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A newbie’s journey into DE shaving


Is it swell time?
NOCvember evaluation
  • November saw 30 shaves with an average effectiveness score of 8.66/10 (last month: 8.77) - which equates results slightly above DFS+++ on average. So a little below October, but I have to take into account that I changed from 3.5 passes to 2.5 passes during (the most part of) November.
  • Lowest average score this month was a 7.00/10 on effectiveness with the Razorine Flatboy. Still my most volatile razor to date. This months top shave(s) go(es) to the Ti95 and Rocket HD. Splendid shaves with BBS+ results. But the other ones weren´t particularly slouching ones!
  • I used the Executive Outlaw the most. This is on average my most effective razor based on all shave statistics. It is just right in terms exposure and gap. A truly fantastic razor.
  • I used 4 blades this month with the Lord Cool and 7 O'Clock Yellow getting the most mileage. Both are high ranking in my stats.
  • Soap of the month was Hampshire Wool Fat which I took to 58 shaves. A very good and solid performing soap. Potentially desert island soap if pressed for it. I will be doing a small soap rotation in December, but likely to return to Tabarko and BSS #1 together with Mudder Focker and Hampshire Wool Fat.
Technique was pretty consistent throughout the month. Average Facial Impact Score was 9.49 (last month: 9.39) which is coming to mostly Butersmooth shaves creeping to GlideFest shaves.

A great month again for sure!


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
What I find most fascinating though is that using these blades in two razors, effectively decreasing their usage per shave, doesn´t increase their longevity somehow.
This isn’t as surprising as you would think. Back in the ‘60s Schick came to this conclusion after examining stainless blades under a microscope, the acidic deterioration of the edge was pretty gruesome. They put a picture of this in an advertisement for their new Plus Platinum blade, presumably to justify the increased cost. Back then, as you know, a blade was used a week. Period. Presumably, the deterioration must continue once started regardless of time on face. If you really wanted to, you might be able to neutralize this after every shave with alkaline water. Might be a fun experiment. It was a bit of an aha moment for me when I realized that purified water is actually acidic! I had been spraying everything down after every shave for years, maybe I should try my own suggestion.
This isn’t as surprising as you would think. Back in the ‘60s Schick came to this conclusion after examining stainless blades under a microscope, the acidic deterioration of the edge was pretty gruesome. They put a picture of this in an advertisement for their new Plus Platinum blade, presumably to justify the increased cost. Back then, as you know, a blade was used a week. Period. Presumably, the deterioration must continue once started regardless of time on face. If you really wanted to, you might be able to neutralize this after every shave with alkaline water. Might be a fun experiment. It was a bit of an aha moment for me when I realized that purified water is actually acidic! I had been spraying everything down after every shave for years, maybe I should try my own suggestion.
Water is a solvent. If you want to protect the apex of a blade it needs to be cleaned and than lightly oiled to protect it from oxidation.
Or just use a blade once or twice and dump it!
Problem solved!! 😂
Storage of the used blade between first and second uses exposes the apex to oxidation. It will develop micro cracks and even chunks dropping off. To many shavers the apex which has now moved away from an acute angle towards an obtuse angle is their huckleberry in a comfortable smoother blade. Albeit they will require more time and more pressure for the duller blade to achieve the cut. Reusing blades stretches and pushes your technique to the limits achieving close shaves with dulling blades. You are half right Larry using a blade once resolves many issues.

This link has some excellent pictures of apexes in various stages of breaking down. The apex of your razors edge is the most fragile thing that you have in your house.



Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Water is a solvent. If you want to protect the apex of a blade it needs to be cleaned and than lightly oiled to protect it from oxidation.
You are right of course. I sometimes usually come up with the most complicated solutions while ignoring the most practical. But for those of us that don't remove blades, because we have 10 razors loaded, I still wonder if the alkaline water would neutralise the acid. I remembered after posting why I switched to purified water: mineral buildup on the razor. I was using the acidity to neutralise the minerals on the razor and not worrying about the blade. I suppose anything we do now is better than how men treated their shave gear in the '50s.


