trying to do my small contribution. And all the words are true. You are nothing short of epic!


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

Greencult 1.0
Blackland Blackbird SS
7 OC Yellow (18)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Canada Shaving Soap (2)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


I had a small conversation with Jim @Goblin about the Blackbird yesterday. I have to take some of my words back. I mentioned that I feel some redundancy with this razor as I have other razors delivering basically the same shave experience. I think I am somewhat underwhelmed by it all compared to the raving posts I generally see with the Blackbird. But as Jim pointed out I have reached the tipping point with the Balckbird and it is producing excellent shaves. And I really love its industrial design - especially in the polished version I have. So after this morning's shave I need to reassess my position on the Blackbird to one of love :001_wub:. I really like the razor and its performance. My reassessment is influenced by the fact I was doing a Daily Double with the GC1 today. The Greencult 1.0 is a different beasty altogether. Double the exposure and bigger gap to the Blackbird and at times a daunting razor to use. I think the blade feel was on par if I were to compare the razors with each other. I might do a Razor War for these two. And that made me realize that the Blackbird is nicely nimble and comfortable in comparison with excellent reviews. The 7OC blade works well in both razors. The fact that they are well used helped in the comfort aspect of the razors.

Both razors were very enjoyable today.

Second use of CSS today with 16 counts of loading time. I opted for face lathering this time and made sure to add plenty of water. This resulted in a thick and rich lather specifically in the first pass. Again I am struck by the what I would call healing capabilities of CSS. I opened a small weeper from yesterday, but post shave while washing my face with residual lather the bleeding stopped and I was left with a smooth and soft face.

My brush is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
Good day!

I used the CSS this morning and thought I'd share my experience with you. My loading time was about 15 seconds. My lather started out a little too wet, so for the second pass I swirled the brush a bit longer in my brush warmer. Now it was creamy! I think you have the right idea, using it for a few days in a row to get the hang of loading and lathering.

Immediately after the shave, I did feel my skin tightening. Not dry, but not like the face feel after using a soap with all sorts of goodies in it. This doesn't bother me too much, as I use a Zingari Man Recovery Splash, followed by a topical medication that does dry my skin ☹️

Hope you are having a good day!


Is it swell time?
Thanks Eric @MaineYooper! It is (quickly) growing on me! We lather about the same amount of time. Creamy is a good description I think of the consistency one can achieve.

The dryness post shave has that “I used a soap on my face” kind of dryness. Today it doesn’t feel stretchy like when using a regular (face) soap. All was excellent again with aftershave and balm. I find the softness of my skin striking.


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

DSCosmetic AX/‘WR2’ 1.557 OC Yellow (19)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Canada Shaving Soap (3)Cold splash
Aqua Velva A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


I had an outstanding shave with the Poleaxe today. Superb razor that feels smooth and nimble despite the huge gap and positive exposure (reportedly .06mm). And of course you have to be careful using this tool, because with these specs it can bite. But if you pay attention it is just one effective experience. This resulted in an extremely close and comfortable shave today. I feel really really smooth! I am past the 12 hour mark and I am still at - for me - very acceptable levels of CCS with hints of SAS, but nothing that would require shaving.

Today’s enabler I should say was CSS shaving soap. I lost track of my loading count, so I think I actually did double the loading or somewhere in that region. I generated a nice and thick lather with added water amping the slickness as well. Eric @MaineYooper mentioned the difference between dryness and tightness in his journal, so I paid extra attention to that distinction today and he is right. It isn't dryness I am experiencing, but a little bit of tighting in my skin. Just a tiny bit of streching if you will. Today's Aqua Velva followed by Proraso Cypress & Vetyver took that away in one sweep. This was the first time I used AV and I must say it has a nice scent and feeling to it. Like a milder version of Floïd the Genuine.

My brush is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

Executive Shaving Outlaw Classic7 OC Yellow (20)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
BSS (35)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


I am still wrapping my head around this morning’s shave. Got up to go to the gym so I wanted to get the shave done - not in a hurry, but just fairly quickly. So I opted for Boris’ @blethenstrom excellent shave stick. Applied the stick to my face, got out the wet/damp brush and started face lathering. BSS lathers almost instantly if you apply water to it and after the second dunk I had the cushion I am used to with the soap. Slick and rich and a joy to my skin. Perfect underground for the Outlaw.

The razor raced across my face and neck using the laser etched 7OC blade for skis. Two passes and I was very smooth. ATG on the cheeks for the .5 pass finish and I felt like marble and a king. I need to come to grips and state that the Outlaw is probably my GOAT razor, the Goldilocks, the Grail, the One to rule them all! It is just so fitting to my technique and skin that it has become pretty much autopilot. And it really has been from the start. Learning curve almost zero to none. I am thoroughly surprised that this razor hasn’t gathered a larger following here - perhaps because of some reports about alignment issues (which I - knock on wood - haven’t had to deal with yet) and the fact that it had a relatively short life span (it has been succeeded by the outlaw Evolution which has different specs - milder and of course the unfortunate demise of Executive Shaving).

I could sell my collection and just keep this one, but when I have that thought my eye starts OCD-twitching signalling that I really shouldn’t go down that path :nono: - well trust me that it never going to happen! I live the BOSC way! :a14::punk:

BSS is going on 35 and judging by what I have left I think 80-90 is easily achievable. Superb soap.

My brush is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
366 daily shaves

Executive Shaving Outlaw Classic7 OC Yellow (20)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
BSS (35)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


I am still wrapping my head around this morning’s shave. Got up to go to the gym so I wanted to get the shave done - not in a hurry, but just fairly quickly. So I opted for Boris’ @blethenstrom excellent shave stick. Applied the stick to my face, got out the wet/damp brush and started face lathering. BSS lathers almost instantly if you apply water to it and after the second dunk I had the cushion I am used to with the soap. Slick and rich and a joy to my skin. Perfect underground for the Outlaw.

The razor raced across my face and neck using the laser etched 7OC blade for skis. Two passes and I was very smooth. ATG on the cheeks for the .5 pass finish and I felt like marble and a king. I need to come to grips and state that the Outlaw is probably my GOAT razor, the Goldilocks, the Grail, the One to rule them all! It is just so fitting to my technique and skin that it has become pretty much autopilot. And it really has been from the start. Learning curve almost zero to none. I am thoroughly surprised that this razor hasn’t gathered a larger following here - perhaps because of some reports about alignment issues (which I - knock on wood - haven’t had to deal with yet) and the fact that it had a relatively short life span (it has been succeeded by the outlaw Evolution which has different specs - milder and of course the unfortunate demise of Executive Shaving).

I could sell my collection and just keep this one, but when I have that thought my eye starts OCD-twitching signalling that I really shouldn’t go down that path :nono: - well trust me that it never going to happen! I live the BOSC way! :a14::punk:

BSS is going on 35 and judging by what I have left I think 80-90 is easily achievable. Superb soap.

My brush is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
Wow! The GOAT! Grail! Goldilocks! One to rule them all! What is this godlike razor?
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