Is it swell time?
I fear I am worse when it comes to blades. It says don’t wipe on most wrappers. I completely ignore that. I wipe all my blades dry with my micro soft towel. I am sure it does something to the edge for sure, but most of the times still very capable of cutting my hairs.
You are right of course. I sometimes usually come up with the most complicated solutions while ignoring the most practical. But for those of us that don't remove blades, because we have 10 razors loaded, I still wonder if the alkaline water would neutralise the acid. I remembered after posting why I switched to purified water: mineral buildup on the razor. I was using the acidity to neutralise the minerals on the razor and not worrying about the blade. I suppose anything we do now is better than how men treated their shave gear in the '50s.
You are right of course. I sometimes usually come up with the most complicated solutions while ignoring the most practical. But for those of us that don't remove blades, because we have 10 razors loaded, I still wonder if the alkaline water would neutralise the acid. I remembered after posting why I switched to purified water: mineral buildup on the razor. I was using the acidity to neutralise the minerals on the razor and not worrying about the blade. I suppose anything we do now is better than how men treated their shave gear in the '50s.
those of us that don't remove blades, because we have 10 razors loaded, I still wonder if the alkaline water would neutralise the acid.
You would probably be better off by just rinsing your razor in soapy water as it would be less of a solvent. Steel will oxidize if it isn’t coated with some form of barrier to oxygen. Campaigning blades is the norm for the majority of shavers. In the long run if I were rotating through multiple loaded razors as many do I wouldn’t be worried about it. Some shavers have campaigned blades multiple dozens of times and are happy with their shaves. Ultimately there is no correct way to shave, we all shave to the best of our ability. If we are happy and satisfied with our shaves, you don’t have a problem. Most improvements are minimal for those of us who explore splitting hairs so to speak.
Storage of the used blade between first and second uses exposes the apex to oxidation. It will develop micro cracks and even chunks dropping off.
Ok, new solution for that case:
Use it once and bin it!
I honestly have never had an issue with the second use of a blade
(Except the Feather FHS-10 for the OneBlade razor) but that's a special case.
Either way, I used to use blades 4-5 times and I'm now down to getting rid of them after the first use. I don't have to keep track of anything like that and I get a fresh shave everytime.
It's just easier (for me!)
Seriously, I'm just kidding!
Use a blade up to your hearts content.
Whatever works!!


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

Mühle Rocca
Souplex OC
7 OC Yellow (8)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Boris Shave Soap (BSS) #1 (33)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Since the Rocca arrived I have reached for the R41 less and less. Sometimes deliberately, because I have used the R41 extensively. But it’s turned into automated selection. I just love shaving with the Rocca. One of the reasons being that it might as well be called the Mühle Autopilot, because that’s what it communicates to me the most. It isn’t, but it is very close to being autopilot. Audio feedback is sharp in pitch and tells me exactly how the shave is going. Rinsing is similar to the Athena. Strong build and great design. Superb razor.

Another superb razor is the Souplex mounted on my Lasta Red Handle today. Very effective razor bringing the same effectiveness.

I did do something different compared to previous Double Daily’s. I used both razors during each pass. One razor for the left side, one razor for the right side and then swapping sides the next pass. I think it helped in getting the smoothest results possible given the number of passes. I like it enough to do it again tomorrow morning.

My brush for the next two weeks will be the Omega 10108 as I have restarted B&B’s Brush Chronicles - here.


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

Timeless Ti95 SCL
Gillette Tech FB
7 OC Yellow (9)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Boris Shave Soap (BSS) #1 (34)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Wonderful shave! I had to get up earlier for an early meeting, but decided to do a Daily Double anyway. Good decision! Both razors are favourites. The Ti95 took care of stubble with ease. Smooth and comfortable as I have come to know this razor. The ink stamped 7OC worked well together with the Ti95. The opposite side was taken care of by the Flat Bottom which felt slightly less effective with the laser etched 7OC - or was it supersmooth so I barely noticed its effectiveness? Ti95 side on the first pass felt closer. Switching for XTG and smoothness was all around. ATG for the win on the cheeks. Awesome shave. Blades are still performing well despite my reservations at the start of the week.

My brush for the next two weeks is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave!


Is it swell time?

366 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84OC
Gillette New Improved
7 OC Yellow (10)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mudder Focker (1)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


The Game Changer OC means business as does the New Improved. These razors require attention. Not in a demanding way, but I wouldn’t call them autopilot per say. I am using my Tanuki Ti handle on the GC today making the razor more nimble compared to the bulldog handle it came with. The NI is a favourite OC razor. Very direct. Very effective. The blades are performing accordingly although I do sense that the OC nature of both razors brings out the harsher side of these blades. Still performing, but I found the effectiveness lacking somewhat today. Could be the combo of razor and blade.

A new star in the shaving fellowship. Bill @WThomas0814 and I were exchanging ideas on the Brush Chronicles when he reached out in support with an epic gesture. If I wanted a @Captain Pre-Capsize lathering bowl - literally pick and choose. This bowl has been on my radar since joining B&B so I was speechless to say the least (I even made a @never-stop-learning lookalike picture!). And yesterday the postie delivered the package! It is a beauty! And instant love at first sight. For the interested ones among us - this is the heavyweight copper version weighting 283 grams or 10 ounches. It measures 4.25” in width (10.8cm) and is 1.5” tall (3.8cm). The inner ridges are designed for bowl lathering. I am dubbing it Bill’s Bowl! :thumbup1:

A perfect occasion to bring out a croap for the next couple of shaves. I thought it would be fitting to succeed BSS#1 with another soap Boris so graciously send over: Mudder Focker. The scent profile on this soap contains bergamot, anise, pineapple, jasmine with sandalwood and vanilla as base notes. It is a complex scent, smells fresh, doesn’t resemble other soaps or scents, but there is something about it that makes me want to smell it over and over again. It definitely smells better than it looks! Performance is excellent and so is the post shave. A fantastic soap. And what a joy it was bowl lathering again! Bill’s Bowl lays solid in hand and the whole design (with the compass rose a excellent gripping point for my thumb) has me producing lathered almost from the get go. Its weight ensures it stays where you put it and the weight ensures it doesn’t tip over like another surrogate bowl I bought last year. Even though it looks shallow at first sight, lather stays inside and there is no spillage over the sides.

My brush for the next two weeks is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave!

366 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84OC
Gillette New Improved
7 OC Yellow (10)Omega 10108
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mudder Focker (1)Cold splash
Proraso Green A/S

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


The Game Changer OC means business as does the New Improved. These razors require attention. Not in a demanding way, but I wouldn’t call them autopilot per say. I am using my Tanuki Ti handle on the GC today making the razor more nimble compared to the bulldog handle it came with. The NI is a favourite OC razor. Very direct. Very effective. The blades are performing accordingly although I do sense that the OC nature of both razors brings out the harsher side of these blades. Still performing, but I found the effectiveness lacking somewhat today. Could be the combo of razor and blade.

A new star in the shaving fellowship. Bill @WThomas0814 and I were exchanging ideas on the Brush Chronicles when he reached out in support with an epic gesture. If I wanted a @Captain Pre-Capsize lathering bowl - literally pick and choose. This bowl has been on my radar since joining B&B so I was speechless to say the least (I even made a @never-stop-learning lookalike picture!). And yesterday the postie delivered the package! It is a beauty! And instant love at first sight. For the interested ones among us - this is the heavyweight copper version weighting 283 grams or 10 ounches. It measures 4.25” in width (10.8cm) and is 1.5” tall (3.8cm). The inner ridges are designed for bowl lathering. I am dubbing it Bill’s Bowl! :thumbup1:

A perfect occasion to bring out a croap for the next couple of shaves. I thought it would be fitting to succeed BSS#1 with another soap Boris so graciously send over: Mudder Focker. The scent profile on this soap contains bergamot, anise, pineapple, jasmine with sandalwood and vanilla as base notes. It is a complex scent, smells fresh, doesn’t resemble other soaps or scents, but there is something about it that makes me want to smell it over and over again. It definitely smells better than it looks! Performance is excellent and so is the post shave. A fantastic soap. And what a joy it was bowl lathering again! Bill’s Bowl lays solid in hand and the whole design (with the compass rose a excellent gripping point for my thumb) has me producing lathered almost from the get go. Its weight ensures it stays where you put it and the weight ensures it doesn’t tip over like another surrogate bowl I bought last year. Even though it looks shallow at first sight, lather stays inside and there is no spillage over the sides.

My brush for the next two weeks is the Omega 10108 in B&B’s Brush Chronicles #16 - here.

Wishing you a wonderful shave!
Mudder Focker is amazing. I heard the scent profile is based on Boellis Panama. One of my favs. I also love the tingly sensation it makes on your skin, which is interesting because I don't think it contains menthol.
Guido just want to confirm 2025 GRUYERE will start exactly on 01 Jan or after some re-stocked on 15 Jan?

I want to try to see how far my self restraint will go but I may need to get a few A/S and balms. My current inventory may not last for a year.
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